Dog Wonder
Someone forgot to mention Ryan !
He meets the two Republican qualifications.
White male, no one else need apply.
Someone forgot to mention Ryan !
She'll come up with her excuse as soon as Hitlery comes up with one for Benghazi.................notice how she hauled a$$, out of the limelight, when it got too hot ?
Worst presidents, is your opinion !
Someone forgot to mention Ryan !
It will be interesting to see the "Party of Pop" running candidates almost twice as old as the hopefuls on the conservative bench.
Right now, all the DNC has is two really old people. If Biden runs, he'll likely run unopposed. I just don't see Hillary challenging him if he does.
Her "does it really matter?" moment may be harder to overcome than Howard Dean's scream/meltdown.
He meets the two Republican qualifications.
White male, no one else need apply.
First off, if H C runs, Christy, being a Smart politician KNOWS he'd lose a TOUGH long battle.
Now if JB were to run, then he'd be more likely to get-in the race.
(Because he looks like TWO-TON-TONY, he'd need to slim down a tad dontcha' think ) ?
Rubio is disliked by hispanics two to one. Even if the Hispanic vote became a 'push', HC still beats him with the female elder and gay vote.
I'll be VERY surprised if she doesn't run. (Not that she Needs to)
Your a racist !
Overhearing discussions about Clinton in the hallway outside the RNC meeting, Jorge Landivar, a Ron Paul-backing delegate to the 2012 Republican convention from Texas, chimed in: “All the polls say she will destroy anyone that we put up — it’s [f---ng] terrifying.” National polling from Quinnipiac University finds that Clinton, the most popular national political figure, would defeat New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie 45 – 37 percent; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio 50 – 34 percent and Rep. Paul Ryan 50 – 38 percent.
So that was several years ago, so if she is beating all the republicans, what does it say about your candidates?
And your beloved Rudy G, ran from her and pulled out of an election.
Why Democrats might reject Hillary Clinton in 2016
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