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Pension Cuts Brought Before Judge

Does borescope think the rest of the employees (flight attendants, rampers, cleaners) are a bunch of has beens? Everyone has a lot to lose, it's just that with a reduction in the mechanic's pension it means they'll have to start living like the rest of the world (flight attendants, cleaners, rampers, etc. who make less and get a smaller pension in comparison). Say bye, bye to your pension borescope. You can thank the management for this one too.
" Both the Company and the capital markets should understand that the pilots of United Airlines will not accept this result under any circumstances."

So if the court lets UAL terminate the pensions, what do the pilots plan to do since they say they won't accept it?
Nothing, except bluster and posture for the benefit of the rank and file.
Borescope said:
"United's legal filing dramatically demonstrates that the pilots
of United airlines -- and the pilot group alone -- will bear the
overwhelming majority of the losses inflicted by United's
scheme to dump its pensions. The average pilot will lose nearly
50% of his or her pension in a termination, while every other
employee has far, far less at risk. Both the Company and the
capital markets should understand that the pilots of United
Airlines will not accept this result under any circumstances."
Do they think the rest of the employees are a bunch of has beens? Everyone has a lot to lose, it's just that with a 50% reduction in a pilots pension means they'll have to start living like the rest of the world. Say bye, bye pilots :up: :up: :up: You can thank the management for this one. 😛h34r:
You sound a smell a lot like the fish. You can not blame the pilots any more than any one else for our position. They took these jobs for the same reason you did.
"Show me the money"
Get a pilots job and you can shop at better stores too.
Envy is not becoming.
Borescope said:
"United's legal filing dramatically demonstrates that the pilots
of United airlines -- and the pilot group alone -- will bear the
overwhelming majority of the losses inflicted by United's
scheme to dump its pensions. The average pilot will lose nearly
50% of his or her pension in a termination, while every other
employee has far, far less at risk. Both the Company and the
capital markets should understand that the pilots of United
Airlines will not accept this result under any circumstances."
Do they think the rest of the employees are a bunch of has beens? Everyone has a lot to lose, it's just that with a 50% reduction in a pilots pension means they'll have to start living like the rest of the world. Say bye, bye pilots :up: :up: :up: You can thank the management for this one. 😛h34r:
You sound and smell a lot like the fish. You can not blame the pilots any more than any one else for our position. They took these jobs for the same reason you did.
"Show me the money"
Get a pilots job and you can shop at better stores too.
Envy is not becoming.
Give them a break!
I feel much better now.........

Time to rethink a bankrupt system

T&N workers say they have been contributing 4.5 to 5.0 per cent of their salary every year, some for 20 or even 40 years. It is not clear that the value of benefits ultimately awarded to former workers will come anywhere close to their cash contributions over a lifetime of work. In effect, T&N has been acting as an unlicensed, uninsured deposit taker. Had T&N advertised itself as such, it is hard to imagine a single customer stepping up to the plate, let alone 40,000.

Yet because it advertised itself as a "pension scheme", 40,000 people did. They have been offered 7.2 cents on the dollar for their pension claims in a deal worked out mostly by a group of wealthy US investors who have just asked the US court to knock back the aggregate amount the scheme will get yet further.

Is this the 'globalization' that I keep reading about?

Are we all sharing the 'Love'???

😛 UT
Seriously though, consider that we are between a rock and a hard place.

UAL can not survive without raising ticket prices "EOMâ€￾!!!

The ‘big boys’ announce $5 or $10 one way fair raises and quickly rescind their ‘decision’ within a day or two as it will not hold up to the industry.

What a ‘TOTAL BUNCH OF #### THIS IS!!!

Does the ‘Jolly Green Giant’ make an announcement that the cost of green beans are going to be .01 cents a can higher? Hell No!!!

They just ‘do it’!!! No fanfare, production and or announcements.

Did I mention?

What a ‘TOTAL BUNCH OF #### THIS IS!!!

Get ready for the ‘BendOver’ and next years historical accolades by ‘the big boys’:
“We would love to share our successes with the employees but we are bound by the contract and it is not allowed.â€￾

Sound familiar?

:shock: UT
UAL_TECH said:
Seriously though, consider that we are between a rock and a hard place.

UAL can not survive without raising ticket prices "EOMâ€!!!

The ‘big boys’ announce $5 or $10 one way fair raises and quickly rescind their ‘decision’ within a day or two as it will not hold up to the industry.

What a ‘TOTAL BUNCH OF #### THIS IS!!!

Does the ‘Jolly Green Giant’ make an announcement that the cost of green beans are going to be .01 cents a can higher? Hell No!!!

They just ‘do it’!!! No fanfare, production and or announcements.

Did I mention?

What a ‘TOTAL BUNCH OF #### THIS IS!!!

Get ready for the ‘BendOver’ and next years historical accolades by ‘the big boys’:
“We would love to share our successes with the employees but we are bound by the contract and it is not allowed.â€

Sound familiar?

:shock: UT

Today Ual management met at Chicagos football stadium to discuss ways to cut costs. Extra seating was placed on the field to accomodate all of the management and all the grandstands were full.
Overheard in the crowd was a few bitches about how crowded everyone was and how on earth can they get more production from the workers to offset these loses.
They did not come to any conclusions but did set up a football match with Ual and USair VP's. Others in management wanted to play, but they said they had plenty to play everyman for one quarter each.

Tilton was mobbed by the crowd when he said he was not sure if bonuses were in order this year, but relented when they justified their reasons for them.
They said there is a chance of losing their pensions.

Only one VP did not make the meeting because of the new idea of charging passengers for blue room use. $20 for one trip or $30 for a book of three.
Passengers in coach will be able to upgade to first class blue rooms for the same price as coach with 50,000 miles and the coach fee.

The new position for a VP will be Vice President of Southern exposure.
Ual thinks they are sitting on a goldmine here.
UAL_TECH said:
Seriously though, consider that we are between a rock and a hard place.

UAL can not survive without raising ticket prices "EOMâ€!!!

The ‘big boys’ announce $5 or $10 one way fair raises and quickly rescind their ‘decision’ within a day or two as it will not hold up to the industry.

What a ‘TOTAL BUNCH OF #### THIS IS!!!

Does the ‘Jolly Green Giant’ make an announcement that the cost of green beans are going to be .01 cents a can higher? Hell No!!!

They just ‘do it’!!! No fanfare, production and or announcements.

Did I mention?

What a ‘TOTAL BUNCH OF #### THIS IS!!!

Get ready for the ‘BendOver’ and next years historical accolades by ‘the big boys’:
“We would love to share our successes with the employees but we are bound by the contract and it is not allowed.â€

Sound familiar?

:shock: UT

The airlines are hoping others will match - without a match, anybody hanging out there gets clobbered as sales go to the others who did not raise prices. Customers are highly price elastic as we have found out, and even $5 or $10 is enough to loose a sale.

If airlines could raise prices, I can gaurantee you they all would have done it a long time ago.

Its a classic example of the "prisoner's delema" all of that go to business school must learn. Its why you don't pay $10 for a can of green beans.

The airlines cannot communicate with each other directly. Thats called anti-trust and its a quick trip to jail if you do.
Segue said:
The airlines are hoping others will match - without a match, anybody hanging out there gets clobbered as sales go to the others who did not raise prices. Customers are highly price elastic as we have found out, and even $5 or $10 is enough to loose a sale.

If airlines could raise prices, I can gaurantee you they all would have done it a long time ago.

Its a classic example of the "prisoner's delema" all of that go to business school must learn. Its why you don't pay $10 for a can of green beans.

The airlines cannot communicate with each other directly. Thats called anti-trust and its a quick trip to jail if you do.
It is predator pricing in reverse.
Lcc's who can make money on these low fares are trying to knock someone out of the game.
Right now it is SW and Jet blue.
ualdriver said:
Does borescope think the rest of the employees (flight attendants, rampers, cleaners) are a bunch of has beens? Everyone has a lot to lose, it's just that with a reduction in the mechanic's pension it means they'll have to start living like the rest of the world (flight attendants, cleaners, rampers, etc. who make less and get a smaller pension in comparison). Say bye, bye to your pension borescope. You can thank the management for this one too.

It seems someone came to work thinking that they would be taken care of for the rest of their life. Say Bye, Bye :up: :up: Some of us never lived beyond our means and invested their raises for the future. Any pension I would get would be icing on the cake. So, if it does go, and it probably will, then I will be right there saying bye, bye :up: :up:
Segue said:
The airlines are hoping others will match - without a match, anybody hanging out there gets clobbered as sales go to the others who did not raise prices. Customers are highly price elastic as we have found out, and even $5 or $10 is enough to loose a sale.

If airlines could raise prices, I can gaurantee you they all would have done it a long time ago.

Its a classic example of the "prisoner's delema" all of that go to business school must learn. Its why you don't pay $10 for a can of green beans.

The airlines cannot communicate with each other directly. Thats called anti-trust and its a quick trip to jail if you do.

Exactly. And as atabuy pointed out, some of the competitors would like to knock one or more out of the game. WN, having hedged 80% of this year's and next year's fuel needs at $24-$26 per bbl, can ride out $50/bbl or even $100 bbl oil, resisting price hikes, in the hope that USAir and UAL (and maybe some others) bleed to death. And without a transfusion, those patients are likely to bleed out before the high prices cause any real wounds to WN.

Although even WN did raise fares a couple dollars several weeks ago (and that hike stuck).
Tilton told employees after he met with Denver workers this month that the FIT program is "a terrific example of how we can rethink ways in which our work can be done in a more productive and efficient way."

Boy they love to think up these three letter acronyms. They need to put out the big fire instead of spending all their time running around with the little ones. Looks like BK for another couple of years until they get every last golden egg from the goose :up:
With oil up around the $50/bbl mark couldn't UAL hedge fuel purchases now? That way, when the price of fuel goes down we could continue to get it at the higher price.
For those who thought different:

The oil man in the jump seat

Mr Tilton defends the industry's frequent recourse to the bankruptcy courts. “So long as we have to fall under the scope of the Railway Labour Act of 1926,â€￾ he said, “Chapter 11 is the only way to gain leverage with the unions.â€￾

:down: UT

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