Dark Cloud
- Aug 20, 2002
- 54
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Is there anybody else having the same problem that I am ? I retired in early fall of 2002. For some unknown reason, I am having problems being recognized by BCBS. The deduction for my medical and dental have been taken out of the pension check and Benefits Adm. say my spouse and I are covered. But BCBS say I am not in their system. For some unknown reason, Benefits cannot feed BCBS the information. This has been going on for months now. It''s a case now, the hastle with the doctor, I am just paying it out of my pocket. What hurts is that they are also taking the premiums out every month. I have been told weekly by Benefits that the problem is with the system and they are trying to correct it. With no medical card or number, do hope I don''t have a emergency. Does anybody else have this type of problem ? Thank-You