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Palin campaign plane returned to JetBlue

However, since money was involved, why not get the cheapest? But good to know who had extra aircraft just flying about to actually be able to let a plane fly around Mrs Palin.

Odd, however, that the unions whould not have worked harder to expose the fact that McCain/Palin used aircraft that weren't even built in the United States.
Given the results of the election and all the negative press that Palin received, I am not surprised that JetBlue isn't making a big deal out of the deal. I have to agree that more could have been made of her choice being un-American.
Please, if she didnt know Africa was a continent, do you really think she knows that an Airbus isnt made in the US? :wacko: 😛h34r: (Not implying that I believe what has been said, merely making a point.)
Please, if she didnt know Africa was a continent, do you really think she knows that an Airbus isnt made in the US? :wacko: 😛h34r: (Not implying that I believe what has been said, merely making a point.)
Her campaign plane was an Embraer E190. AFAIK, it it is made in Brazil and is not an Airbus product.
Wow, another continent involved? Now we're really gonna get confused. 😉 😳 Thanks. I never saw the plane in question and thought that she would need a "big" plane like an Airbus. Thanks for clearing that up.