PENSION CUTS Congress considers new plan to alow pension cuts

Bla Bla bla, "Bob blames everyone" "Bob thinks he's a genius", "You guys worship Bob" sounds like Fox News where all you guys (NYer, Bigjets, Overspeed, WeAAsles etc) pick up a catch phrase and repeat it over and over again desperately hoping it will stick. I already answered those lies, I don't blame everyone, just those who voted YES to concessions that destroyed our profession and even more so those who told them to vote that way,  nobody worships me and I never claimed I'm a genius, (if I was I would have left this industry a long time ago) these are all strawmen you guys pull out when I write something that resonates with my peers and you don't know how to respond or spin.  
I have a stake in this, I have to live with the outcome, why are you here? You already have your Pension right?  You get one check from the PBGC that cant be reduced and one from the IAMNPF that can. If the IAMNPF received hundreds of millions from AA that would likely bolster up the plan long enough for you.
I plan on getting one check from AA and the rest from my 401K and if I lose it then I lose it and will have to go back to work, I can live with that. What I'm concerned about is having my AA pension rolled into the IAMNPF then 15 years from now getting a notice in the mail that they are cutting my pension to $700/month and if I go back to work because I cant live on $700/month they will cut it completely. Is that likely, probably not but its more likely than me losing deposits I put in the 401K. I never made a whole lot but there was never a time when my balance was below my contributions because I only gamble with the earnings. 
You claim that our Single employer Pension will not be rolled into the IAMNPF, I see no such claims from the Association, what I do see is where the TWU agreed that they will seek to put us all in the IAMNPF. Its in a letter posted on the 591 website.
Ok so the average age is 55+, how much of a pension can we expect to get with the IAMNPF that we cant collect from until 65 and cant work if we are collecting with just 10 or less years in the plan? Careful now, if you make big promises it makes it that much more likely they will be broken. Do you really think the plan administrators want a slew of old people coming into the pension with contributions for at best 10 years and collecting on average 19.3 years?? Younger workers would rather have a portable and well funded 401k than a multi-employer plan that only guarantees a Mx of $12,000 a year, this way they dont get tied to one employer and end up giving away more than the pension is worth trying to save either the company or the pension. So we should not expect that they will opt to stay in the plan after we are no longer here. (Maybe thats why you are here?) They could end up working 30 years and be left with a pension thats only worth $228,000, whereas with a 9% 401K like they have at SWA(and a wage that hasn't been reduced to "save the pension")  and a 20% of their own wages they would have around $1million, and be able to work, or change Unions if they don't like the job they are doing. Are there risks? Well that depends on where they put their money, if they want $2 million they would have to take a higher risk, if they will settle for one million they can be a hell of a lot safer than a multi-employer plan thats dependent on a Union that has lost half its membership.  
Why would we want to agree to less money being put away for our pensions? Even at our current rates of pay, which we all agree will likely go up, I get hundreds of dollars more from AA than I would get put into the IAMNPF. I believe the selling point to get us interested in the IAMNPF will be that we will be given credit for all the years we have in th AA plan, and the only way they can do that is if all the assets from the AA plan are put into the IAMNPF.  Your claim is they would not want that because the AA plan is underfunded, but the AA plan allows us to retire at 60, without reduction to our benefit, this makes the AA plan more expensive and would likely eliminate any shortfall there is. So AA would be able to clear hundreds of millions off their books and the IAMNPF would receive hundreds of millions of dollars plus twenty thousand more captive members that are trapped both at AA and in the IAMNPF pretty much till they die.  
Were you on the NC and for how long?
You failed the members in 2010 and currently, you are so all knowing why didnt you achieve what you wanted in a CBA?
Did you not post that you can strike upon a contract abrogation?
Did you not post under the RLA and Bankruptcy that the CBA cant be abrogated?
Were you shown the court cases in regard to abrogation and striking and they said the exact opposite of your World According to Bob?
Were you told by Sharon Levine Esquire that section 1167 only applies to the Railroads?  If so, then why did you constantly post misinformation?
Where is it written in the Association that AA will turn over you frozen pension to the IAMNPF?
Does it state anywhere you WILL lose your 401k match and be enrolled or forced into the IAMNPF?
You are full of misinformation and you never admit too it, you accuse others of fear mongering, while you are doing the same behavior about the pension.
Why dont  you call the IAMNPF or the PBGC, or better yet, Steve Sleigh the fund director and Lombardo and see what they tell you?
Oh you wont, as they wont tell you what you want to hear, and you wont post the truth anyhow.
700UW said:
Were you on the NC and for how long?
You failed the members in 2010 and currently, you are so all knowing why didnt you achieve what you wanted in a CBA?
Did you not post that you can strike upon a contract abrogation?
Did you not post under the RLA and Bankruptcy that the CBA cant be abrogated?
Were you shown the court cases in regard to abrogation and striking and they said the exact opposite of your World According to Bob?
Were you told by Sharon Levine Esquire that section 1167 only applies to the Railroads?  If so, then why did you constantly post misinformation?
Where is it written in the Association that AA will turn over you frozen pension to the IAMNPF?
Does it state anywhere you WILL lose your 401k match and be enrolled or forced into the IAMNPF?
You are full of misinformation and you never admit too it, you accuse others of fear mongering, while you are doing the same behavior about the pension.
Why dont  you call the IAMNPF or the PBGC, or better yet, Steve Sleigh the fund director and Lombardo and see what they tell you?
Oh you wont, as they wont tell you what you want to hear, and you wont post the truth anyhow.
Gee, I didn't know Bob Owens ran the international. I didn't know Sharon Levine practiced law according to Bob Owens.
Wow!  You go Bob!
Another one whoi lives in fantasy land.

Wouldn't you want someone who is honest rep and not someone who uses fear and misinformation?
Bob Owens said:
Bla Bla bla, "Bob blames everyone" "Bob thinks he's a genius", "You guys worship Bob" sounds like Fox News where all you guys (NYer, Bigjets, Overspeed, WeAAsles etc) pick up a catch phrase and repeat it over and over again desperately hoping it will stick. I already answered those lies, I don't blame everyone, just those who voted YES to concessions that destroyed our profession and even more so those who told them to vote that way,  nobody worships me and I never claimed I'm a genius, (if I was I would have left this industry a long time ago) these are all strawmen you guys pull out when I write something that resonates with my peers and you don't know how to respond or spin.  
I have a stake in this, I have to live with the outcome, why are you here? You already have your Pension right?  You get one check from the PBGC that cant be reduced and one from the IAMNPF that can. If the IAMNPF received hundreds of millions from AA that would likely bolster up the plan long enough for you.
I plan on getting one check from AA and the rest from my 401K and if I lose it then I lose it and will have to go back to work, I can live with that. What I'm concerned about is having my AA pension rolled into the IAMNPF then 15 years from now getting a notice in the mail that they are cutting my pension to $700/month and if I go back to work because I cant live on $700/month they will cut it completely. Is that likely, probably not but its more likely than me losing deposits I put in the 401K. I never made a whole lot but there was never a time when my balance was below my contributions because I only gamble with the earnings. 
You claim that our Single employer Pension will not be rolled into the IAMNPF, I see no such claims from the Association, what I do see is where the TWU agreed that they will seek to put us all in the IAMNPF. Its in a letter posted on the 591 website.
Ok so the average age is 55+, how much of a pension can we expect to get with the IAMNPF that we cant collect from until 65 and cant work if we are collecting with just 10 or less years in the plan? Careful now, if you make big promises it makes it that much more likely they will be broken. Do you really think the plan administrators want a slew of old people coming into the pension with contributions for at best 10 years and collecting on average 19.3 years?? Younger workers would rather have a portable and well funded 401k than a multi-employer plan that only guarantees a Mx of $12,000 a year, this way they dont get tied to one employer and end up giving away more than the pension is worth trying to save either the company or the pension. So we should not expect that they will opt to stay in the plan after we are no longer here. (Maybe thats why you are here?) They could end up working 30 years and be left with a pension thats only worth $228,000, whereas with a 9% 401K like they have at SWA(and a wage that hasn't been reduced to "save the pension")  and a 20% of their own wages they would have around $1million, and be able to work, or change Unions if they don't like the job they are doing. Are there risks? Well that depends on where they put their money, if they want $2 million they would have to take a higher risk, if they will settle for one million they can be a hell of a lot safer than a multi-employer plan thats dependent on a Union that has lost half its membership.  
Why would we want to agree to less money being put away for our pensions? Even at our current rates of pay, which we all agree will likely go up, I get hundreds of dollars more from AA than I would get put into the IAMNPF. I believe the selling point to get us interested in the IAMNPF will be that we will be given credit for all the years we have in th AA plan, and the only way they can do that is if all the assets from the AA plan are put into the IAMNPF.  Your claim is they would not want that because the AA plan is underfunded, but the AA plan allows us to retire at 60, without reduction to our benefit, this makes the AA plan more expensive and would likely eliminate any shortfall there is. So AA would be able to clear hundreds of millions off their books and the IAMNPF would receive hundreds of millions of dollars plus twenty thousand more captive members that are trapped both at AA and in the IAMNPF pretty much till they die.  
Your numbers a little flawed.
After 15 years in the plan, you would not get a letter in the mail saying they'll cut your benefit to $700/month.  Here's why.  Let's use my numbers for example.
After 15 years, with no multiplier increase, which there probably won't be anyways, my monthly benefit would be $1,224.11.  Under the new law, which could possibly cut my check up to 60%, the letter would come, but your check would not be $700, it would be, unless my math is wrong, and it probably is............ $489.64.
Here's a little of the past to plan for the future:
700UW said:
Where is it written in the Association that AA will turn over you frozen pension to the IAMNPF?
Where is it written that its not?
I've said this is my concern, I believe its what little and Buffy had in mind. Prove to me that I have no reason to be concerned.
Does it state anywhere you WILL lose your 401k match and be enrolled or forced into the IAMNPF?
Does it state I wont? It does state that they will seek to preserve the IAMNPF.
You are full of misinformation and you never admit too it, you accuse others of fear mongering, while you are doing the same behavior about the pension.
You call it fear mongering, I call it sharing something that has me deeply concerned, like when I expressed concern over the langauge tied to us getting the other half of the prefunding. 
Why dont  you call the IAMNPF or the PBGC, or better yet, Steve Sleigh the fund director and Lombardo and see what they tell you?
Why would I call the PBGC? They have nothing to do with our single employer pension, I did call ERISA and they forwarded me to EBSA and they were the ones who told me they could do exactly what I've told people I'm concerned about.They told me that the early retirement option is considered a perk and not a protected benefit unless you had already retired. 
Oh you wont, as they wont tell you what you want to hear, and you wont post the truth anyhow.
Well you may be right about them not telling me what I want to hear, what I want to hear, and see in writing is that under no circumstances will the Union(s) agree to touch our single employer plan nor will we be forced to give up the 401k Match or be put into the IAMNPF. 
Real tired said:
Your numbers a little flawed.
After 15 years in the plan, you would not get a letter in the mail saying they'll cut your benefit to $700/month.  Here's why.  Let's use my numbers for example.
After 15 years, with no multiplier increase, which there probably won't be anyways, my monthly benefit would be $1,224.11.  Under the new law, which could possibly cut my check up to 60%, the letter would come, but your check would not be $700, it would be, unless my math is wrong, and it probably is............ $489.64.
Here's a little of the past to plan for the future:
My concern is that we are rolled into the IAMNPF with the years we had in the AA plan, along with the assets of the AA/TWU plan, so I'd be looking at around 30 years. Right now IIRC I'm looking at around $1800/moth when I retire from the AA plan plus whatever I put away in the 401K. That $1800 is guaranteed even if the company dumped it in the PBGC down the road, but if they rolled us all into the IAMNPF we would no longer have the same guarantee, instead the most we would get if the IAMNPF went bust is $1000/month.
What is your take as far as how the young guys at US feel about say a 9% 401K contribution like the Flight attendants have, and the mechanics at WN have vs the $2/hr going into the IAMNPF? Do you think the younger guys would rather have the 401K money of have their money go to the IAMNPF with a promise that as long as the Union keeps getting members into the plan they can pay what they promise. 
700UW said:
Another one whoi lives in fantasy land.

Wouldn't you want someone who is honest rep and not someone who uses fear and misinformation?
Sounds like you are in full panic mode. I thought you said you were retired, what does all this mean to you? Could it be that you want to make sure thousands more people are paying into the IAMNPF to secure your pension? 
No panic mode at all.
Your own posts of misinformation is enough to show your the one who is using fear and is in a panic mode.
You have been shown to post misinformation time after time, and yet you still run with it.
You claimed the TWU didnt ask for a release and yet NYer proved you wrong, how can you be so wrong when you were on the Negotiating Committee?  Were you playing you your laptop when that occurred?
Refute what I asked, oh wait you cant, so you try and throw it back on me.