B) Well I'm back home now!!! Here's the most difficult part.....waiting. To let you know how was the week, let's just say we where 9 at the beginning, after all the sims session were done, we were 6 ready to go to Downsview.
The bad thing is....I guess....1 girl did pass the flying sessions back at Trenton to find at the DRDC she was 6 cm too short
🙁 . But they told her that they will revise all the minimums for the anthropometric data, so she now still hold on her dream of flying in the army....she will get to know in approx. 3 weeks. Hope she will make it because she was a really good person.
From my part, I did pass all the tests and from the words of the Doc back at the DRDC my chances are really good
😀 !!!! But man what a hard week on the mind, very stressful :wacko:. You never know if you're gonna make it or not. They do not tell anything until the last day when you get you're results.
One thing I can say is I really think my pilot licence help me a lot to complete the aircrew selection.
So now I have to wait app. 2 weeks until I get a call from the recruitment center to see if I made it.......this will be 14 long days :wacko:
i'll keep informing you about the process as the news comes in!!!!