My God, man... Crandall was not a micro-manager? Are you nucking futs?
I worked in management at HDQ when Crandall was still the boss. Micro-management back then was the norm, from Bob on down. Innovation wasn't exactly encouraged, and you never made a decision without having reams of paper to back it up.
Making a one word change in a boarding announcement or a slightly redesigned bagtag required a 20 slide presentation (no Powerpoint back then, had to send the slides out for camera work and preparation 3 days in advance), one binder per member of Planning Committee (printed on a special weight and gloss paper, using only 14 pt Arial with 1.25 spacing and all caps), and a four page summary memo (no email then) to describe what was going to happen. Preparing that as a L3, I had to approve everything with a L5, L7, and L8 before we took it to a L9. Then the L9 submitted it to the L10, and it was put on the agenda for review by the L11's and L12 (Bob).
No, I'm not kidding about any of that. Every analyst in our area had a two-page instructions document on standards for presentations going to the Sixth Floor.
And then there'd be weeks of back and forth deciding whether to use a 10pt font with 1.5 spacing or 11pt with 1.0 spacing on the bagtag...
And that was just a bagtag. Can you imagine what they went thru on Value Pricing? 35 people sequestered into a corner of HDQ for 90 days... Reviews with Bob and Mike on a weekly basis... Electronic ticketing was the same thing, but with only 20 of us locked into a windowless room with reviews every two weeks, arguing about the word "may" versus "must"...
By comparison, as a L4, after Bob left, I briefed Carty, Baker and/or O'Hare one-on-one on a dozen or so occasions. Same thing with Richardi as a L5. When we briefed Arpey, it was usually just me, a director or two, and Gerard. Stuff going to Executive Committee could be emailed the morning of the meeting.
HDQ was easily twice the size then that it is today, in part due to Sabre, but also due to the fact there was so much micro-management going on you had people who did nothing else but respond to Bob's "margin notes" on any memo or email he got. And he generated a lot of them... I kept a few from my area as reminders to my staff to show them what happens when you don't give a full and complete/honest answer...
Today there are "only" 9 layers of management. Two levels (L2 or L7) disappeared under Carty & Arpey, and in some organizations, it's even flatter.
In 1997, AMR had 56 VP's, compared to about 47 today. Taking out the 7 from Sabre, it's essentially the same today, but you also have to consider the number of departments and silos of responsibility are pretty much the same, and AA's rebuilt an IT department to take up about a third of what Sabre was doing.
I respect the ground Bob walks on, but unless you were at HDQ and saw the effects of management by intimidation in action, you really have no idea what you're talking about with regard to the differences in management styles.
HDQ may have swung a little too far in the other direction with Carty, but under Arpey, it's right in the middle. The one thing that hasn't changed is the ability to make a decision without some form of management by committee discussion and far too much analysis.
I Think were talking about apples and oranges. What you are describing is an over controlling CEO. What i'm talking about is layer's that distort accountabilities. Insulation, which is how AA currently uses micro management. It seems that somewhere within this post Crandall world is where AA's management team is lost while flurishing. Either by break down of communication, Accountability, direction, or action. There seem's to be no cohesion. The company is failing and has been for 8 years in a row, this is not at the fault of it's non management employee's. Someone is responsible at the end of the day! There are no ticket agents involved in decision making, nor pilots, nor mechanics, nor cabin cleaners or fleet service. At the end of the day it is all about management for the viability, success and or failure.
How many VP's when Crandall was in office??
56 was Carty. The boom of the bloating!