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Reduced Service In Bos


Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
Yorktown Hts., NY
I was planning a flight for my mom in May from BOS-MCO and noticed in jetBlue's electronic time table that BOS-MCO, BOS-TPA, and BOS-FLL each had one flight taken away in late April.

I also know that this is around the time when LGB-LAS discontinues. I know BOS has been a huge success for jetBlue ...

anyone have any insight as to why they might be pulling back? Loads are consistently in the 80-90% range ...

B6 has decided to continue the LGB-LAS service. Remember...Elvis lives in LGB!!!

Viva LasVegas!!

V1 :afro:
v1rotate said:
B6 has decided to continue the LGB-LAS service. Remember...Elvis lives in LGB!!!

Viva LasVegas!!

V1 :afro:
lol unfortunatly Elvis will have to look to other ways of getting to LAS cuz it wont be on jetBlue startin April 28th! hehe ..
I know that when B6 started LGB-LAS service it has to "hold" those LGB slots until they could be used for LGB-long hauls, but is that all B6 is into, long hauls? Other that JFK to upstate NY, all of B6's flights are over 2 1/2 hours. I would almost believe that the RJs will do everything under that time frame. Just my thoughts.....
coolflyingfool said:
I forgot, OAK-LGB is under 2 hours, my bad.
At jetBlue, its about what makes the most money.

Long hauls make money. A 45 minute flight doesnt. (JFK-SYR, JFK-BUF, JFK-ROC, JFK-BTV are all different stories as they were an original part of the deal when they secured slots at JFK)

You're correct in saying that LGB-LAS was only to hold the slots until something better came along. I know its a route that doesnt make much money, if any at all.

Maybe we'll see LGB-SMF instead or increased service to FLL (or perhaps a new city?? SJC?? increased LGB-IAD??)
Short haul does make money, eg JFK-BUF is very good to jetBlue.
Dizel8 said:
Short haul does make money, eg JFK-BUF is very good to jetBlue.
Right, but the LA area-LAS is overserved by low fare airlines with more frequencies then jB.

LGB-LAS was just to hold slots (I think thats why there are so many LGB-OAK flights too but those seem to bring in more money).

I just wonder where the slots will go to ... DFW? haha
JB will wait to have the Embraer 190 do the shorthauls. If they're right that it will have costs only 1 cent higher a seat mile than the A-320's, it's going to be a world of hurt for any RJ's that try to compete. That's what'll do the under 2.5 hours....
downline7 said:
I was planning a flight for my mom in May from BOS-MCO and noticed in jetBlue's electronic time table that BOS-MCO, BOS-TPA, and BOS-FLL each had one flight taken away in late April.

I also know that this is around the time when LGB-LAS discontinues. I know BOS has been a huge success for jetBlue ...

anyone have any insight as to why they might be pulling back? Loads are consistently in the 80-90% range ...

April appears to be a crazy scheduling month all the way around.

There's actually an increase in flying mid-April out of BOS (an extra FLL and MCO RT) for a short while then apparently back to original levels.

I'm waiting to see what the summer schedule will look like... 🙂

All in all...things are great in BOS. 🙂