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Retired FA's sue over non rev travel

boxer said:
Retirement is great. Leisurely travel is great. But what is disturbingto me is how little respect has been shown to retirees on this board andelsewhere. They are the people who helped create,for better or worse, the company where you have found employment.
retirees they voted concessions for me and voted a buyout for themselves then sued for part of my equity. In 2003 they voted for the concessions to protect their retirement, not ensure the future of AA.

I remember asking the old timers why they voted in the B scale. The answer was "what, are we going to worry about people that don't even work here"
boxer said:
Retirement is great. Leisurely travel is great. But what is disturbingto me is how little respect has been shown to retirees on this board andelsewhere. They are the people who helped create,for better or worse, the company where you have found employment.
Funny how you didn't complain about the retirees from TWA and how they have been treated.
boxer said:
Retirement is great. Leisurely travel is great. But what is disturbing
to me is how little respect has been shown to retirees on this board and
elsewhere. They are the people who helped create,
for better or worse, the company where you have found employment.
You would't be including those retirees who have voted in every POS contract over the decades so that they may GET THEIRS, would you?
The I GOT MINE crowd may have helped create, for better or worse, the company where we have found employment, but in hindsight, it because of their selfish motives and a worthless union for allowing the sellout and divisive contracts, we now find ourselves WORSE off.
MetalMover said:
You would't be including those retirees who have voted in every POS contract over the decades so that they may GET THEIRS, would you?
The I GOT MINE crowd may have helped create, for better or worse, the company where we have found employment, but in hindsight, it because of their selfish motives and a worthless union for allowing the sellout and divisive contracts, we now find ourselves WORSE off.
The membership and the international have to share the blame for this stuff.  The international should never bring back a TA that gets a benefit for some at the expense of others.  The membership should have the integrity to vote no for any TA that does this.  But if the international would stop bringing these back for a vote they couldn't vote them in.  But this has worked at AA since 83 so they are not going to stop trying it until the international refuses to bring the TAs back or the membership votes no.  Our chances of either of these happening under the TWU are slim and none.  Unless we get better leadership.
OldGuy@AA said:
The membership and the international have to share the blame for this stuff.  The international should never bring back a TA that gets a benefit for some at the expense of others.  The membership should have the integrity to vote no for any TA that does this.  But if the international would stop bringing these back for a vote they couldn't vote them in.  But this has worked at AA since 83 so they are not going to stop trying it until the international refuses to bring the TAs back or the membership votes no.  Our chances of either of these happening under the TWU are slim and none.  Unless we get better leadership.
I agree...Typical TWU playbook....divide and conquer.
How about a compromise. Something like this, quite simple solution actually.
12 Vacation passes per year ( round trip ) thats one per month SD1.
Remaining unlimited SD2 w/ retiree status.
Quite simple and might just appease everyone.
NAPAUS said:
How about a compromise. Something like this, quite simple solution actually.
12 Vacation passes per year ( round trip ) thats one per month SD1.
Remaining unlimited SD2 w/ retiree status.
Quite simple and might just appease everyone.
Just as long as the vacation SD2 only works when you are on vacation and it is a higher classification then commuting flight crew. Not that I have anything against flight crews but they certainly weren't thinking about anybody else when they got jumpseat privledges for themselves, and had it put in their respective contracts. If you ever listen to FAs they like to say those are OUR seats.

It has nothing to do with FAA as both JetBlue and SWA allow other employees on jumpseats.

In all it would be too hard to manage and will certainly be abused, the policy should remain as it is today, it seems the fairest, sense not everybody is completely happy with it.
NAPAUS said:
How about a compromise. Something like this, quite simple solution actually.
12 Vacation passes per year ( round trip ) thats one per month SD1.
Remaining unlimited SD2 w/ retiree status.
Quite simple and might just appease everyone.
I believe that retires will still get 4 D1 vacation passes, and active employees will get 6, all one way
I personally beleave every active employee should be a D1 for every flight, then retirees should be D2R the highest classification of D2, then D2 for family members and D3 for friends. If you are traveling with family the employee can list as D2 to stay with family, but no active employee should be behind anybody but an active employee, and no retiree should be behind anybody other then an active employee, and never be bumped by a 20 year kid of an employee.
Duke787 said:
If you are traveling with family the employee can list as D2 to stay with family, but no active employee should be behind anybody but an active employee
Translated: The only people who deserve to get on an airplane are commuters and single employees traveling alone.