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Reservations Telephone # Question


Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
Why is it so hard to find the telephone number for US Airways reservations on the website? I mean, either I'm completely blind and overlooking it or it simply isn't there. What gives?
It isnt there that I can find with any search feature.

They dont want you calling rez. :shock:

The USAirways.com site is NOT US Airways rez and they want you to book through them, not rez. It is an agency in Pensacola that handles booking for US. If they had the rez number on the website, people would check things online and then call. Without putting the number there, people can still do this, but they have to work at it a little.

800-428-4322 is the number so you dont have to look anymore.
Thanks for the info, Tadjr. Wow, this has been an education. Just out of curiosity I went to the websites for Delta, AA, United, Continental, Northwest and Southwest. One can easily find the telephone numbers for those airlines' reservations on their sites, typically by going to the "contact us" tab. I can't even FIND such a tab on our site. If you ask me, that's pretty lame.
StewGuy86 said:
One can easily find the telephone numbers for those airlines' reservations on their sites, typically by going to the "contact us" tab. I can't even FIND such a tab on our site. If you ask me, that's pretty lame.
You have to think like a US Airways webmaster...dont's make it easy!!!

If you go to "Ask a Question" and use keywords like "contact," "telephone" or "email" a little blue color tab pops up and says "Email US Airways." Click on that and at the bottom of that page there is a pull down menu that has "Telephone and Address Information." Below that there's a promt for "Full Directory." Believe me...it's full. It even gives the telephone numbers for the offices of our general sales agents around the world!!!

Hope this helps
😱 HP has their own web desk--actually HP agents who help those on the web. We use the web as another tool with which to help our pax. For instance, if the email doesn't get there go to Travel Tools--put in your rloc and date and WHEEEEEE there is your itin and reciept. Then go to Web check in and WHEEEEEE there are your boarding passes. Hp uses the web to make my job easier as a res agent and we can even go to the page from our puters and guide the pax along. Also helps us in seeing where web prices are lower or the same as ours. Makes it nice when res and the web work together. Just got 7% pay raise--3 then 4. And I can earn more money by learning other tasks--such as frequent flyer, web help and travel agent help--WHEEEEEE now I'm about where you are in salary.
We are voting for a union in res--teamsters here--it should get interesting.

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