The company came out with more details on how to guestimate what your before taxes profit sharing will be. Depending on your work group, it can make a big difference. Here is a very wild calculation based on my rudimentary math skills.
Approximate percent of your total 2007 pay that you will get for for profit sharing. For example, if a mechanic made $50,000 in 2007. His gross profit sharing check should be about $3,085.00.
Pilots - unknown...insufficient data
IAM Mechanics - 6.18 percent
Flight Attendants - 2.7 percent
CWA - 3.4 percent
IAM Fleet Service - 2.25 percent
Non contract Admin - 3.97 pct
TWU Dispatch - 2.25 percent
TWU Flight trainers - 2.12 pct
TWU Flight Simulator Engineers -1.65 pct
IAM - main training - 1.67 pct
Approximate percent of your total 2007 pay that you will get for for profit sharing. For example, if a mechanic made $50,000 in 2007. His gross profit sharing check should be about $3,085.00.
Pilots - unknown...insufficient data
IAM Mechanics - 6.18 percent
Flight Attendants - 2.7 percent
CWA - 3.4 percent
IAM Fleet Service - 2.25 percent
Non contract Admin - 3.97 pct
TWU Dispatch - 2.25 percent
TWU Flight trainers - 2.12 pct
TWU Flight Simulator Engineers -1.65 pct
IAM - main training - 1.67 pct