Portland (pwm) Joins The Ranks Of Maineline/expres


Aug 26, 2002
Well...Portland will join the other mainline/express stations on Feb 8.

The first in 2004, but many more to follow. Regional and HR will be
in station next friday to explain the options. Lookout below, here
comes some seniority. :cold:
Sorry to hear that...take it first hand, it sucks. After all of the other givebacks this is the utlimate kick in the teeth. Tell your fellow agents to apply for heating assistance, food stamps and whatever else they are now entitled to with the generous $13.01 that they will now be lucky to earn. When and if they send the Mainline flights back, be sure to work 'EM Express style..
I had asked on a previous thread which stations had already been "expressed." Now with PWM kicking off the '04 campaign, what other statons are on the list? Thanks. :(
My sympathies go to all of you fine folks in PWM. Very sorry to hear that the gangsters of ccy have decided to make a money maker station express. But I will warn you all to watch out for the very ruthless heartless steve raider. when the donkeys of ccy came to our station in august, they had no heart and started out
telling us that "we dont have to tell you why we're here but you are going express"
so please beware my fellow express employees.
When CLE went Express, the word was out on March 28th. No one from CCY paid a
visit there until Apr 25th. Even then they flew in and out on CO. Guess they wanted
to fly a real airline.......

What dave run airline?.
I guess the gangsters of ccycouldnt afford to sit in a 50 seat rj and had to take a mainline jet of another airline! What's the matter with that photo david seigal!?
Sorry to hear this PWM... Gee, has anyone else heard that the 1st MDA Revenue flight is to start in "Early February".... Hmmm :shock:
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Ya know what is really a pisser? Doing the furloughs 1 station at a time. The misery drags on and on for the agents in the systems. They could maintain the staff in the stations that go mainline/express until they have a bunch, then do the furloughs and all the bouncing around at one time. Like once or twice a year. Oh well....think about the employees just doesn't seem to be DC Daves thing.

But DC Daves got his problems too. I suspect 'bama Dave is going to be kicking some donkey behind here real soon. I don't think he will let the RSA money dwindle away without somebodys head(s) rolling.

Anybody want to come to Maine for the winter :cold: , I understand Mainline/express attracts some many.
We just experienced our first express flights from ABE to CLT and back this weekend. It wasn't entirely negative, but many aspects were.

Passengers walk down the jetway, but then have to go down steps to the tarmac and then up steps to the RJ. Shouldn't there be a jet bridge or something so that you can board without facing the elements.

The ERJ has limited overhead bin space. My carryon was under the seat and my legs had no free space. On the return flight I was able to use the overhead and it wasn't quite as bad.

The inflight service was reasonable. We had the same attendant on both legs and she did a good job. My family got scattered in different rows on the flight down. The attendant mentioned that this happens quite often since the flight was downgraded from mainline to express.

The ERJ has a claustrophobic feeling, actually worse than the Dash 8's between ABE and PHL.

The overall experience will make us check out Southeast's schedule for our next trip to Florida before booking on US. This seems to be what US management wants.
This leaves DL the only airline to provide mainline service to PWM. They fly the MD-88's to CVG and ATL along with Comair RJ's to BOS and LGA. I am sure DL will be excited to get our passengers who do not want to fly our crusty old props to the hubs. Thanks alot CCY !
PWM......Sorry to hear you are going express.

I now work in an Express station and the pay stinks but there is no jobs in my
area to go find other work.

Also why transfer when you never know what city is next.

PWM was one of our choices in Sept when we went express.

FORGET about the company trying to help you it is A JOKE.


And to RVolkcpa....we at abe are trying to take care of the passengers the
best we can from what cards we have been dealt.


WE will also fill you in on Southeast...they are a bigger JOKE.

as far as tthe jetway we are waiting for a towbar so we can use the jetway.

We have been waiting since Sept 15th and the company says one is on the way.

So,PWM when you need equipment to work flights good luck.

Welcome to airline travel in the 21st century. Why would you check out Southwest? RJ's are what our CEO says you want.
Bigdog and Mike W,

I appreciate the efforts of US Airways employees. It is the Crystal City employees who need to talk to passengers to find their reactions to these changes. We have always received excellent treatment at ABE, which is why we prefer to fly from ABE instead of EWR.

We did fly a US Airways Express CRJ flight 2 years ago from MOB-CLT, and I do not recall it being as cramped as the ERJ flights on Thursday and Saturday.

My comments about checking out Southeast are because the scheduled trip time from ABE-TPA is now 5 1/2 hours, since the CLT RJ flight departs an hour earlier than the old mainline flight, but yet the CLT to Florida connection departures are still the same. We got up at 3am, left our home at 4am for the 6:50am flight, and didn't arrive in Tampa until 12:30 pm. We arrived in Florida feeling that the "excitement" of flying has disappeared.

From a schedule standpoint the main problem with Southeast is that they don't fly every day of the week, although it appears they have recently increased their service to PIE lately.

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