🙁 that is very true. my old roomies all say that any union mail they get they just throw it away. a few others say they don't care because they won't be back anyways. 🙁
I don't think there is any more or less apathy among furloughees than among those still flying. I spent a lot of time learning about the candidates. Several of my furloughee friends did same. We discussed the issues extensively. By her own admission, a 33 yr. flight attendant changed her mind and voted because I "shamed" her into it. She thought there was no point because every f/a she talked to "said" that they were going to vote against JW. I told her the story (true) of the guy who was governor of Alabama 3 times, but no one ever voted for him. It wasn't crooked elections. It was just that you could never find anyone who would admit to voting for him.
The truth is that ALL of APFA has an apathy problem brought on by the union leadership rolling over for AMR management time and time again. That being said, the only way to change that is to get people in who will BE activists, not just talk about it.
As I was always told, the world doesn't judge you by your intentions, it judges you by your actions.