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Phl Ramp Problem Continues

Hope777 said:
You have got to remember that TODAY was the LAST DAY for a Ramp Employees to call in sick AND GET PAID FOR IT. It happened all around the system not just PHL. And durring all of this where was Maintenance? And besides, the Company should have known this was going to happen, they wrote the contract. Yes I know members voted it in ( in the Hubs at least).

Hey HOPE less.. Where is Mtc? Mtc does not do pushbacks anymore.. You and your group of management weiners wanted Ramp to do it.. Now live with it.

To add to that.. Where were the ramp supervisors and management? They can drive a tug right?

Put blame where it belongs.. US Airways Mangagement..

Unfortunately...we deserve Kremlin Al. We get what we pay for....

OldGuyinPA said:

Unfortunately...we deserve Kremlin Al. We get what we pay for....

With Philly in the big game Ill bet Super Sunday makes Christmas seem tame in PHL!!
OldGuyinPA said:

Unfortunately...we deserve Kremlin Al. We get what we pay for....

Last year Crellin made about 400 grand in salary and another 800 grand in his retirement fund. I think the man in charge of the entire operation at your airline should be able to fix the PHL problem if he is paid like that.

I cannot imagine why each and every employee group is not calling for this inept managers head.

Crellin is responsible for the US Airways operation in PHL. Al Crellin is responsible for the US Airways operation in PHL.

How can his incompetence continue without the total outrage of the employees?

crushed said:
That number is accurate and is for the ramp only! However, that number does not include the 15 agents who just got their transfer or are retiring in the next month! It's more like 240+ now.

But on the bright side...we did just have a new hire class of.......4! :unsure:

And until the company is willing to pay new hires more than what they've put on the table, PHL will continue to be woefully short-handed. I've heard they sweetened the starting pay at PHL to more than the 7-something an hour that had been on offer before, but you have to wonder how many Philly-area people you can find that are willing to work for under $10/hour and can pass drug screens and background checks -- and are willing to do heavy manual labor outdoors in virtually all weather conditions. When there are easier jobs out there which pay better, few people are going to take you up on low-paying ramp jobs, especially at a company where the future is so uncertain.

The company's difficulty in hiring at PHL clearly demonstrates that they are trying to pay below-market wages -- and it's just not working.
Just a Mech....1st off I AM NOT MANAGEMENT and will never want any part of that job with this company. That being said, in HUBS, does not MTC still push aircraft and if no one is available then the ramp does? Its like that in LGA where we still have MTC, is it not like that in Hubs? And again it comes to STAFFING, STAFFING, STAFFING. Who decides this? And Mech, there is no such thing as a Ramp Supervisor any more.
BOS, CLT, LGA, DCA, PIT, PHL are the only stations where mtc pushes while not doing other mtc, but that is now gone since the final offer concessionary contract is now in effect.
700 were we not talking about PHL?

And new contract went into effect TODAY, not over the weekend.
Inbound full flight today from Philthadelphia had only 30-40 bags total loaded when it arrived....... :up:

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