Questionable Article

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Roddey isn't alone. Speculation about a merger between the US Airwayas and United -- one that emerged from bankruptcy last March, the other that's still in it -- is rife on airline Internet message boards and analysts' circles.
HEY MON DAT BE US..... :up:
Mike Boyd, who heads the Colorado-based aviation consulting firm, The Boyd Group, said a full merger doesn't make sense, but that he could envision US Airways, through its major investor, the Retirement Systems of Alabama, attempting to cherry-pick some of United's assets, such as gates at Chicago's O'Hare airport or at Denver International Airport.

Chip's UCT/ICT could become a reality. Keep up the good postings Chip. :up:
Of course, let's not forget this gem:

Ray Neidl, an airline industry analysts with Blaylock & Partners in New York, said he regarded any merger as a long shot....

Let's also realize that RSA has seen the value of it's US investment drop by half. Let's not forget that United is meeting it's DIP numbers, and that they are working to line up commercial investment money to emerge (as opposed to a pump and dump specialist like Bronner).

Let's also not forget that if/when United emerges that they are certainly not going to dump/sell the ORD space, and if they do, every solvent airline on the planet will be bidding for the space. What's to stop CO from picking up CLE and moving it west?
Here we go again. Wet dreams about some fantasy merger where U employees are finally brought out of their 15 year funk and handed over the worlds premier route system at the expense of the employees at UAL. UAL scab Boyd notes that rumours abound about a merger between the two companies. The only source of those rumors is one of your patheticly obsessed captains with an oversized case of p**** envy. ( Thats "plane" envy, of course). The only legitimacy for that rumour is to hope that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Tilton has said many times over that a merger is out of the question because he knows that the employee opposition to any merger at this time would be so great as to put the company out of business. Thruout our bancruptcy, we were continually bombarded by rumours and "forecasts" by such analyst wannabes predicting our demise in hopes that those too would become self fulfilling. Surprise folks, it ain't gonna happen. Our future looks increasingly bright, and every day we make progress towards our emergence from bankruptcy. Yes, we have large issues yet to be confronted not the least of with is our pension shortfall. But again, much to your chagrin, we have several avenues available to us to handle this situation. As a last resort, one which will happen before any selloff of our route system, is a termination of one or more of our plans. As undesirable as this is, this is much preferable to any sellout of our company and will happen long before your dreams are fulfilled. Once that problem is handled, money for our emergence will be plentiful. It is funny however that U rumors are quite contrary to those at UAL. Information gleemed from a recent trip with an MEC member suggested that we are seriously looking at your shuttle operations in the event of a fragmentation. The biggest question is whether our bankruptcy emergence timing will coincide with the availability of those routes. Now, the question you must ask yourself at this juncture is which one of these senarios is more plausable. What direction is your company heading? Hmmm... Time will tell.
tumbleweed said:
Yes, we have large issues yet to be confronted not the least of with is our pension shortfall. But again, much to your chagrin, we have several avenues available to us to handle this situation. As a last resort, one which will happen before any selloff of our route system, is a termination of one or more of our plans. As undesirable as this is, this is much preferable to any sellout of our company and will happen long before your dreams are fulfilled. Once that problem is handled, money for our emergence will be plentiful. It is funny however that U rumors are quite contrary to those at UAL. Information gleemed from a recent trip with an MEC member suggested that we are seriously looking at your shuttle operations in the event of a fragmentation. The biggest question is whether our bankruptcy emergence timing will coincide with the availability of those routes. Now, the question you must ask yourself at this juncture is which one of these senarios is more plausable. What direction is your company heading? Hmmm... Time will tell.
Large issues is that what you call them I call them colossal issues. And what are those avenues available to you list them for me. The only way the shuttle goes any where is when U is gone and my friend that will not happen for some time to much money on hand and revenue going up. So keep your pants on U will be around for a while any way the most plausible scenario is both airlines make it out of the muck on there own……..

But if were my decision to save either airline I would choose merge if was to save the thousands of jobs of either company.

Even yours union friend
Ask yourself who else uses his real name on the forum other than Chip? Could it be to give his postings more credibility while he repeatedly references management and analyst sources in his made up articles.

Could it be that Chip is doing his outmost to create a M/A buzz with his repeated postings of UCT in almost every reply and thread he is involved with?

Chip, could one of your secret analysts be Boyd, who is the only one that constantly bashes United and touts your UCT. Yea I know it’s not your UCT. That I believe
But you have seriously come to believe that Usair without a merger/acquisition or another Ch11 is not going to last, and you are doing your utmost to affect the markets.

Sorry chip, market forces are much more powerful than what an Internet chatter is capable off.


Ps. I wonder if you personally know the writer of this particular article. I will venture to say yes you probably do. Which is another facet of your strategy (maybe even encouraged by certain Usair senior management but not ALPA) to feed and manipulate news agencies.
Most companies that go thru Chapter 11 -- and definitely airlines -- come out a much different size than when they went in. Fact of the matter is UAL still has lots of unresolved aircraft and airport negotiations. There may come a time when the lessors simply will not agree to terms UAL can live with, in which case the leases will be rejected. U got to this point in its Chapter 11 case; I don't believe UAL really has gotten to this point yet. And, in some ways, an improving economy only makes these negotiations harder on UAL.

Also, UAL really doesn't have all the time in the world. At some point the creditors can file their own plan of reorganization, and this may be very different from what management wants. Don't forget RSA is a UAL creditor (at least from what I've read).
If everybody hasn't figured out by now that management and media read these boards you're higher than LavMon. Love that name LavMon. The post gazette story seems all over the place if you ask me. Maybe we're confusing the heck out of them.
Why is it, everytime there is talk of a possible BUSINESS transaction between U and UAL, the talk is of one group gaining at the expense of another? Clearly the industry is not going to look the same in 5 years as it does now. Consolidation is needed to adjust the capacity, costs and synergies of the mature majors to survive and thrive against a constant stream of LCCs. The fit between U and UAL is almost perfect, and in the right hands, could become a powerful, profitable survivor in a very tough market. There are plenty of tools available to protect jobs, seats, seniority etc. No one group should expect to be screwed or rewarded any more than the other. We are talking about a common goal of good jobs, good pay, a strong carrier and lasting career. Does anyone really think that is not possible with a common respect for each employee group? We are talking ultimate suvival for all of our jobs here. The altenative is not pretty. Ask anyone from EAL, TWA etc. This is a business. A good business decision may be to put the two airlines together. We as employees have no right to stop something that would be for the common good simply because we want to keep things as they are, and fear a disruption to our little position right now. There are no guarantees in this business, things change. Get over it, use your heads, don't think you are going to take someone elses piece of pie, and maybe we will all still be working for a great airline down the road.

And please stop attacking and complaining about Chip's posts. He is doing some very interesting, well written and informative letters. He is intitled to his opinion, and frankly, has kept his wrtting to a very civil level of discussion...which is more than can be said about his attackers.
Anyone who sees UAL buying the US Shuttle is about 4 years behind the times. The shuttle is worth a fraction of it's previous value, and with the Feds likely to confiscate the slots in the remote chance US does not survive, UAL Shuttle ops would come at the expense of other, much likely more profitable routes.

BTW, everyone see the JetBlue news today, as of 12:30, they were down over 17%, blaming overcapacity leading to lower yields (their own creation), and saying that SoCal fires hurt bookings. All of this is leading them lower Q4 forecasts and the analysts are blasting them. I guess we can fight afterall, huh CCY?
"I think they're in serious trouble," Roddey said of US Airways, adding that merger seemed to the only way out. "I think that's their only hope," Roddey said.

Ah yes, I will now make all investment decisions based on Roddey's input.
And please stop attacking and complaining about Chip's posts. He is doing some very interesting, well written and informative letters. He is intitled to his opinion, and frankly, has kept his wrtting to a very civil level of discussion...which is more than can be said about his attackers.

Well said Hogdriver

Didn't anyone notice that the writer of the article in question referenced internet message boards as a source?

Does anyone else questions the validity of statements made, when the source is a message board?

Hello... is there any intelligent life out there????? :blink:

What we have here is a case of Munn and Boyd quoting each other as inside experts. Let them pat each other on the back all they want. A merger linked to UA's emergence from BK is just not n the cards. If it ever happens at all, it will be down the road under much different circumstances.

Now would everyone just chill, please! B)
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