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Overage Leaves

There is intermittant FMLA, where the employee only uses it on the days that she is unable to fly because of this condition. If you are able to drop some trips, hold a decent line, 84 days a year should more than cover it.
ex: f/a brown has a 12 day duty month. She is able to drop or dbltt off 6 days, therefore she only has to use 6 days of fmla.
I certainly hope some of you aren't hoping this f/a quits so you can fly, if anyone needs her job, she does. She is probably paying cobra for the insurance.
jimntx said:
The CBA, gutted though it may be, requires 60-day notice of recall.
AA must give any person subject to furlough a 60 day notice to layoff, not to be recalled.
operaations said:
What do you expect when you work year after year with sick time to burn and the company will not pay you for it. I think I might do the same.
I must be dreaming? Did operaations say he might do the same? :up:
LiveInAHotel said:
I must be dreaming? Did operaations say he might do the same? :up:
I admit I agree with Hotel 😛h34r: It totally contradicts what i have posted all this time. But i think if you are close to retirement and have the sick time use it.
L1011Ret said:
operations, any hints how many of the 1300 OVLs will return?
I doubt there is any possible way to know until 02July at the earliest. I've heard rumors as high as half of them. But, the truth is no one knows. If you are on an OVL and you don't intend to return, unless you are eligible for retirement and want to start your retirement on 01JUL, you don't have to tell anyone anything about your plans.

I wouldn't put too much store even by what the OVLs are saying they are or are not going to do. Remember all those people who were displaced to STL last July? A bunch of them put in writing on the APFA bulletin board that they were going to enjoy the month of June off with pay, and then just fail to report to work at STL. They were not going to stand for being forced to transfer to STL from those heaven on earth bases like MIA. When push came to shove, it was 3 or 4 flight attendants at most who fail to report for work.
LiveInAHotel said:
I must be dreaming? Did operaations say he might do the same? :up:
This is a perfect example of "Never say Never("operations") !!!!!!

"operations", keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!

(Must be that old saying) "To thine own self, be true"

operaations said:
I admit I agree with Hotel 😛h34r: It totally contradicts what i have posted all this time. But i think if you are close to retirement and have the sick time use it.
And the forces of good loose another one to the dark side.

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