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Republicans Fear Clinton in 2016

you lose any and all credibility with your insults and attacks, grow up.
She'll come up with her excuse as soon as Hitlery comes up with one for Benghazi.................notice how she hauled a$$, out of the limelight, when it got too hot ?

Worst presidents, is your opinion !

Someone forgot to mention Ryan !

As I stated earlier no one seems to concerned about Benghazi. They are quite pissed at a war in Iraq that cost us 5,000 US soldiers and $2T dollars. It may not be fair but it is what it is.

Yes it is my opinion.

Please run Ryan. Please please please.
I look at Hillary Clinton and the idea of her running for President this way.

For Who? For What?

She's been about everything BUT President, Successful Lawyer, Senator, First Lady, Secretary of State. You have to ask does she really really want that last feather in her cap? I don't think she does.
It will be interesting to see the "Party of Pop" running candidates almost twice as old as the hopefuls on the conservative bench.

Right now, all the DNC has is two really old people. If Biden runs, he'll likely run unopposed. I just don't see Hillary challenging him if he does.

Her "does it really matter?" moment may be harder to overcome than Howard Dean's scream/meltdown.

First off, if H C runs, Christy, being a Smart politician KNOWS he'd lose a TOUGH long battle.
Now if JB were to run, then he'd be more likely to get-in the race.
(Because he looks like TWO-TON-TONY, he'd need to slim down a tad dontcha' think ) ?
Rubio is disliked by hispanics two to one. Even if the Hispanic vote became a 'push', HC still beats him with the female elder and gay vote.

I'll be VERY surprised if she doesn't run. (Not that she Needs to)
First off, if H C runs, Christy, being a Smart politician KNOWS he'd lose a TOUGH long battle.
Now if JB were to run, then he'd be more likely to get-in the race.
(Because he looks like TWO-TON-TONY, he'd need to slim down a tad dontcha' think ) ?
Rubio is disliked by hispanics two to one. Even if the Hispanic vote became a 'push', HC still beats him with the female elder and gay vote.

I'll be VERY surprised if she doesn't run. (Not that she Needs to)

Forgot to add, nobody but you, want's her to run !
Overhearing discussions about Clinton in the hallway outside the RNC meeting, Jorge Landivar, a Ron Paul-backing delegate to the 2012 Republican convention from Texas, chimed in: “All the polls say she will destroy anyone that we put up — it’s [f---ng] terrifying.” National polling from Quinnipiac University finds that Clinton, the most popular national political figure, would defeat New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie 45 – 37 percent; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio 50 – 34 percent and Rep. Paul Ryan 50 – 38 percent.
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Great, she still got her clock cleaned by a real nowhere man in 2008 primaries.....

And did any your polling address her ranking with the youthful no information voters so crucial to the progressive movement?

She's an old hag with nothing in common with the youth vote the nowhere man successfully exploited and waxed her asss.

Oh, and the party dropped her in the primary for the Nowhereman.
So that was several years ago, so if she is beating all the republicans, what does it say about your candidates?

And your beloved Rudy G, ran from her and pulled out of an election.
So that was several years ago, so if she is beating all the republicans, what does it say about your candidates?

And your beloved Rudy G, ran from her and pulled out of an election.

Not my boy.........you are right, that WAS several years ago and several years from now shes going to be a lot older......and out of touch with the Obama youth.
the brotha,s are not going to turn out for her in droves like they did for Barry

besides whats to fear? even if she wins she can't be any worse than the jackass in there now.

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