Dave and company HAD to take CO from DCA to CLE because you cannot get from IAD, DCA or BWI to CLE on US. Back in the day you could get there from BWI, but never DCA.
Heaven forbid they connect. Of course, it would almost have to be in PHL--or you would need to contact the Agh County police at PIT for a security escort and have the high-chair attendant paged to the Club.....phllax said:Dave and company HAD to take CO from DCA to CLE because you cannot get from IAD, DCA or BWI to CLE on US. Back in the day you could get there from BWI, but never DCA.
I know where you are coming from. I was at your station last year and many were waiting for the shoe to drop at any time. Nobody in any station with less than 7-8 flights a day is safe from being "Expressed". From where I am at, we knew the end was coming, but hung on for dear life until the last days. I must say it was a great morale booster for all of us each day. Coming to work and giving it your all, knowing that your efforts meant nothing to the company and that your station was not part of the so called "Big Picture".ILMgwm said:As an ILM employee, i share your grief and pain. I was displaced part time to ILM from a closed city. And we, here at ILM are awaiting our fate. It's an endless circle.
Our time is coming. It's like having a death sentence without having a date. Good luck to you all at PWM. I hope to work with you all somewhere.
Sure it does.....move your Family a few states away, buy another home, get settled in a bit...and WHAM, time to do it all again. Like the Company didn't have any ideas who would get the AX in the next round. PWM was on our list as well. I made up my mind that I wouldn't move 20 miles with this sinking outfit. You may as well stay put and keep your benefits for the time being. When times get better a $13 an hour job won't be tough to find. I spoke to a couple of guys the other day that work for a major beverage company, and they both make near $14 an hour with less than 1 year on the job. And they have hopes of earning more as they progress. We on the other hand have many years on the job and continue to slip back into the 1980's with pay. Unless you go to CLT or PHL, you are not safe...and PHL may not be safe for much longer.....if you are in PHL, run over to SWA and get a job with a GOOD Airline with a promising futureHello Newman said:When the CLE employees were handed packets, PWM was one of the cities that had openings. So seven months later, they decide to close PWM? Makes no #$%&* sense at all.
What? Me run airline? :down: