Psa Sold?


Jan 27, 2004
Is PSA going to be sold? Ive heard some interesting news that may lead one to believe that they have been sold. Anyone have some info?
Of course PSA will be sold. The pilots sealed that deal when they gave up scope in LOA 91. The company needed to continue to send the large SJs to PSA, but before could only do that for a wholly-owned. Now that the airplanes can go to affiliated carriers with ALPA's blessing, PSA will certainly be sold. (As will Piedmont, although they have no jets.) I bet Mesa owns PSA before year's end.
nycbusdriver said:
Of course PSA will be sold. The pilots sealed that deal when they gave up scope in LOA 91. The company needed to continue to send the large SJs to PSA, but before could only do that for a wholly-owned. Now that the airplanes can go to affiliated carriers with ALPA's blessing, PSA will certainly be sold. (As will Piedmont, although they have no jets.) I bet Mesa owns PSA before year's end.
I bet PSA will be bought by Mesa by the end of June and that won't be the end of Mesa's buying binge. You may see their name on a lot more of UAIR's assets by year end if not sooner. They're positioning themselves to be the next LCC and they like the assets mainline has. Time will tell.
Yeah? Well I bet that Bronner is positioning himself to buy Airtran, combine it with PSA, run Delta out of ATL and move U mainline in there. Song will be spun-off, and it'll go head-to-head with TED in a knock-down, drug-out fight that will send Frontier into BK.....CH11, IMHO......where they will be picked up in a CORPORATE TRANSACTION led by AWA's M&A team. With U mainline growing like gangbusters in ATL, Philly will become a "focus city" and SWA will take over much of the domestic capacity there. However, sources indicate that U's international presense will grow to accomodate the cheap feed provided by SWA. The remaining AB widebody orders will be converted to A340-600's, and the Pacific Rim will be the next big cash cow for U Group. Next, it naturally follows that M&A talks between UAIR/UAL will be revived. Separately, American has indicated that if even 38% of the above scenario comes to pass, it will be forced to entertain the idea of a corporate transaction that will include NWA and CAL, with NWs A320 fleet being eliminated (absorbed into the AWA/Frontier fleet to ease government concerns.)

Much of what I've written here is based on FACTS that I got off of the Internet, from industry insiders, and from sources that, if I revealed them, would change their story quicker than an active U pilot can say "I GOT MINE!" Please, don't shoot the messenger. I've got to get this stuff out to the public! Trust me, when any of the above comes true, I'll be logging on to write to all of you and ask "Who was it that publicly predicted the whole AA/NWA/CAL, U/Airtran/PSA, AWA/Frontier thing?" Man, I can't wait! It was back in Third Grade, long before the Internet was developed, that I said to my mommy, and I quote: "When I grow up, I want to be an Internet Prediction Hero!" She wasn't impressed. She told me to eat my oatmeal and go outside and get some fresh air. As is so often the case, Mom was right. I think I'm done for the day....I'm headed out for a bicycle ride. Y'all carry on without me. :lol:
Now, naming names......I got in trouble for that the other day.

If you notice, my screen name indicates that I'm on the Affected Pilot List (APL), at least that's what I wanted to convey. In any case, I'm furloughed, not an Active Pilot, as those who still get to fly the big iron at US Airways like to refer to themselves as.

Right boys? They even have a special place -- their very own ALPA web board -- where they can talk amongst themselves about things that would only make furloughed pilots uncomfortable, mad as hell, or otherwise dissatisfied with the direction they want the consessions to go.

So, no, I'm not (yet) another alter ego of USA320PILOT. I think he gave that little ploy up a while ago. I'm just a guy trying to make a living flying airplanes; what a stupid thing to attempt! :angry:
The funny thing is that some of those who screamed loudest for a separate board keep coming to the "real" board and posting their nonsense.

APL Refugee: You are spot on. Thank you for entertaining us with the contents of your crystal ball. :lol: :up:
They kicked me off the boards early-on (they wont let you participate in more than one board at a time and, obviously, i'm on the Comair board now).

I'd love to know WHO was screaming for a seperate board and WHY?!!!

Could you PM me???

If there's ever a recall to mainline I will STRONGLY support a complete OVERHAUL in the association leadership with the goal of building unity and job-security from the bottom up.

Creating artificial divisions with in the group serves no purpose.
PSA won't be sold. We bring in more in operating profits than they could make from a one time sale.

Do you think selling PSA is going to help you avoid another round of concessions? Dream on. Face it, PSA and MDA are the future of U. The responsibility of the board of directors is to grow share holder value. Selling PSA would be selling one of the most valuable assets U owns. I forsee shuttle getting sold before PSA.

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