mweiss, you make a very good point about the premium prices US has been charging. I think it is because of their high number of captive hubs. That is clearly vanishing in PHL now. You point out that the US product isnt 20% better than AA or UA. That is a rather large understatement. I have flown a lot on US, AA and UA in the last year. With the exception of the CP line (which obviously effects a very small number of people), I would say the US product is considerably inferior to AA and UA across the board. The comparison in first class is most noticeable but AA coach in particular is much more pleasant the US coach. Also, thusfar, neither UA nor AA has put me on a DASH 8. I saw far too many of those on US. Also, the others dont make me fly through PHL, although you could argue that flying one of those awful little UA planes from JFK to get a connection at IAD is about the same.