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Reflections from the unemployment line

On 9/13/2002 1:00:31 PM mastermechanic wrote:

Look folks, I have nothing against you or your airline. I want nothing more than to work in the profession that I enjoy. I hope that things will work out in the end for everyone. Things ARE tough, both on the inside and especially on the outside. Is any of this more different than what our parents and grandparents faced? Losing what you have, relocating your home and family, it’s all tough. I’m not saying how you should vote or what you should do, that is up to each and every one of you. We are all struggling to stay in an industry that at the moment doesn’t have room for all of us. Yes, I am loud and headstrong, always have been. Hotshot military tech that landed straight on his face and was making $6/hr when I hired into the airlines. I’m scared along with the rest of everyone, but I am also coming to terms with the fact that forces well beyond me, or my control are at work here, and there is nothing I can do about it except stay sharp, focused, and ready to do whatever has to be done. I am already looking for work, preparing for the worst. That’s all anyone today can do.
Thanks for being real.
On 9/13/2002 1:00:31 PM mastermechanic wrote:
Things ARE tough, both on the inside and especially on the outside. Is any of this more different than what our parents and grandparents faced? Losing what you have, relocating your home and family, it’s all tough.

I believe there is big difference in losing what you have, as opposed to throwing it all away with stubborness indignation and animosity over what other divisions of employees have given/got. Deal within your own division of labor, make the best of what you have and enjoy your job.

What we do as pilots,F/a's,mechanics etc. is not brain surgery. Sure it takes and aptitude to do our job well but it is not an art form. It is just doing a job that for the most part we all love. That is the problem with aviation, we all like what we do too much.
Although I dont work for your airline, I fully understand your problem. But the truth of the matter is that if U goes under and the big 4 start buying pieces and parts to include gates, hangars, aircraft, etc, they ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THE PEOPLE THAT WENT ALONG WITH THEM. I know that each and every one of you are very profiessional and well trained individuals, but with the numbers of furloughs and layoffs already at each of the big 4, they will take thier own people first and then give you the scraps. I have also heard converstations at HR that have lead me to believe that it will be difficult to get hired at another airline because of a militant reputation (no one stated these words, just the way I perceived them, so take it for what it's worth). Dont get me wrong, I understand that you are fighting for your very rights, but as stated in above posts, once the ship sinks, there wont be another one by to pick you up for quite some time (if at all).

Additionally, I am no way a BK guru, but I do believe that in the event of actual liquidation or on the brink of, a judge can void each and every contract by a union without a prenumt. That means that once the contract is voided, firings may commence. Your choice but I think that I would at least try to work with the company for now, and if things dont materialize the way they were promised, you will have time to find something better. Good luck to all of you.
On 9/14/2002 7:25:07 PM Tim47SIP wrote:

Although I dont work for your airline, I fully understand your problem. But the truth of the matter is that if U goes under and the big 4 start buying pieces and parts to include gates, hangars, aircraft, etc, they ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THE PEOPLE THAT WENT ALONG WITH THEM. I know that each and every one of you are very profiessional and well trained individuals, but with the numbers of furloughs and layoffs already at each of the big 4, they will take thier own people first and then give you the scraps. I have also heard converstations at HR that have lead me to believe that it will be difficult to get hired at another airline because of a militant reputation (no one stated these words, just the way I perceived them, so take it for what it's worth). Dont get me wrong, I understand that you are fighting for your very rights, but as stated in above posts, once the ship sinks, there wont be another one by to pick you up for quite some time (if at all).

Additionally, I am no way a BK guru, but I do believe that in the event of actual liquidation or on the brink of, a judge can void each and every contract by a union without a prenumt. That means that once the contract is voided, firings may commence. Your choice but I think that I would at least try to work with the company for now, and if things dont materialize the way they were promised, you will have time to find something better. Good luck to all of you.
Thanks Tim you're an outsider who can see the big picture without an axe to grind or vested interest to serve.
We can easily join the ranks of jobless if we don't vote yes. I for one am taking to heart what's been said here.
Recently the IAM recommended a strike vote for it's 25000 Boeing members but the membership voted not to strike and accept the companys contract terms.In this case IAM wanted to play hard ball but it's members could see in this economy the potential loss of jobs a strike could bring about.This is not a good time to be on the outside looking in.
I know Steiner, it's all just one big conspiracy.You aren't a U employee-- who did you say you worked for?
We must employ a lot of people with no job skills. I voted NO.

I'll takes me chances...What me worry???
On 9/16/2002 5:39:27 PM us10 wrote:

I know Steiner it's all just one big conspiracy.You aren't a U employee who did you say you worked?

I don't know. You see, I'm a mechanic, and easily confused.

Vote no, and vote often.
Are you sure the membership didn't have enough strike votes, or not enough were counted? IAM votes get a little tricky sometimes, especially when it comes to counting.

Vote no, and vote often.
[P]OK, this thread started out quite well and continued on that course. However, recently, it has degraded substantially.[/P]
[P]Do not let it continue on this course with the one liners.[/P]
Finally - an excellent topic!

x300Udriver you hit it right on!

I am on the street too. From 2 airlines in the last two years.

P.S. Pilots are an arrogant sort. That is the way it should be! That is what it takes to strap One hundred and fifty thousand pounds (or more) of airplane ,people and fuel to your butt and take it off and land it every day for 30 years! Some of us Mechs know this. Next time you see one of us, give us the benefit of the doubt.

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