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Phase 2 Of The Game Plan


Aug 20, 2002
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I think that JBLU was surprised when SW went to PHL and they had to reassess their short-term plan.

Here's what JBLU is going to do shortly.

They will keep a close eye on IAD. Its very possible that if Independence does not do well that they will enter into an alliance with JBLU. Independence controls more gates at IAD than any other airline, gates that JBLU would love to have. If Independence can fly customers to IAD, then JBLU can fly those passengers to either the West Coast, New York City or Boston.

In any regard, I believe that JBLU is going to start flying a shuttle between IAD, NYC and BOS. I think that they are learning by flying the LGB-OAK shuttle to get valuable experience.
Atlantic Coast has a lot of *commuter* gates at IAD, not mainline gates. Also, the WAS-NYC-BOS market is S.A.T.U.R.A.T.E.D. as-is, with Amtrak carrying the bulk of the traffic these days along with US, DL, AA, CO and UA. Seems like there are better uses of resources.
I agree that JBLU was probably caught off-guard with LUV's entry to PHL... PHL was probably on JBLU's short list, they chose to focus on BOS instead. Turned out to be a bad move, now that high-sight is 20/20. (LUV has already chosen its BOS market strategy, but had yet to enter PHL. Had JBLU thought about that, they may have focused on PHL first and BOS second.)

Having said, that, I agree with USFlyer. I don't see LUV offerning a PVD-ISP-BWI shuttle, and I don't see JBLU offering an IAD-JFK-BOS shuttle.

I would agree that JBLU will probably move aggressively at IAD... Perhaps adding IAD-MCO/TPA to beat IAIR to the punch... UAL is switching to Ted in these markets, so JBLU might have a superior product, in some pax minds.

Also, I am not sure what major metro areas LUV has yet to serve (MSP, ATL, DEN do come to mind), but I would expect JBLU to jump the gun on these in order to beat LUV to the market... Especially MSP.

Lastly, today's PHX announcement I am sure is a signal to both America West and Southwest by JetBlue, and probably not unexpected by either.
Yep, the LCC's are now begining to bump into eachother. Let's see who's standing when the music stops. 😉
There are some major head-butting routes in the future. The LCC's are going to go head-to-head against each other, and some of the Legacy carrier are going to be the ones feeling the pain. The consumers are going to love it.
coolflyingfool said:
There are some major head-butting routes in the future. The LCC's are going to go head-to-head against each other, and some of the Legacy carrier are going to be the ones feeling the pain. The consumers are going to love it.
Don't kid yourself. WN and JB are going to eventually clash and one will probably emerge as a favorite.. I am betting it will be WN.
luv2fly said:
Don't kid yourself. WN and JB are going to eventually clash and one will probably emerge as a favorite.. I am betting it will be WN.
IMO, its a Coke/Pepsi thing .. however, jB has the advantage of superior inflight entertainment and assigned seating.

I never thought that assigned seating was such a huge factor when people choose SW or JB, but after having heard the numerous complaints about it .. its going to eventually be a thorn in SW's side. TV or no TV, assigned seating is something SW is going to have to eventually deal with.

In the end .. with all these airlines, its going to come down to price and service. So long as SW and jB and IAir and whoever have great prices and great service, everyone will win. When you take a minute to assist a customer put their bag in an overhead bin, or you treat people like people and fly during blakouts or reaccomadate passengers .. or when you smile or give proactive customer service, you'll be successful.

If you fly on airline A for the same price as airline B, but on airline A you're treated like cattle, the service is indifferent, and no one answers the FA call button when you need an extra bottle of water or a pillow, people will fly the airline that does.
I learned just the other day that one of the first *truly* head to head markets between B6 and WN will be ISP-Florida. B6 WILL be at ISP in early-mid 2005.
In my personal opinion its not a good idea to run to go to isp. not much going on there.
I might be surprised to see B6 in ISP, especially since the 26 gate JFK terminal is on the way. ISP can give them 1 gate? I don't think so. Just my thoughts.....
HGIEFOswitch said:
Yep, the LCC's are now begining to bump into eachother. Let's see who's standing when the music stops. 😉

Nobody can compete against the founding father of low cost carriers. SWA will be the only one left in this market when it's all said and done!
Nobody can compete against the founding father of low cost carriers. SWA will be the only one left in this market when it's all said and done!

Why don't you go work for them then?