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Real Life After Layoff

Good jobs are not all that scarce if you have a SKILL and a bit of confidence in your abilities. It's this exact mentality that has the airlines pissing on their employees(not to mention all the loser scabs)! Everyone is so scared to change careers or jobs??

One year ago, I quit my job after 17+ years in aircraft mtc with U-S Airways. And I am alive and well making $21+ an hour with great bennies and NO STRESS or LIABILITY!! Just something for all the scare-D-cats to think about.

As Bo Jackson used to say, "Just Do IT."
Good jobs are not all that scarce if you have a SKILL and a bit of confidence in your abilities. It's this exact mentality that has the airlines pissing on their employees(not to mention all the loser scabs)! Everyone is so scared to change careers or jobs??

One year ago, I quit my job after 17+ years in aircraft mtc with U-S Airways. And I am alive and well making $21+ an hour with great bennies and NO STRESS or LIABILITY!! Just something for all the scare-D-cats to think about.

As Bo Jackson used to say, "Just Do IT."
I agree! My MX friends even said things like "I got rid of that red tail curse!" and they are ALL making more than $21/hr. One guy (I mentioned, I think) is in another country (not doing any kind of scab work)and is making $26 + with $259 a day per diem... in the land where rent in a city runs about the same as here in the U.S.

HE likey-likey........

Even if you don't want to move those skills you have aquired (besides the really good training from NW that must have cost them $$$$$$$$) is like GOLD. There are so many jobs out there that woud snatch a MX up in a heartbeat.
Good jobs are not all that scarce if you have a SKILL and a bit of confidence in your abilities.


It's this exact mentality that has the airlines pissing on their employees(not to mention all the loser scabs)! Everyone is so scared to change careers or jobs??

Our manager has been waging this campaign of fear for a few months now. He's constantly telling people the "best job they'll get" is one that pays $9-10/hr. Interestingly, every Sunday in the want ads there are literally hundreds of jobs paying in the $15-18 range (roughly what we make now on the ramp).

As Bo Jackson used to say, "Just Do IT."

Two people I know have "just done it." Both are running retirement facilities (one of them bought one), and both are making much more than they did at NW.....
There are so many jobs out there that woud snatch a MX up in a heartbeat.
Most Mechanics (not all) have the Ingenuity to repair and or build. Ive known several mechanics with side buisness's ranging from small engine repair to laying tile and every thing in between.

some have left the Industry on their own terms, in order to expand and be their own boss which has paid off enormously for them. I had one friend who was a mechanic that had a carpet cleaning buisness on the side, he resigned from AA rather than take a pay cut, and is now running three cleaning vans fully equipped. He has to turn jobs down because of time constraints. I also know another mechanic who decided that he was not going to have his skills devalued any further and left to hang drywall for $36.00 an hour, he also did this on the side when he worked for an airline.

These are but just a few examples of Mechanics leaving this industry for greener pastures, Im certain there are many more who have had enough and moved on, and will continue to do so.

There is no excuse for a person to SCAB, They are either
(2)Lack Skills
(4)Substance abusers
or all of the above: I suspect most have a combination of those attributes
I agree! My MX friends even said things like "I got rid of that red tail curse!" and they are ALL making more than $21/hr. One guy (I mentioned, I think) is in another country (not doing any kind of scab work)and is making $26 + with $259 a day per diem... in the land where rent in a city runs about the same as here in the U.S.

HE likey-likey........

Even if you don't want to move those skills you have aquired (besides the really good training from NW that must have cost them $$$$$$$$) is like GOLD. There are so many jobs out there that woud snatch a MX up in a heartbeat.
Last year, amusement parks such as Cedar Point, the Disney parks, Busch gardens, ect, were very actively seeking licensed A and P's to come work for them. I heard the pay was pretty good, but Other than that I couldnt tell ya any more. For any NDT guys who are also dive certified, there is a growing market in commercial diving, inspecting bridges and what-not...great job, good pay, but the physical toll it takes on your body is BRUTAL! (If ya have ever been deco sick, ya know EXACTLY what I mean) Some time ago, the Nissan plant in Smyrna Tenn.was hiring machinists giving STRONG preference to vets and licensed A and P's. Or ya could always go the entrperneurial route and start your own business...then you never have to complain about corrupt ceo's and fascist mngmnt! :lol:
At any rate, best of luck whoever you are, and wherever you go.
Last year, amusement parks such as Cedar Point, the Disney parks, Busch gardens, ect, were very actively seeking licensed A and P's to come work for them. I heard the pay was pretty good, but Other than that I couldnt tell ya any more. For any NDT guys who are also dive certified, there is a growing market in commercial diving, inspecting bridges and what-not...great job, good pay, but the physical toll it takes on your body is BRUTAL! (If ya have ever been deco sick, ya know EXACTLY what I mean) Some time ago, the Nissan plant in Smyrna Tenn.was hiring machinists giving STRONG preference to vets and licensed A and P's. Or ya could always go the entrperneurial route and start your own business...then you never have to complain about corrupt ceo's and fascist mngmnt! :lol:
At any rate, best of luck whoever you are, and wherever you go.
You are one SOB of an old geezer. No one asked for your input on the job market nor does one need your infamous wisdom on where to look for one.

Your heckling crass remarks may be funny to you, but to the people you SCREWED, you’re just an A$$.

Thats me...older than dirt, and twice as ugly :lol: :lol: :lol:
Twice as ugly isn’t the reason you can’t look yourself in a mirror, try the fact that you’re a SCAB and an x-marine one at that. Lucky for all concern including yourself your search and rescue days are long over…..
Your x-marine buddies would probably spit in your face and never again be able to look you in the eyes. Along with your age and your looks, your honor is gone too.
You are one SOB of an old geezer. No one asked for your input on the job market nor does one need your infamous wisdom on where to look for one.
Do tell us groundcontrol, what does the job market look like for you out there? Have you landed one of those thirty dollar an hour with benes that you don't pay for and week ends off jobs?
Do tell us groundcontrol, what does the job market look like for you out there? Have you landed one of those thirty dollar an hour with benes that you don't pay for and week ends off jobs?

Dear Felix aka PTO
I'm not seeking a job...putz...
I'm sure you would like to think I am a down and out striking mechanic, collecting unemployment, crying about my union, losing my house, blah...blah...blah....

NOT SO :censored: 😛

Yes I have weekends off (3 day), except every 4th and 5th week. I have holidays off, there are company picnics, parties, I am still in aviation,(no scabbing involved) and this may seem odd to you, but I live with my wife and kids.

So...have you found a lot in a trailer park yet to move the house, wife and kids closer?

Yup, Life is good... B)
Dear Felix aka PTO
I'm not seeking a job...putz...
I'm sure you would like to think I am a down and out striking mechanic, collecting unemployment, crying about my union, losing my house, blah...blah...blah....
Yes I have weekends off (3 day), except every 4th and 5th week. I have holidays off, there are company picnics, parties, I am still in aviation,(no scabbing involved) and this may seem odd to you, but I live with my wife and kids.
That is good groundcontrol, I am proud of you. I am just wondering why all this drama with this strike and all. With all these grand jobs out there and Northwests deplorable labor relations why even bother with Northwest. I am a Greener Pasture kind of guy, so I damn sure do not understand why one would fight for such a miserable job here at Northwest when you have a dream job next door. Why did it take a strike for you to go after a much better job?

So...have you found a lot in a trailer park yet to move the house, wife and kids closer?
No I have not. The Wife does not much care for it up here. She compared Detroit to Gotham City in Batman. She says it’s just a deplorable looking place. I have been looking into houses up here and I find that to be a joke. As you know I am a firm believer in the supply and demand factor driving an economy and the fact that you guys have let real-estate get out of control up hear is proof positive of the blatant ignorance that rules here. I have seen run down shacks selling for insane prices the fact that they can even ask such prices is insane and the fact that there are enough fools out there that will buy them is even more insane. I could understand if these houses were re-zoned for commercial but they are not.

I do hope that you enjoy your newfound job.
No I have not. The Wife does not much care for it up here. She compared Detroit to Gotham City in Batman. She says it’s just a deplorable looking place. I have been looking into houses up here and I find that to be a joke. As you know I am a firm believer in the supply and demand factor driving an economy and the fact that you guys have let real-estate get out of control up hear is proof positive of the blatant ignorance that rules here. I have seen run down shacks selling for insane prices the fact that they can even ask such prices is insane and the fact that there are enough fools out there that will buy them is even more insane. I could understand if these houses were re-zoned for commercial but they are not.
Notice bold print....
do you ever stop with the insults?
I'm guessing Felix doesn't have many playmates...
You like to blame others for lifes events...
do you ever stop with the insults?
:lol: :lol:
I'm guessing Felix doesn't have many playmates...
You like to blame others for lifes events...
It is the populace of an area that drives market prices. That means that the people, being the general public, have been suckered into paying inflated prices for junk. Not to mention what a decent home here cost. These prices are this high because there are suckers out there that will pay them. It is not a matter of being insulting but a matter of fact.
I am just wondering why all this drama with this strike and all. With all these grand jobs out there and Northwests deplorable labor relations why even bother with Northwest. I am a Greener Pasture kind of guy, so I damn sure do not understand why one would fight for such a miserable job here at Northwest when you have a dream job next door. Why did it take a strike for you to go after a much better job?
This may come as a shock to you but many of those NWA folks are from that area, you know have roots, families, ties to that region. Not all people choose to live their lives living like a band of Gypsies, leaving their families behind or uprooting them chasing contract work all over the country.

Many choose to stay for various reasons, yes hoping that NWA will once again have good employee relations and many have chosen to leave for greener pastures.

You obviously have no ties to that region, If you don't like the housing prospects then buy some land and build or pack your bags and leave....Simple.

You seem to have a fondness for the south, can't a SCAB find work in that area? I hear there is plenty of work in the hurricane raveged gulf coast, and the housing is cheaper as well.you may not be able to repair an overhead bin, or change a DC-9 engine in a timely fashion, heck you may not even be able to operate a Tug without sheering the nose steering...surely you can operate a shovel or a claw hammer.

Have you noticed much of the wealth-producing economy is being sent overseas? Namely China and other Asian countries?

Mr. Bush likes to talk about how many "new jobs" are being created in this country. Maybe so, they are mostly low-paying non-benefit type jobs. Many people are now working two jobs just to keep a roof over the heads of their families. We aren't talking unskilled, uneducated, lazy folks here. It's about Americans who have been "downsized" out of decent jobs in the name of Corporate Greed.

Right now, the "white collars" are feeling the pinch.

Our national debt is over 8 TRILLION dollars, dollars your kids will be working to pay off. Probably your grandkids too.

As people take lower-paying jobs, the amount of taxes paid are less. And you know the "rich folks" ain't gonna be making up the deficit. Roads won't get repaired, schools won't be built and in general, out infrustructure won't be maintained.

Listen to Mother Dea here. Your job will be outsourced to the lowest bidder and chances are, it won't be in the USA.

I don't know about you, but I sure as heck don't want to leave the country I love for the sake of a job.


PS: and another thing, as pensions are slashed, eliminated and social services are decreased, we will see soup lines once again. Bring your own tin cup.
This may come as a shock to you but many of those NWA folks are from that area, you know have roots, families, ties to that region. Not all people choose to live their lives living like a band of Gypsies, leaving their families behind or uprooting them chasing contract work all over the country.

Many choose to stay for various reasons, yes hoping that NWA will once again have good employee relations and many have chosen to leave for greener pastures.

You obviously have no ties to that region, If you don't like the housing prospects then buy some land and build or pack your bags and leave....Simple.

You seem to have a fondness for the south, can't a SCAB find work in that area? I hear there is plenty of work in the hurricane raveged gulf coast, and the housing is cheaper as well.
I couldn't have said that better myself...
Felix (PTO)is just too exhausting to talk to, he has no clue what it's like to give your heart, soul, spirit, and the best years of your life to any one company. His resume is probably 20 pages long and no one but a down and out bankrupt company would hire him. Of course when the company screws him, I'm sure it won't matter 'cause he's use to it.

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