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By the way, I voted against the fa contract. Our union has rolled over and played dead. They will do the same for the pension. I wonder if they will cut union dues 9.5%.
For the life of me I cannot understand, given the economic realities in the industry, how people can think that AFA, or any other union for that matter, can negotiate anything but a concessionary contract. I mean, that's the whole point.

Do I like it...hell no. But I just don't understand how personal animosity towards UAL or AFA (and I have had my fair share) can even enter into one's decision about the vote.

I'm not saying that to you personally...I just don't understand the rationale. To me, the handwriting is on the wall with this job. It takes 6 weeks, at the most, to train us; the minimum requirements for education are a high school equivalency. Where is the company going to cut?? Where is AFA's leverage??

I'm not minimizing the skills I or anyone else bring to the job either. I think most of us are bright, exceptional people with a strong work ethic. I just don't think any of the airlines want us anymore. The standards are too low and the value of our emotional labor is non-existent, in the company's eyes...Always has been.

It sucks, but there it is, in my mind.
Fly said:
LMAO....spoken like a true AA employee. What do YOU people do??? Post signs on your butts that say "Go ahead......do whatever you want?"

(somehow i'd bet you're the life of the party, whichever party.....)

Actually I believe UA employees have the opportunity now to remove Tilton & Brace.

But who would step up to the plate? Why not reach deep into the ranks?

Certainly their is a candidate amongst your ranks ready for a field promotion?

Tilton/Brace haven't exactly inspired Wall Street either, so the 'seasoned executive' argument is nonsense.

Your current leadership are buffoons and you are allowing them to spend millions on lawyers and consultants and you still arrive ---- at the same place!!

Time to storm the gates fly.
Space - I appreciate your post. I feel that this company had the opportunity several years ago to make the changes needed and they didn't. Management played around with everthing except the issue of getting Ua back into the black.

The afa and all the other unions did NOT do their part to insure Ua was paying into the pension fund. That should have been addressed 3 years ago when there was money. Now it is too late. If this contract passes I think the company will come for more cuts later. The company reported today that they lost $1.6 billion last year. This year we will have high fuel cost the entire year and pressure to lower ticket prices even more.

The company needs to cut wasteful spending. They want a company like SWA but we are not even close. We don't have near the efficiencies that swa does. We don't have the management that understands the airline business to increase the efficiencies. Our management just wants all of us to subsidize their mistakes.
SWA doesn't have nearly the Management layers and the associated staff that UA does. They have so many advantages--it's unreal. UA Management needs to look in the mirror to find the real problems. Quality employees are starting to jump ship. When those numbers of employees increase, there won't be many left to carry the slackers--many of whom find their way into Management. It could get pretty ugly.
mrfish3726 said:

So WHAT!!!!!!!

You should really put your efforts forward in finding that NEW line of work! Freedom of imformation act doesn't list a MRFISH as having and A&P dude, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 

So YOU"LL never find out who the FISH is, unless he wants you to!
You've been sooooooo wrong about so many things dipsh*t....you thought you could hide behind a web page as you bantered about lashing your venom and spewing your garbage....I told you tough guy "that's a laugh...you guys ought to see this guy...come to think of it...how 'bout a picture of Lester?"....I know where you walk, talk and sleep a**hole, and you'll never even know if I'm standing next to you.....LOL...LOL....LOL
Welcome to my world motherf***er..... 😉
I'd appreciate it if you would not post PERSONAL information about me on this site. You aren't going to do anything about what has transpired on this site.

IF YOU DO, I have already contacted the moderator to let him know that I WILL get a court order to have your personal information given to the Denver Police Department should you be childish enough to carry out your threats. I do have all that information on YOU and BUSDRIVER to trun over to the authorities. It has to be breaking some internet law I am sure. So cool your jets, if you come here threating me or have a physical altercation I hope your prepaired to spend sometime in the Denver County jail before you return home.

Obviously you have gone to quite a bit of effort to find my identity, which I beleive the law will see as being a bit of a stocker.
Keep threatining DUDE, just more fuel for YOUR FIRE!!!!!!
I could care less what your cooking up. You made the threats I never have. You want to be childish enough to carry them out then go ahead. I have them all VERY well documented here for your arrest warrant when you do!!! And I don't know were you'd get a pic of me but if you post it on the net I WILL take legal recourse against you through this site Ronin, count on that!!!!!
You won't be able to hide from this RONIN, I'll make sure of that!

And I got ALL YOUR elephant tracks here to turn over to the Denver PD also. I am sure they will need all these messages and threats if you should truly come here to Denver for a physical altercation over that fucked up company you work for. Be my guest, I will have you arrested just for being so childish. And if you come here from another state just to prove that your so tuff, that won't weigh in your favor to much either. I beleive that will be interstate stalking.

You think about it, it's going to be a BIG hard felt mistake on your part over such a stupid issue as UniTED. I can hear the cops now, " He stalked you all the way to Denver to punch your lights out over UniTED?" They'll be getting a laugh out of that one.

US Aviation moderation team has already been put on notice as to what your up to.
Look at ALL these PM's I'm getting!!! Gee, friendship is priceless 😀
I'd just like to publicly state that if anything happens to Fishead, I had nothing to do with it. I love the guy. He is the most wonderful human being I know. Considerate and caring, always concerned for his fellow man. I personally in no way would do anything to my friend Lester the Molester...but that's only me....others on the otherhand might not feel so inclined... 😉
By the way Ronin, some of the threats you've made if carried out will PROBABLY cost you your airport badge. Something to think about, it's probably not worth losing that over DUDE. But if you want to push it, I will push back as far as the LAW allows! And the reference you made awhile back that your buddies in Denver brought you to the Frontier hangar leads me to beleive that your using your UniTED flight benefits to commit a crime. Think twice OK!
Dumb*ss....I'm leaving United and aviation...do you believe in Karma, Lester....I do 😉
Who would have thought that Fish was such a girlie man. Crying to the moderators??? lmao (and I bet they were too!) He's brought this all onto himself. Thanks for sending me his pic.

Don't worry FLY, I'll still be here identity revealed or not. Any Company that continues to lose 664 million a quarter and still touts that they’re on the way to solvency will ALWAYS be big NEWS. And if Ronin really sent you a picture of me (I Highly Doubt it), I must have worked with him the past. Now I can’t wait to meet him in person, I hope he was one of the good guys I worked with at UniTED, because I worked with some pretty good guys there. Of course, on the flip side, I worked with some VERY BAD ones to! I wonder which one Ronin was????????

I am not going to let Ronin or any of you from UniTED keep me out of this forum. And even though I touted about you’re misfortunes being employed by one of the worst employers in the industry UniTED. Not once have I been childish enough to threaten and intimidate any of YOU no matter how much you busted my balls.

I don't care what Ronin has done, even though he probably broke many rules of this board. I will still be here to see UniTED'S continued struggle for survival. Continued losses like what you posted this quarter only fuels the fire to come after more concessions form the unions, GOOD LUCK!

And FLY if Ronin really sent you a Picture of me (which I doubt). I can't wait to meet him face to face. If he had my PIC we must have worked together at one time. I worked with a lot of good guys at UniTED, but on the flip side I worked with some REAL BAD ONES TO! I wonder which one Ronin was????? <_<

mrfish3726 said:
Not once have I been childish enough to threaten and intimidate any of YOU...
Nope. You have your own, unique brand of childishness.

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