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Parker Turns Down Bonus

Judging one's worth
outcome of these compensation calculations is carefully proportioned and falls within an acceptable range as viewed from below, the seeds of disaster will be planted. Labor/management distrust and even hatred have accompanied some airlines' extinction and may have played a key role in their demise.
700UW is correct! Without Seabury and Bruce Lakefield there is no merger. US brought 2 things to the table.

1. Cash

2. East coast route structure.

Without that HP would have run out of cash and filed BK. It was a unique situation. US & HP needed each other to survive. DP and the tempe folks were in a better negotiating position or the HQ would have been in CCY. US's situation was more urgent than HP's that's why US went for the huge payouts for the executives.

I really don't care who brought what. The fact remains that we are still here and not only surviving but, evidently, thriving.
As far as Doug Parker goes- He seems like a guy with his head on straight and really cares about the company and the folks who work here. He DOES want to make a difference.
I've had enough of the same old people with the same old negative refrain. If you don't like it here and if you're not going to help make this a better place to work, please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the rest of US- let's roll... :up:
I really don't care who brought what. The fact remains that we are still here and not only surviving but, evidently, thriving.
As far as Doug Parker goes- He seems like a guy with his head on straight and really cares about the company and the folks who work here. He DOES want to make a difference.
I've had enough of the same old people with the same old negative refrain. If you don't like it here and if you're not going to help make this a better place to work, please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the rest of US- let's roll... :up:
Very well said! These whiners shouldn't be expected to completely trust DP right away... but they shouldn't complely distrust him either. NO matter what he does, they will question it.

I never understand people that constantly whine about a situation they are in, yet do nothing to try and change it.
I don't have the quotes and analysis at hand but US Airways had substantial cash to exit BK and HP was facing a cash crunch

This merger is a good thing all the way around and splitting hairs accomplishes nothing

Agreed. Didn't want to go down that road but I did. Nuff said.
Very well said! These whiners shouldn't be expected to completely trust DP right away... but they shouldn't complely distrust him either. NO matter what he does, they will question it.

I never understand people that constantly whine about a situation they are in, yet do nothing to try and change it.

I find it kind of sad that some corporate cheerleaders around here just cannot comprehend the fact, that some employees of this airline,[pilots, mechanics, f/a's and many other groups], were required to give back up to 40% in paycuts and benefits,

While others were required to give back nothing, or at most 1% or 2% cuts. And others got bonuses!

Maybe this will help you understand the people that constantly "whine."

If ALL employee groups were required to give back similiar amounts, I'm sure some of the cheerleaders on here would put down their pom poms.

I find it kind of sad that some corporate cheerleaders around here just cannot comprehend the fact, that some employees of this airline,[pilots, mechanics, f/a's and many other groups], were required to give back up to 40% in paycuts and benefits,

While others were required to give back nothing, or at most 1% or 2% cuts. And others got bonuses!

Maybe this will help you understand the people that constantly "whine."

If ALL employee groups were required to give back similiar amounts, I'm sure some of the cheerleaders on here would put down their pom poms.

Oh, many of us comprehend even though we are not as you call "corporate cheerleaders." Not to be mean or cruel hearted, but it seems there is another choice...seek employment where you would be appropriately compensated for your skills and talents. Take inventory and see what you bring to the table. I’ll bet you bring a lot of marketable skills and talents.

Folks in the west worked for years (and still do) at the pay rates you are complaining about so it is tough to gain sympathy from out this way. You don't hear much whining from that quarter for some reason. At least you had the good pay for a while. Nothing is forever. No matter the cause, it is a whine and the noise is getting old.

Life is good so if the new US Airways is not to your liking, seek a life where you can be happy and make others happy. Whatever the choice, please stop whining.

Thanks for letting me vent. Now take all the shots you want. I’ll try not to whine unless the shot involves whining 🙂
I really don't care who brought what. The fact remains that we are still here and not only surviving but, evidently, thriving.
As far as Doug Parker goes- He seems like a guy with his head on straight and really cares about the company and the folks who work here. He DOES want to make a difference.
I've had enough of the same old people with the same old negative refrain. If you don't like it here and if you're not going to help make this a better place to work, please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the rest of US- let's roll... :up:

Now this is funny...

IF King Parker cared for his employees, the bonus he deferred could have been applied to the labor workers instead.

All there needed to be from him is a "receommendation" to the BOD. So the $700,000 goes back into the "kitty" to be spent by some other "howdy dodee".
I really don't care who brought what. The fact remains that we are still here and not only surviving but, evidently, thriving.
As far as Doug Parker goes- He seems like a guy with his head on straight and really cares about the company and the folks who work here. He DOES want to make a difference.
I've had enough of the same old people with the same old negative refrain. If you don't like it here and if you're not going to help make this a better place to work, please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
As for the rest of US- let's roll... :up:

What we have here folks is the perfect example of what has become known as the (Kool-Aid Drinker)

That now, would be admirable.

But these execs don't think like that. Doug Parker is no different than any other coporate exec.

Labor is stuck with contracts until 2012; and Dougie and boys will be getting their pay outs regardless of profitability.

How I know this? Empirical evidence first hand. The entire management had their hands out while we were still in bankruptcy AFTER ratification of our third concession. Parker never took a salary cut either. He postponed negotiations with his WEST side labor groups on their amendable agreements in hope to merge their agreements with US East impoverishing contracts.

That now, would be admirable.

But these execs don't think like that. Doug Parker is no different than any other coporate exec.

Labor is stuck with contracts until 2012; and Dougie and boys will be getting their pay outs regardless of profitability.

How I know this? Empirical evidence first hand. The entire management had their hands out while we were still in bankruptcy AFTER ratification of our third concession. Parker never took a salary cut either. He postponed negotiations with his WEST side labor groups on their amendable agreements in hope to merge their agreements with US East impoverishing contracts.
It Is so nice to see some one that can see the truth. :up:
My hat Is OFF :up:

amendable agreements (LETS GET SOME)

im·pov·er·ish (ĭm-pŏv'ər-ĭsh, -pŏv'rĭsh)
tr.v., -ished, -ish·ing, -ish·es.
To reduce to poverty; make poor.
To deprive of natural richness or strength: impoverish the soil by overuse. See synonyms at deplete.

To tell it as a man I had to look that one up. LOL :up:
PARKER = A solid leader.

Listen up NWA and DAL CEOs. This is how you make things work throughout the employee ranks...

Lead by example! :up:
Now this is funny...

IF King Parker cared for his employees, the bonus he deferred could have been applied to the labor workers instead.

All there needed to be from him is a "receommendation" to the BOD. So the $700,000 goes back into the "kitty" to be spent by some other "howdy dodee".
You quit, you don't have a dog in this fight anymore. I don't need you or anybody else from Pennsylvania telling me anything. It's the old USAir rusthead mentality that got us into this position. I took a 52% paycut and went from Captain to F/O. I lost my retirement too. etc,etc... I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm ready to take inventory, assess what we have left to work with, and move forward. The whiners and name callers can kiss my rosy red ass.
Doug Parker and crew are going my way- forward, you can stay behind.

Flame on!
reminds one of davey seigel and his famous last words before BK ll...."i'll give up my bonus if you give me more" :lol:

soon was sionara and welcome to bk2....

maybe dougie sending smoke signals for more to come??
It seems like a lot of US AIR east has holes in it as we see, The UNIONS And The COMPANY. GUESS Thats Why AWA Had TO Take Control.
And I SAY This Again Acquisition Of Control.