- Aug 3, 2005
- 360
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US had a chance to shine..a few months back in the local paper it was announced that if any airline in CLE could come up with a new unserved destination or new service-jet or express-they could be in the running for free advertising ect. I forget all the details but it was a chance US could have and should have taken....free advertising and oh yeah, reduced landing fees for something like a year....when asked why nothing was done was told never received the info packet on this....??? Then go ask for it!!!! We used to send planes out full westbound....they took the 90 percent full plane away in the PM to paint it 2 years ago...must be still painting it...took all the dca flights away even though flyi had just closed shop.....bring in a 737 after the busy summer and wonder why it is not full....shaking head......