I also was under the impression that Parker and company needed AA's premium PAX and rev. I truly hope he isn't going to bring it down to the cactus level. However, it seems as Hector( in charge of in flight service) who did come from AA many years ago is being aloud to invest in inflt service.
One thing that is going to start soon is getting rid of rolling hubs, Miami first. Cant wait until they see how many mis-conx due to
customs. Not everything Parker will be better, lots of things AA did worked well.
Josh, thanks for the 3 class info.
One thing that is going to start soon is getting rid of rolling hubs, Miami first. Cant wait until they see how many mis-conx due to
customs. Not everything Parker will be better, lots of things AA did worked well.
Josh, thanks for the 3 class info.