Republicans... the gift that keeps giving

southwind said:
Why shouldn't an American citizen buy a gun to protect themselves from ISIS, BaRacks not gonna do it!
What's a few Islamic Terrorists, slipping through the cracks!
Because ISIS isn't going near your outhouse.
Hey, back to the topic starter,................Now  we've got  PALIN endorsing  TRUMP, while she continues to drive the GOP establishment absolutely INSANE.  Really fellow Dems, can it get ANY better   ????
The Republican Party.
The GIFT that ALWAYS Keeps on GIVING and GIVING and GIVING  !!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
.....  Really fellow Dems, can it get ANY better   ????
Well, you liberal folks could always hope to find some one's fresher grass to crop, I suppose...that you neither grew, own, pay for or maintain yourselves, of course:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Hey, back to the topic starter,................Now  we've got  PALIN endorsing  TRUMP, while she continues to drive the GOP establishment absolutely INSANE.  Really fellow Dems, can it get ANY better   ????
The Republican Party.
The GIFT that ALWAYS Keeps on GIVING and GIVING and GIVING  !!!!!!!!!!!
How's Hitlery doin'.........SUCKER!

southwind said:
How's Hitlery doin'.........SUCKER!

Hows the Petrified GOP doing  ??
The Good ol' boys are crapping in thier pants. Look no further than the NATIONAL REVIEW telling REPLUGS...Not to vote for Trump.
But the best thing is, That thier NOT telling anybody  WHO to vote for  !!!!!!!!!!!!
And since the 'Grand Old Party' is in Desperation mode, I, (believe it or not) watched Sean Hannity on Fox tonite, with his so-called EXPERT panalists swearing/hoping actually, that some un-named candidate  W I L L  emerge to save that OUT OF TOUCH (with 50.1% of actual voters on 11/08/16)  PARTY, to save the day !
NOT ONE, GOP senator will endorse Cruz, so it wont be him,   (uncle) BEN is now in single digits, so i guessing it's not him, so this must mean, Rand Paul (Hahahahahahahahaha) or Rick Santorum ( Hahahahahahahaha) are going to parachute in @ the 11th hour to rescue the  SS GOP (aka  the TITANIC) !    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Reason # 16  ( Why the REPLUGS WILL sink)
16.   Donald Trump
(But in fairnes to Donald)
16b.   Ted Cruz
16c     Mar - 'Co    Ru - 'Bio
16d.   John Kasich
700UW said:
"Frank Schaeffer is an American author, film director, screenwriter and public speaker. He is the son of the late theologian and author Francis Schaeffer. He became a Hollywood film director and author, writing several internationally acclaimed novels including And God Said, "Billy!" as well as the Calvin Becker Trilogy depicting life in a fundamentalist mission home-- Portofino, Zermatt, and Saving Grandma."
So basically a nobody.

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