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PBGC/GOP in Airline Industry’s Pocket


Jan 30, 2004
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Seems they are going to “fix†the woes of the PBCG with Corporate America breaking every union contract into pieces with the courts systems blessing. Now Corporate America must pay the PBGC back “some†of that money meant for its employees retirement in a new bill.

It seems the airline industry and the “airline industry only†is allowed “twenty†full years for their paybacks to take place.

And then people wonder why I am antiunion. In an industry where unions are covering the majority of employees we have corporate America running roughshod and completely out of control over dues paying union members. The airline industry’s employees are treated as trash to be discarded when used up and at the same time its CEO and executives are awarded stellar bonuses. And anyone DARE to stand in their way! Unions in IN-Action.

It’s obviously out of the unions’ hands to deal with the kind of actions taking place in back rooms where politicians and airline executives are scratching each other’s back.

Until unions wake up and join together as one powerful force and have a complete and absolute revolt, until such time paying unions dues would be better served throwing that money to your retirement fund where you KNOW it will help you down the road. Unions have become relics and are laughed at by corporate America and until the working class wakes up, it will continue into infinity.
Delta is dumping their pensions and only the pilots are unionized, in chapter 11 the non-union employees at US also had their pension terminated.

It affects all workers, not just unions.
Delta is dumping their pensions and only the pilots are unionized, in chapter 11 the non-union employees at US also had their pension terminated.

It affects all workers, not just unions.

Not my point Mr. Spin doctor, and you know it.

My point is simple:

Unions can but WON’T act to take back their lives. You have NO leadership that is capable of turning the tide, and until such time paying union dues is a waste of ones hard earned money. If unions took action, everyone, union and nonunion would benefit!

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