Yep! looks like we are up a creek without something to paddle with!
Even if you guy did enough people, I don't think it will make a difference. This simply isn't just the DOJ, but the DOJ + 6 states. Its an uphill battle!
Yep! looks like we are up a creek without something to paddle with!
even though as a stand alone both carriers will still lack the ability to compete against the giants dl ua plus wn and all the low cost carriers and us would still lack the ability on its own to start transpacific flights and both carriers could lose big coporate contracts.. found that on the www.justplanenews.com and i think it was on the usatoday newspaper us does not necessarily need to merge when theyre making big profits on the backs of their lowly paid workers!!I will not sign the petition. AA does not need to merge. I hope the DOJ wins its case so we AA'ers can move on without further delay and infighting. Good luck to USAir in finding some other airline to clamp its claws on. From the beginning of this BK AA always insisted that we will stand alone all the way out of BK. So lets do it and see what happens. USAir needs to merge to survive. We at AA do not.
USAir or AA can go after Alaska, JetBlue, Spirit or any other domestic carrier when the time comes. This whole BK with AA was a scam from the beginning and the unions fell into the mix.
I hear the scare machine is at maximum output. "Your jobs are at risk!!! "Your equity stake is at risk!!!". Both are BS. First off mergers eliminate jobs, they don't create them. Merging will put jobs at risk more than a stand alone plan. Second, the Equity stake was part of the pre-merger concessions, the Equity stake percentage of the AA portion remains the same merger or no merger. The way I look at it is since these are shares awarded, and not options, the lower the value of the shares the better, less taxes we have to pay up front. A merger would likely inflate the value of the shares at the time they are awarded meaning that we would pay higher taxes and likely see the value of the shares we paid taxes on decline as the merged company fails to meet their targets. So the lower the value at the time of the award the better.I will not sign the petition. AA does not need to merge. I hope the DOJ wins its case so we AA'ers can move on without further delay and infighting. Good luck to USAir in finding some other airline to clamp its claws on. From the beginning of this BK AA always insisted that we will stand alone all the way out of BK. So lets do it and see what happens. USAir needs to merge to survive. We at AA do not.
USAir or AA can go after Alaska, JetBlue, Spirit or any other domestic carrier when the time comes. This whole BK with AA was a scam from the beginning and the unions fell into the mix.