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Pelosi says no standalone airline relief bill

So how is Pelosi using working families as a pawn? You don't support giving them anything. If she's on your side on this, then she's on your side. You can ***** about socialism all you want after the election, but to say she's using airline workers as a pawn for doing what you recommend is a bit disingenious.

There's a consensus amongst organized labor on these forums that it was bad for labor when union leadership chose jobs over pay over the last 20 years.
I mean you have to laugh.
I think I've been pretty consistent over the last 20 years in saying that the TWU trading jobs for pay was a bad idea in long run. That was a choice they made.

But don't conflate that with saying negotiated concessions are never justified. Resetting contracts is a necessity over time when conditions warrant.

Your union simply made bad choices at the table. Other unions were smarter and had better negotiators who put the right checks and balances into their concessions, eg an expiration date, snapback triggers, etc... Your union simply saw jobs at TUL and some small stations for Fleet being protected and didn't bother to think any further.
Yes, bad for the employees. Good for the UNION (more people to pay dues) and American Airlines (more labor at a cheaper price).
I hope all on here remember which party it is that’s been blocking this new bill.
The democrats are 100 percent to blame for this
The Democrats passed a relief bill months ago. The Republicans didn’t want to talk about due to COVID denial.
yeah, it sure is a shame what people forget. or are brain washed to forget. go and google unemployment rate (graphically) from 2008 to the present. then do the same for the DJIA. do me a favor and post them.

Obama-Biden brought unemployment from @20% to 5%. Trump brought it down a measley 2% then blew it.

Under Obama-Biden, DJIA rose from @7000 to 26000. Trump managed 26000 to 28000 then blew that too.

As you will see from the steady slopes, Trump road the momentum but did not know how to manage. Probably why he went bankrupt seven times and owes a foreign entity 400 mil plus interest.

Sure is a shame what the right will allow themselves to believe. You can fool some of the people all of the time.


The same militia that was sending out anti-Trump messages?... These guys hated everyone. I know that's hard for lefties to grasp.

View attachment 15508

Can we start calling these groups what they are? They’re domestic terrorists, plain and simple.

*Not directed at E specifically

The Democrats passed a relief bill months ago. The Republicans didn’t want to talk about due to COVID denial.

More truth!
Can we start calling these groups what they are? They’re domestic terrorists

Since it just came out that one of the eight is also a BLM supporter, does that extend to BLM, too?

I suspect you'll say no, and I'm not one to blame an entire 'idea' for the actions of individuals.

However, I'm fine with labeling individuals like these eight who are plotting or committing actual acts of violence as domestic terrorists.
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As typical, Trump Nuts respond with 'ibertard, idiot, and any demeaning slur they can pull out of their a$$.
Yet they say i am not civil....
If you doubt that Slamdunk feel free to look at my post history. I have said many times I DO NOT support bailouts. Given the impact on the economy I DO support low interest LOANS. Again if you doubt my claim feel free to review my post history dumb dumb.

Congrats Slamdunk you just showed everyone on this forums what a fool and liar you are.

I never doubted you La Li. In fact, I wasnt even responding to you. You weren’t even part of the discussion.

And your name calling isnt warranted. Do you have a toxic personality offline too?
I never doubted you La Li. In fact, I wasnt even responding to you. You weren’t even part of the discussion.

And your name calling isnt warranted. Do you have a toxic personality offline too?

I take exception with your previous, and very pointed, comments.

say, what happened to the republicans who believed in free markets and were against socialism? you should be against a bailout package.

In fact, It was steroid addled Trump who killed the more generous aid package until “after he is re-elected”. Sucks being a hostage. vote for me or else!

Voting republican is voting for dictatorship. Cheers!
First off, not part of the discussion? Are you kidding me? Do you know where you are or what the intent of a forum is? EVERY person here is part of the discussion. That is literally the point of a forum. If you want a private conversation then send a private message. Frankly your comment is absurd.

Second, you are attempting to paint a false narrative. Republicans are not the ones pushing leftist agendas under the guise of "civil rights".

Republicans are not the ones trying to drive a government wedge into the private business sector.

Republicans are not the ones telling the police to stand down while a bunch of thugs violate state sovereignty and attempt to subjugate the citizens through domestic terrorism.

You dare show such hypocrisy by calling the right a dictatorship?

As far as me being toxic, well I can honestly say I have not looted anyone, assaulted anyone, set any fires, committed murder, destroyed public property, or wished any politicians with COVID dead. If you want to see toxicity look to your left you complete and utter clown.
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yeah, it sure is a shame what people forget. or are brain washed to forget. go and google unemployment rate (graphically) from 2008 to the present. then do the same for the DJIA. do me a favor and post them.

Obama-Biden brought unemployment from @20% to 5%. Trump brought it down a measley 2% then blew it.

Under Obama-Biden, DJIA rose from @7000 to 26000. Trump managed 26000 to 28000 then blew that too.

As you will see from the steady slopes, Trump road the momentum but did not know how to manage. Probably why he went bankrupt seven times and owes a foreign entity 400 mil plus interest.

Sure is a shame what the right will allow themselves to believe. You can fool some of the people all of the time.
Do some research, Dude......recessions eventually cure themselves by themselves.

Perhaps the most important issue facing the country during the next four years is how our President will steer the economy and bring us out of the coronavirus recession. If history is any indicator, a Joe Biden Presidency would stifle the economic recovery.

By this metric, after the deep 2008-2009 financial crisis, the Biden-Obama economy should have come out of that recession in an historic, skyrocketing boom. But nothing like that happened until Donald Trump was elected in 2016.

My 2016 paper for the Heartland Institute “Why the United States Has Suffered the Worst Recovery Since the Great Depression,” showed there were 11 other recessions since the Great Depression before Biden-Obama. Based on jobs, economic growth, poverty, middle class incomes, and inequality, the Biden-Obama recovery was the worst of any of them.

Those Biden-Obama years included the longest period since the Great Depression with unemployment above 8 percent. Unemployment remained above 8 percent for 43 months, from February 2009, when Biden-Obama adopted the nearly $1 trillion dollar stimulus package, until August, 2012. That was almost the entire first term of Biden-Obama. It also included 30 months with unemployment above 9 percent, from April, 2009 until September, 2011. That was the longest period with unemployment above 9 percent since the Great Depression.

What Is an Economic Recovery?
Economic recovery is the business cycle stage following a recession that is characterized by a sustained period of improving business activity. Normally, during an economic recovery, gross domestic product (GDP) grows, incomes rise, and unemployment falls and as the economy rebounds.
An economic recovery occurs after a recession as the economy adjusts and recovers some of the gains lost during the recession, and then eventually transitions to a true expansion when growth accelerates and GDP starts moving toward a new peak.

Not every period of slow growth or even contraction is severe enough to be designated as a recession. In the United States, the most common rule of thumb for a recession is if there are two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

DJIA rose but the GDP pretty much remained flatlined through Obama's both terms.

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