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Reservation call volume?

Note to USFlyer

Reservations is broken up into many different areas. Each has a specific job function. General Reservations uses a PC based front-end called CARE. This setup was moved over from the original USAir computer system. Basically it is a menu/fill-in program that does the native SABRE entries and responses in background. The PC has to use a large virtual memory to make it work and therefore is slow and prone to Windows problems.
drifterreno...always happy to read your posts....
I knew you back in rno res.......and you are well
informed....hang in there...congrats on a new job....
glad it is going well there.

Regarding itrade''s post ....we only got maybe a total
of 40 agents back and we could use at least 200 (in
my opinion). If we did not have Reissue computer
malfunctions and endless lockups we could handle
perhaps 16 or more extra calls a day and that adds up
when you are talking hundreds of agents.

Also another poster referred to our united mileage
partnership which has had a huge impact on our call
volume ..the demand for seats is there...and the
availability of those types of free seats is miniscule.
The UA bankruptcy is probably partly responsible for that
and since we lost so much on the american mileage
program ...(at least 400 million per the annual report
one year) I don''t have a problem with it.

Hope things get better in res....hate to see people
give up without trying to buy some tickets.....most
normal people will only hold 5 or at most ten minutes.
As a former MCO res agent, I was constantly frustrated at the lock ups and white outs. No more ! I have relocated to Maryland and now work ( for lower wages/more benefits) for the largest Credit Union in Maryland. Call center hours 8am-7pm ( no nights ! ), Windows 2000 and more advanced call center technology than a US rep could imagine, personal work stations ( no sharing )and a company that treats employees GREAT.....all this and 2.75 more years of flight benefits! Anyone else need a job...we''re hiring ?
Its amazing, Even with all the internet ticket brokers out there, usairways.com out sourcing, and
the fact that travel agencies all have CRTs, the calls still keep on coming. And as far as computer equipment goes, take a look at some of the stations
around the system and the 20 year hardware they''re
using. So much for "Impressions of Excellence"
On 6/2/2003 3:10:47 AM Reservation Agent wrote:

(The Star Alliance is starting now, too...)


Please expand on this comment. Is this for Purchase or award? It seems too fast for this since U is not an official member yet.
I''m sure there arent that many "Star Alliance" calls coming in yet, but with the press info out there, I''m sure there are some. There are some UA codeshare/award calls I''m sure. I''ve seen more and more ticketing for codeshare flights and I''m sure its the same at UA. The Star Alliance start up will ensure more calls though since it will allow more flights to be offered worldwide for ticketing and award travel. Just a matter of how long until they start coming in. The LH code share will be coming first though.
On 6/2/2003 6:14:08 AM TomBascom wrote:

Even so 32MB is barely enough to boot W95. Actually running a program (even a terminal emulator) requires at least 64MB


Bah, humbug!

My **OLD** Pentium 166 with 16 MB of RAM runs 95 just fine. A lot of newer programs require more memory, but basic stuff (Netscape, telnet windows, word processing (Word 6.0)) run just fine...