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Rummor Control:

A new rumour that if true, will be the straw that breaks my back. I will go on agency fee and do what I can to remove every last POS officer in Local 514.

The RUMOUR is, that during a recent event at the Bank of Oklahoma Event Center here in Tulsa, a group of our local officers and board members where partying it up in the hot tub of a suite somewhere in the BOK. At least one individual was so wasted, he/she slipped and cracked their head open and had to be driven home.

That all that I care to repeat on this board at this time.

Can anyone verify or care to add to this?
It was also said that the former Gordon boys are doing everything they can to undermine the local by cutting deal after deal with management. I guess they want their UBP too. <_<

Why not come over and just ask us!
1. Most of us have walk off the job a long time ago for the flight attendence. Have any of you every walked?
2. MCI was shut down for two weeks, we just reported to work and sat at the lunch tables. Ask us about May 10th.
Have any of you every done that. Have you ever @#$% on mgn desk? Many us have seen it done!
3. More then once we shut the place down an waited after work for a big shot to fly back. Have any of you?

When it come time to walk we'll be there!!!!
Even if we don't like what going on like being stab in the back!
Why not come over and just ask us!
1. Most of us have walk off the job a long time ago for the flight attendence. Have any of you every walked?
2. MCI was shut down for two weeks, we just reported to work and sat at the lunch tables. Ask us about May 10th.
Have any of you every done that. Have you ever @#$% on mgn desk? Many us have seen it done!
3. More then once we shut the place down an waited after work for a big shot to fly back. Have any of you?

When it come time to walk we'll be there!!!!
Even if we don't like what going on like being stab in the back!
Can't say I ever walked with the twu, we usually sell out before that happens, but I do remember DFW shutting down, when aa started to fly out of Love using contract maintenance. After a few days of delays the company got the message and staffed Love with aa mechanics.
Since then no balls, we've been neuterd by the twu/company
Why not come over and just ask us!
1. Most of us have walk off the job a long time ago for the flight attendence. Have any of you every walked?
2. MCI was shut down for two weeks, we just reported to work and sat at the lunch tables. Ask us about May 10th.
Have any of you every done that. Have you ever @#$% on mgn desk? Many us have seen it done!
3. More then once we shut the place down an waited after work for a big shot to fly back. Have any of you?

When it come time to walk we'll be there!!!!
Even if we don't like what going on like being stab in the back!
<_< ------ Hey Bubba! Tell them about the Conga lines! Or about that Supervisor who had to be rescued from his own dock by his Manager! Or the sound of a couple of hundred hammers, or more, beating on metal all at the same time!
Why not come over and just ask us!
1. Most of us have walk off the job a long time ago for the flight attendence. Have any of you every walked?
2. MCI was shut down for two weeks, we just reported to work and sat at the lunch tables. Ask us about May 10th.
Have any of you every done that. Have you ever @#$% on mgn desk? Many us have seen it done!
3. More then once we shut the place down an waited after work for a big shot to fly back. Have any of you?

When it come time to walk we'll be there!!!!
Even if we don't like what going on like being stab in the back!

And who says people dont change?

Sure were a lot of YES votes out of MCI in 2003 and 2010. What happened??!!! So sad.

Hopefully the flush to DWH weeded out the Yes voters.
A new rumour that if true, will be the straw that breaks my back. I will go on agency fee and do what I can to remove every last POS officer in Local 514.

The RUMOUR is, that during a recent event at the Bank of Oklahoma Event Center here in Tulsa, a group of our local officers and board members where partying it up in the hot tub of a suite somewhere in the BOK. At least one individual was so wasted, he/she slipped and cracked their head open and had to be driven home.

That all that I care to repeat on this board at this time.

Can anyone verify or care to add to this?
That would be a true story Heard it from C Gibson E board member Ole Bear was the drunk
A new rumour that if true, will be the straw that breaks my back. I will go on agency fee and do what I can to remove every last POS officer in Local 514.

The RUMOUR is, that during a recent event at the Bank of Oklahoma Event Center here in Tulsa, a group of our local officers and board members where partying it up in the hot tub of a suite somewhere in the BOK. At least one individual was so wasted, he/she slipped and cracked their head open and had to be driven home.

That all that I care to repeat on this board at this time.

Can anyone verify or care to add to this?
A bunch of dudes partying in a hot tub? Weird, I'd hate to be the drunk one! 😱
Why not come over and just ask us!
1. Most of us have walk off the job a long time ago for the flight attendence. Have any of you every walked?
2. MCI was shut down for two weeks, we just reported to work and sat at the lunch tables. Ask us about May 10th.
Have any of you every done that. Have you ever @#$% on mgn desk? Many us have seen it done!
3. More then once we shut the place down an waited after work for a big shot to fly back. Have any of you?

When it come time to walk we'll be there!!!!
Even if we don't like what going on like being stab in the back!
Wow, I'm impressed. :lol: Is posting here what the company is paying you to do Gordon? 😛h34r: So, 25 years ago you walked off the job for 2 days before the IAM rolled over at court and the injunction was in place. B) Since then, you gave Icahn anything he wanted, you led the industry in concessions, and voted for both concession packages at AA. 😱 May 10th...yawn. :wacko: What did you guys do, run out and vote for more concessions. :unsure: Keep living in your glory days Gordon, since all you do in the present is vote in concessions. 😉
A bunch of dudes partying in a hot tub? Weird, I'd hate to be the drunk one! 😱
I looked up what was happening at the BOK center, and it appears that the antique roadshow is there. Last time I went to that I did get really intoxicated after getting an appraisal on a real treasure. A concession free contract. 😉
So dont pass judgement on them to quickly, they may have had the same experience that I had. You would be suprise on what thats worth. :blink: It still wouldnt get me into a hot tub though. :lol:
Wow, I'm impressed. :lol: Is posting here what the company is paying you to do Gordon? 😛h34r: So, 25 years ago you walked off the job for 2 days before the IAM rolled over at court and the injunction was in place. B) Since then, you gave Icahn anything he wanted, you led the industry in concessions, and voted for both concession packages at AA. 😱 May 10th...yawn. :wacko: What did you guys do, run out and vote for more concessions. :unsure: Keep living in your glory days Gordon, since all you do in the present is vote in concessions. 😉

1. LOL Haven't walk the line and put your job on the line have you!!!
2. I'm not to happy with Gordon either. 🙁
3. Most vote yes because we were thrown under the bus by let see, YOU younger boys that don't have a clue what a union is! I'm glad to see we burn your butts at least once 😀 !!!! I've got more than a few hole in my back. 😉
1. LOL Haven't walk the line and put your job on the line have you!!!
2. I'm not to happy with Gordon either. 🙁
3. Most vote yes because we were thrown under the bus by let see, YOU younger boys that don't have a clue what a union is! I'm glad to see we burn your butts at least once 😀 !!!! I've got more than a few hole in my back. 😉
Exactly how where you ever thrown under a bus? Its not our fault your airline went bankrupt. Maybe you should of given a few more concessions, after all you are good at giving concessions.

So what were your boys doing at my local today? 😱 Don't tell me they were just lost. 😉 Its the talk of the rock tonight.
3. Most vote yes because we were thrown under the bus by let see, YOU younger boys that don't have a clue what a union is! I'm glad to see we burn your butts at least once 😀 !!!! I've got more than a few hole in my back. 😉
Tell the FAs about how badly you were treated.

Would you vote to give your job to a worker coming in from another airline? As Union Men did you guys vote to recognize the seniority of fellow IAM members who lost their jobs because they were fighting for labor? I'm talking about guys from EAL.

I know you guys say that TWA was merged and EAL wasnt, so as Union men you are saying that we should let the company determine seniority instead of the union? Are you saying that workers who make the ultimate sacrifice in the fight for labor (EAL workers)deserve to lose their seniority but workers who roll over and give concession after concession, taking money out of their pockets and putting it into the pockets of robber barons like Carl Ichann (which put downward pressure on all airline worker compensation) should be rewarded by other union workers stepping aside and letting them go to the front of the line? How does that strengthen labor? What message are we sending? "Give away everything if you are with a failing carrier, which will help other airlines reduce wages as well, and hope that before they liquidate the company you get merged into another carrier where you can displace other workers"?

How did nAAtives benifit from your actions? What debt do they owe you? The fact is that AA workers didnt owe you a thing, go see Uncle Carl, he took your concessions and sold the company that employed you.

You guys voted "Yes" for concessions that enabled them to close your base, so yea you "Union Men" sure showed us how its done. They got one last "YES" out of you then shut your base down, luckily for the rest of us your vote didnt matter anymore.

When you guys voted YES to the concessions in 2003 you voted away the layoff protection you had via the nAAtive guys with 3/1/01 seniority. As long as those guys were on the clock in NY or LAX anyone with at least 4 years with TWA was protected. They acted as a shield for you and you voted them away. By voting YES you rolled that back 12 more years, your E-board was informed of this but they chose to believe Bobby Gless instead.

You claim that you voted YES in order to get back at us, well who were you trying to get back at when you voted YES for all the concessions you gave to Carl Ichann? AA probably did the math and saw that by aquiring a proven group of concessionists they would be able to get what they wanted, and they were right, because if you subtract MCI the 2003 vote would have failed.

Getting back on topic. The airline has gone through its recall list, they have asked everybody back. The only ones who remain on furlough are those from small stations who only want to return to that station.

At Local 562 we had around 400 members on the list at one time, they got around 20 to come back.

Just as the economy cycles so do the fortunes of labor. The sad part is that by the time labor realizes the pendulem has swung to their side its usually already on its way back towrds the other side. The pendulum has swung towards the other side. I believe we are still on the upswing but that could change. The entire industry is having a hard time finding Aircraft Mechanics, and the economy rebounds it will become even harder. We need to take advantage of the opprtunity we have.
Great points Bob. What have these guys ever done for us other than whine.

Bob, can you tell us what Gordon Clark is doing for the company since he is being paid by them?

BTW. I did find out that the concessionists were meeting with my eboard yesterday in order to try to let them join my local because there local is not kissing there arse. I will make the motion to not allow those concessionist to pollute this local. I hear they are just p.o.ed because they have to work for a living. :lol: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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