
Oct 12, 2005
I wonder how is the new system of spotting equipment at designated gate locations working out,is it a help or what.
Anyone have input on this positive or negative...what ya think.
Being an ex-employee, who has worked at a hub, I can't see it working. The old motto that comes to mind, is "if you leave it you lose it". I have seen countless tugs, belt loaders taken, never to return to that gate, never to be seen again for that shift.
It may not have anything to do with equipment staging, but one outstation saw a huge jump in PAWOBs from PHL yesterday, on both express and M/L arrivals.

To top things off, the number of backlogged bags in PHL could not be accommodated on this morning's and afternoon's flights (babyjets, of course) so they were to be ground transported to the outstation.

Guess if the bags were, in fact, ground transported. Or if they are still in PHL being bumped off the babyjets.

Philly had been doing so well lately, too.
Get those baby jets off the routes and put mainline back where it belongs .... that seems to solve the problem!
Make Terminal F Mainline Capable. Put the baby jets where they belong, in the Delaware River. What, no water-ski's? Looks like they sink then!
Get those baby jets off the routes and put mainline back where it belongs .... that seems to solve the problem!

Gotta agree with JMM. Mainline needs to be flying to stations with high demand, especially at PHL. Commuter planes never cut the mustard when you have 100+ passengers at a time trying to get to the same place.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the relationship between air traffic congestion in the Northeast and over-dependence on regional jets and turboprops to the same?
Gotta agree with JMM. Mainline needs to be flying to stations with high demand, especially at PHL. Commuter planes never cut the mustard when you have 100+ passengers at a time trying to get to the same place.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the relationship between air traffic congestion in the Northeast and over-dependence on regional jets and turboprops to the same?
They'll say its too costly to operate M/L on some routes, but look at all the extra babyjets in the air, more M/L would help eliminate some of the traffic. There is no 1st Class in those babyjets either, not that the M/L has much more to offer. What frustrates me is that Sandcastle tends to believe that they know the market. They wouldn't know how to serve a VFF. Oh, we offer a first class and assigned seating and Southwest does not! Tempe can take their "Version of 1st Class" and give it to Bubba, so he can stick it up DP's Better End! The more I read into all this, the more I want to stay away from US, but all the workers at US were always good to me and I feel that they do deserve better. What will be the 2008 improvement, take out the Front Class and make everything ALL COACH! If that happens, Southwest is looking good, at least I'd have more legroom. I can see it now, an example of 1 class seating,
A319=160 Seats
A320=180 Seats
A321=210 Seats
767=300 Seats
757=240 Seats
A330=350 Seats
733=160 Seats
734=190 Seats
E190=120 Seats
I hope that it will never ever come to that, but I can see it.
Frontier- They are all coach, have DirecTV, and 34 inch pitch
Southwest-All Coach 33-34 pitch, no in-flight entertainment
Continental- FC is good, Coach still gives you a Sandwich
I could go on but where is US at in the rankings? They are at the bottom. Its the wonderful employees that US has that keeps people flying them, not the business decisions that Sandcastle makes.

And this is for Sandcastle to Read. The Employees of US want to be Paid a FAIR wage and want to be able to Compete, not dismantling. Let them Fight! Give them a chance, currently your stealing away ALL their opportunities.

-Make First Class a true First Class
-Bring back the Silverware and Glasses and Plates
-Give at least 33-34 pitch in coach(WN even does that)
-Pay your employees better, so when I do travel US, I don't want to be featured on the Home Shopping Network
Thank You for your time BuffaloJoe
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I guess the weather wont be any help today,put all the tuggs any place you want,that wont fuel and start them.I think the new Idea causes some gate congestion also.But the tower GODS will prevail.

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