Particularly if you have children/dependents on your insurance, brace yourself. A Valium or two taken in advance (make sure it is from ExpressScripts so you can afford it) may help the blood pressure.
Example: I currently pay about $70/month for top of the line, employee only, coverage with a $150 annual deductible and $1000 maximum out of pocket expense. I expected the premium and the annual limits to increase, but...
The closest thing to what I currently have is called the Standard Option.
The minimum premium among the 2013 options that I can find so far for employee only is $70.69/month, and that includes a $750 annual deductible with a $2000 maximum out of pocket expense. Note this is Preferred Administrator (BCBS) for my state (Texas) in-network only. For out-of-network expenses, the annual deductible is$3000! Out of pocket maximum is $6000. That is for employee only. If you choose the "Tier One or Tier Two" administrator, the premium goes to $88.36/mo or $106.04.
If your family is included, the preferred administrator premium jumps to $247/month with a $2250 annual deductible and a $5000 out of pocket max. Oh, and the money you pay (employee or family) for your annual deductible does NOT count in the calculation of your annual out of pocket.
The Value Option has $300 annual deductible and $1750 out of pocket maximum; however, the monthly premium is $112.50. Double annual deductible and almost double out of pocket over this year, but triple the monthly premium. Ouch!
One of the things that concerns me is the hospital in-patient coverage. The chart specifies pre-authorization required (no other option mentioned). I was admitted to the hospital earlier this month through the emergency room. I was in the hospital for 3 days. I was admitted at 11pm. I doubt seriously the insurance administrator is going to have staff on duty at that hour of the night to pre-approve my admission. Does that mean I would just have to eat the entire hospital cost? All I can get out of HR chat is, "You should attend the road show at DFW on 11/02." Now, since I don't have my November schedule yet, there is a real possibility I might be flying that day. Do my questions just go unanswered if I can't attend their road show? Anybody know the answer to this one?