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Racist GQ- F*ck Ben Carson.

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700UW said:
Post where I have stated that?
I won't ever vote for him as I don't agree with anything on his platform and he is out there and has lied.
Obama is black and I voted for him twice.
And you and others have never deemed ANYONE who didn't agree with BaRacks agenda, a racist?

So guess what? It's our turn......racist!
southwind said:
And you and others have never deemed ANYONE who didn't agree with BaRacks agenda, a racist?

So guess what? It's our turn......racist!
Lying again?
Like I said, post where I have said anything racist, you and your buddy petey have had 24 hours and no evidence yet.
Pay your bet off to Kevin?
How much is it now with two years of interest?
Stop changing the subject! You know damned well ANYONE, especially on the right, who disagreed with BaRack was labeled a racist!

So now, you have the chance to agree with everything Carson says or be considered a racist!
southwind said:
Stop changing the subject! You know damned well ANYONE, especially on the right, who disagreed with BaRack was labeled a racist!
So now, you have the chance to agree with everything Carson says or be considered a racist!
Just admit you lied once again, you have been asked four times to provide where I posted anything racist.

You are a pathetic liar who is the racist.
700UW said:
Just admit you lied once again, you have been asked four times to provide where I posted anything racist.

You are a pathetic liar who is the racist.
Says the liar who keeps repeating no one has ever stopped a mass shooting, aka "good guy with a gun".
Back to your hole troll....
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Hey Hackman.
I know a zillion   White Irish Guys from South Boston and the other White 'hoods'(not talking Blacks 'hoods' here), who could never be mistaken for ANYTHING but  100% male, who voted for B O  twice, who would ABSOLUTELY... L  O  V  E    to have this conversation with you, face to face  !!
Go to the movie much Hack'  ?
You Should !
Let me recommend a flic' still out.
Check it out.  I'll $$ Pay  !
You know a zillion white guys who voted for hussein obama?  Why would they do that?  Have you seen a list of his appointees?  It's like a whos who list of America hating, commie, terrorist loving, queers.  BTW that birth certificate he produced is a forgery, his selective service card is fake, and his social security number doesn't match up either.  Never mind the fact that he still hasn't produced any college transcripts, or how he qualified for a scolarship that is only awarded to foreign born students.  Just bury your head in the sand.  It was common knowledge among his high school classmates that hussein obama was a homosexual.  Joan Rivers didn't last too long after pointing out that fact - that most of us already knew. 

Do you actually believe what you posted?
southwind said:
And you and others have never deemed ANYONE who didn't agree with BaRacks agenda, a racist?

So guess what? It's our turn......racist!
I do not recall 700 ever saying such a thing.  Do you have any proof to support your claim?
Yes some did use the race card when it was not applicable.  And guess what.  There was a significant portion of the country, both liberal and conservative who would not vote for a non-white male for office.  Those same people will not vote for Carson or Fiorina.  To deny that is ignorant.  To call 700, my self or others racist because we do not agree with Carson or Fiorina on substantive issues is stupid and childish.  
southwind said:
Stop changing the subject! You know damned well ANYONE, especially on the right, who disagreed with BaRack was labeled a racist!

So now, you have the chance to agree with everything Carson says or be considered a racist!
Wrong again no matter how many times you want to repeat it.
Race was an issue, a huge issue.  There were and are people who disagree with Obama on substantive issues and that has nothing to do with race.
There are people who disagree with Clinton and Fiorina on substantive issues.  That does not make them sexist.  There are people like you, town, dell, and others who make sexist comments against either of them.  While you may also disagree with them on substantive issues you are also sexist.  They are mutually exclusive but can co-exist.
Vortilon said:
You know a zillion white guys who voted for hussein obama?  Why would they do that?  Have you seen a list of his appointees?  It's like a whos who list of America hating, commie, terrorist loving, queers.  BTW that birth certificate he produced is a forgery, his selective service card is fake, and his social security number doesn't match up either.  Never mind the fact that he still hasn't produced any college transcripts, or how he qualified for a scolarship that is only awarded to foreign born students.  Just bury your head in the sand.  It was common knowledge among his high school classmates that hussein obama was a homosexual.  Joan Rivers didn't last too long after pointing out that fact - that most of us already knew. 
Good grief.  Really?
A few of the pictures assertions stand out as bald face lies.  Laura Bush had 22 assistants.  Both Obama's inactivated their law licenses voluntarily and are free to resume practice anytime they choose.  You could look it up but given your post it is obvious you have no interest in knowing what happened.  Original BC was verified.  None of the records are "sealed" as that is a legal term.  Many of the documents are private and under the control of the individual.  The thesis was not able to be located (after 30 some years ... go figure....).  The selective service record is publicly available.  Obamas voting record in IL is public record for anyone who wants to look (we know you won't but that does not make your picture true).
The only people who believe this tripe are those who willfully choose to ignore the abundance of facts available.  There are plenty of reasons to dislike Obama.  I have quite a few issues with him.  The stuff above are just plain stupid.
Ms Tree said:
I do not recall 700 ever saying such a thing.  Do you have any proof to support your claim?
Yes some did use the race card when it was not applicable.  And guess what.  There was a significant portion of the country, both liberal and conservative who would not vote for a non-white male for office.  Those same people will not vote for Carson or Fiorina.  To deny that is ignorant.  To call 700, my self or others racist because we do not agree with Carson or Fiorina on substantive issues is stupid and childish.  
Thank You.
townpete said:
Your wife to your rescue again?

Is that the best you can do?
Are you in 2nd grade on the playground?
You made bro?
That's what happens when your lies are exposed.
It's a bitter pill.
Just swallow it.
Nope not mad at all, just posted your pic.
Only mad people are you and your closet lovers buttercup.
Must suck to be so miserable in life.
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