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Question ? Utilty End Dates ?

fatherof2 said:
How I voted is really a moot point at this point. I will go on record for voting it down, but find no fault with those who voted yes. My job was gone regardless, but I have many fine memories and am prepared to move on with my life. I always said that I would ride this dead horse till she dropped dead. It was a wonderful experience and I met a lot of great people and made a lot of wonderful friends. I am so blessed to have the love and support of my family, and we will take the next step together. I wish those who remain at USAirways nothing but the best and to keep one hand on your wallet, because I still distrust the managment team that is currently in place! Good Luck to all! B) 😉

That is very well said. May God bless you & yours, best of luck in the future.
OK, how long is it going to take the company to put it's outsourcing plan into effect, and how long until the company and union let people know what the heck is going on ???
Heard May 12th is the date, not sure if correct. Heard Aramark won most of the contracts.
I tend to wonder if the contracts were even put out for bids, or just awarded to a company such was the case with A/C overhaul and Mobile Aerospace? "There are some fine facilities in Alabama" to quote Dr Bronner. Was there ever an official bid put out for the work? It that not the reason to bid a job to get the best price and the best quality of work? And people wonder why no one trusts this managment.
I would also think that you would see some advertising in the help wanted ads for people.
Word in PIT is that WORLDWIDE will be taking over the utility function. A friend of mine has an interview for Supervisor next week.

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