Stop by the E-gates sometime.
You said, Concourse E will be turboprop, 37, 44, and 50-seat RJs
The E-gates, when they were designed 15 years ago, were designed for the Metroliner, Jetstream 31, and the occasional Shorts 360 and Dash-8.
The Dash's long wingspan took up far too much space, so they were shipped over to the A-concourse. The E-gates squeeze as many Dornier, Saab, and Beech 1900s as they possibly can in there.
Trying to park RJs on that concourse would drastically reduce the number of airplanes that the concourse could accomodate.
What they REALLY need to do is a complete re-build of the E-gates that is designed for today's less-traditional regional airliners. Something along the lines of Comair's Cincinatti operation would be great, or our Philly Express terminal.
At the same time that they rebuild E (and what better time to use it as now, when the capacity is down and there is room to put those airplanes elsewhere) they desperately need to put Jetways on the A-gates that are designed for the regional aircraft there. Right now we're taking high-yield, premium customers (heck ANY customers should be of importance today) and we're going to make them walk down aircraft stairs onto a slushy ramp where they will pick up their snow-covered carry-ons and walk back UP a set of stairs to a jetway and into the terminal. What about our older customers or disabled customers?
That is not the kind of experience that the customers of the airline of choice should be subject to. Take American Eagle's concourse in O'Hare as an example -- in my opinion the finest regional airline facility in the country. The customers dont know they're on a commuter until they bump their head on the ceiling! (tongue-in-cheek)
As these facilities are being renovated the Express ground-staff needs to be completely retrained with an INTENSE focus on customer service and, by that I mean massive training, secret shoppers, etc. Right now there are express agents on the E-gates who treat our customers like garbage. They can barely pronounce a city-name and half dont know what state the city is in. (When they announce boarding to Ottawa, CANADA... dont you think that might be a little offensive to Canadians? Do you think that Air Canada gate-agents board flights to Pittsburgh United States? Ottawa ONTARIO Canada ladies & Gentlemen)
Affiliate carriers need to go to school to learn seamless service. I dont want to see Mesa flight attendants wearing Mesa uniforms (instead of USAir uniforms). I dont want to see pilots who think they dont have to wear their hat since they dont work for USAirways. I certainly dont want our customers to have to board airplanes that are in the wrong paintjob! And I dont want to have to listen to different cabin-announcements on each of the 7 different affiliate carriers! SEAMLESS service. If Dave wants customers to feel safe riding on the regionals, then he needs to make that experience as much like mainline as possible. Personally I think any further affiliate codesharing is a mistake -- you just dont have the quality control that you do with wholly-owned companies.
My point is this. If you truly intend to make RJ's the focus of the US Airways operation, then you had better darned-well make sure that you have the infrastructure to do it RIGHT.
The E-Gates just ain't gonna cut it.