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Possible Merger With Aa


Nov 6, 2004
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I'm an AA f/a based in LAX-I. My best friend in JFK said that he heard it from a reliable source that supposedly, AA will be making a big announcement in Feb, 2005. He thinks that we'll merge with you guys to prevent you guys from going under. Has anyone heard anything about it?
okoge1027 said:
I'm an AA f/a based in LAX-I. My best friend in JFK said that he heard it from a reliable source that supposedly, AA will be making a big announcement in Feb, 2005. He thinks that we'll merge with you guys to prevent you guys from going under. Has anyone heard anything about it?

Why would AA care if USAirways goes under?

A fairly large percentage of USAirways' employees don't even care if USAirways goes under.

Besides, USA320pilot hasn't said it yet, so it can't possibly be true.
USAirBoyA330 said:
:up: LOL!!!! :up:
That is too funny! God I hope not.....will they wear staples on there jackets for us just like they did for TWA?
Not if you merge you won't!
nycbusdriver said:
Why would AA care if USAirways goes under?

A fairly large percentage of USAirways' employees don't even care if USAirways goes under.

Besides, USA320pilot hasn't said it yet, so itk can't possibly be true.
I'm sorry to hear that. I was just asking if anyone heard anything about it. That's all.
No offense but.....
Nothing would expedite my departure and resignation from this airline faster then a merger with AA. There are just nasty to everyone they have ever bought or merged with. No thanks. They hosed the TWA people with a smile on there face and I would not give them the satisfaction.
Thank you for the heads-up OK,

We will keep an ear our for news....

okoge1027 said:
I'm an AA f/a based in LAX-I. My best friend in JFK said that he heard it from a reliable source that supposedly, AA will be making a big announcement in Feb, 2005. He thinks that we'll merge with you guys to prevent you guys from going under. Has anyone heard anything about it?
Somebody's been halucinating again.

Arpey would shoot past Carty for first place honors for CEO buffoon of the century if he tried something like that.

In case you haven't noticed, AA is in pretty dire straights themselves and there would be huge negative synergy by acquiring U.

Or maybe Lakefield is going to buy AA? Is this the famout UCT we've been waiting for along with the coming of the Mother-Ship?
Winglet said:
Somebody's been halucinating again.
In case you haven't noticed, AA is in pretty dire straights themselves and there would be huge negative synergy by acquiring U.


No, we're acquiring AA. Just ask USA320Pilot.
okoge1027 said:
I'm an AA f/a based in LAX-I. My best friend in JFK said that he heard it from a reliable source that supposedly, AA will be making a big announcement in Feb, 2005. He thinks that we'll merge with you guys to prevent you guys from going under. Has anyone heard anything about it?

After 20 years in this industry I have been waiting for one "Big Announcement" after another. I have found that when all is quiet and no activity on the news front, that is when any and all announcements come.

I would expect the "Big Annoucement" will be USAir seeks liquidation.
Ugh... that may very well be the one way to get rid of people. Can you imagine dealing with those drama queens? I do know some nice people there, but in general it just seems like people are really nasty to each other at that company, not to mention merger wise.

And why AA, even if they could afford to, would want to buy an airline with a completely different fleet, different culture, and plethora of problems when they would only #### on the employees and shut down the operation in the end anyway, is beyond me.

I do however, think it would be a bit of fun if someone bought them and stapled them to the bottom... Actually, I take that back, I wouldn't wish that upon a collegue. ^_^

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