Republic/chaquanda (whatever)

PineyBob said:
I certainly don't "approve" of homosexuality or abortion, but I also don't try to prevent anyone from making those deeply personal decisions.

Piney: I would like to meet the homosexual who "decided" to be gay. For me, I had as much choice in the matter as I did choosing the color of my eyes (thanks FLY, BTW). The only choice I had in the matter was staying in the closet or coming out...

P.S. Happy Gay Pride Week, Bob.
You know something Bob, implying that I had a choice in the matter reflects ignorance on your part. How many homosexuals have you taken the time to get to know and question about this subject? I DO take offense to your implication that I "decided" my sexuality. And for the record, it's NOT a's an ORIENTATION. Did you decide to be a heterosexual? Or was that something you were biologically oriented to in your development? You are the one who chose to bring this subject up on a public forum, not me. Since you did, and you have IMPLIED that my sexuality is a BEHAVIOR problem, expect to challenged and called on the carpet. Otherwise, keep your narrow beliefs private....

Good Day.
PineyBob said:
You fail to realize that I just don't care who you decide to have sex with

Bob, you missed the point. So let me spell it for you. I just want to correct you on something you had stated in a previous post. In a previous posting, you stated that homosexuality is a deeply personal "decision". Having said that, I would like to correct you. Homosexuality is no more of a "decision" than heterosexuality. Sexuality is a very wide biological spectrum. No person "decides" his or her sexuality, regardless of what YOUR beliefs may be on the subject. It is a biological phenomenon that exists in nearly every living species. For further insight on the subject, I highly recommend that you watch the film KINSEY, a biography on the world's foremost researcher and expert on human sexuality.

I am really glad that you don't care who I have sex with. I don't care who you have sex with either. I DO care however, that you have implied that my sexuality is a behavioral choice, when it is NOT. So, since you brought this very compelling subject up on a public forum, I just want to inform you and educate you, that as a homosexual, I did not have a choice in the matter. Afterall, I am a reflection of God....uh, I mean, the Divine.

Peace, Bob
Bob...(can I call you Bob?)

It's not important to me that you see things my way. What IS important to me, is that you not IMPLY that homosexuality is a behavioral choice or is something that someone, as you put it, "decides". Whomever may have informed you that homosexuals "choose" and "decide" their sexual orientation, most likely did not have all of the factual information available to them when they imparted that flawed information to you. That person or persons probably did not conduct a whole lot of research on the subject and was perhaps communicating what had been handed down to them (bad information). So, as a homosexual, I feel compelled to educate you and inform you that homosexuality is a phenomenon, and while not the norm for most living creatures, does, in fact, exist in nearly every living species.

It is indeed, very unfortunate, that in our culture, this natural phenomenon has turned into a DEBATE on morality...

Like JAMAKE, I too am curious as to when exactly you made your "choice" to be heterosexual.

Since you take such things to be a "choice," that implies at one point in your life you were sexually attracted to men, and made the conscious "choice" to be sexually attracted to women, no?

So just how long ago did you stop being sexually attracted to men? What kind of men turned you on? Were you confused for a while? What made you finally see the light? Do you still feel a twinge of sexual attraction to men? Do you think you could be converted?

Just curious about those "choices" you keep alluding to.
jimcfs said:
And this is bad, how? At least they make it clear management cares about the individuals who work there, unlike the Crystal Palace (not to be confused with the Crystal Cathedral on the left coast).

Bravo CHQ. At least one corporation is putting
forth a respectable public face.

4 things need to happen to fix all of the problems
in this country:

1. A return of morals and ethics in business,

2. Close the damn borders and stop with the
PC bullsheet

3. Corporal punishment in schools (with
parental permission of course)

4. Personal responsibility and accountability
in all aspects of life

If I offend you, find some other place to
get your entertainment.
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sharonstoneseat said:
I agree with Light Years in that one's religious belief should be demonstrated in their behavior and not placed in a corporate mission statement.  Let's face it, after reading it I have mixed emotions, some positive that they proclaim their committment to diversity and some trepidation that I would have to be careful as it is obvious that I would be working in a company with a religious framework and I can not be sure exactly which denomination so that leaves me with a problem.

Hey, wasn't Alanis Morrisette one person's image of God?

Speaking of being careful, found it interesting that Piney Bob would never interfere with an abortion clinic (tolerance) and would never "strike" (control a violent impulse) someone because of their sexual prference. 

Love ya' Bob but..............


Alanis Morissette IS God!!!! :up:
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"There are TWO door exits in the aft of this Embraer 170 aircraft..."

Sorry, I couldn't resist.... :p
PineyBob said:
Alowing your life to be defined by your preference in partners I think is just horribly narrow definition of who you are as a person.

As you've been repeatedly informed, Bob, it isn't about "preference" or "choice." One's sexuality simply is what it is. But you're on to something with this particular statement. Keep in mind that it is not WE who set out to define ourselves by our sexuality. If society, and by extension the government, did not call attention to our sexual orientation, ostracize us and pass laws to curtail our rights so that we ARE NOT treated equally, then there would be no point in us bringing up the subject of our sexuality at all.

See, the point is, Bob.....we aren't the ones that imposed the "horribly narrow definition" of who we are as people. That was done for us by others.

Frankly I don't care if you feel homosexuality is a sin. What I DO care about is when people put laws in place so that they can use government to control the lives and restrict the rights of others, all in an attempt to enforce their own fear, ignorance and prejudice.
StewGuy86 said:
If society, and by extension the government, did not call attention to our sexual orientation, ostracize us and pass laws to curtail our rights so that we ARE NOT treated equally, then there would be no point in us bringing up the subject of our sexuality at all....

What I DO care about is when people put laws in place so that they can use government to control the lives and restrict the rights of others, all in an attempt to enforce their own fear, ignorance and prejudice.

You hit the nail on the head Stew Guy, thank you. :up:

Would you please be so kind as to let me know at what point in your life YOU made the "Decision" to be hetrosexual?

Just curious.

StewGuy86 said:
If society, and by extension the government, did not call attention to our sexual orientation, ostracize us and pass laws to curtail our rights so that we ARE NOT treated equally, then there would be no point in us bringing up the subject of our sexuality at all.


Wait just a minute!
Who is having Pride parades right now celebrating their sexuality and drawing attention to themselves? It isn't heterosexuals.

It's mighty hard to argue that homosexuals are an oppressed group when they are better off economically and in the workplace than the average heterosexual. I'm not interested in engaging in gay bashing and do not really care what people do in their bedrooms but I stand with many people who will never buy the label that homosexuals are an oppressed people.

I don't know about all airlines but I do know that at least AA, DL, and UA offer at least some benefits to companions of their employees along with hundreds of other large companies. There are no shortage of businesses you can do business with or work for if your homosexualality is an important enough aspect of your life. If you want to whine about being economically deprived, I'll tell you about the hundreds of millions of people who work for Wal-Mart and get no benefits.

If you want to tell me that you are a victim of female genital mutilation or some other truly heinous crime, then I'll see you as oppressed person.
Piney keeps implying that someone in the upper ranks of CCY is cheating on his wife. He probably heard a rumor that the upper CCY had lunch with a woman in the same restaurant.
Dr. Bronner's Castile soap containers have all sorts of preachy statements on the labels, there are so many, they've numbered them. Alaska Airlines places prayer cards on their meal trays (no, I'm not kidding). In-N-Out burgers puts Bible verses on their burger wrappers. This stuff has been around it isn't going to go away, and if you find it objectionable, don't buy a ticket, the soap (although the soap is terrific), the burger or fly on Alaska. I don't really ascribe to the dogma, and I often ask God to save me from His followers.

It does not matter with whom you share your life as long as you are happy and don't go out of the way to place another in harms way. Life is too short for hate and misery, find happiness where you can and seek joy in every moment. I abhor the fact that orientation has become a political issue...let anyone that wants to be married have the ability to share in that experience.

I've sinned every single damned day I've lived and I'm a straight, married female. I didn't pick my parents, didn't get to choose my children and I didn't decide on my orientation. I do, however, choose my hair color (and I pay for those highlights every six weeks!) and my car and my occupation.

Vote with your dollar when the business or mission statement offends you.

Peace to my fellow sinners ;) -


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