If I were so inclined I could do some google searching and come up with quotes throughout history that taken out of the context of both their time and the balance of the text/speech that was given from some very famous people that would give you pause. The post proves little actually

Here are a few quote to ponder. I'll number then and attribute them at the bottom of the post.

1- We want the people to be peace-loving, but also to be courageous

2 - If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower

3 - Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith.

4 - God the Almighty has made our nation. By defending its existence we are defending His work

5 - Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.

6 - It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

7 - Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.

8 - I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made

9 - Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay

10 - A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan

Ten quotes! All of them interesting. Now who do you think said what? What was your favorite quote?

All of the above were made by either Martin Luther King, Jr, Josef Stalin, FDR or Adolf Hitler. Surprised?

BTW, I live in a district very close to Ms Bachmann and she's quite popular despite what others may think. Her star is rising and when that happens we see the Progressive approach to her success. Instead of mounting a debate based on differing points of view we see the attempted character assignation or as Vince Foster so eloquently put it the politics of personal destruction. In a way this is to be expected as when your positions have been shown to fiscally and morally bankrupt then the only this left is name calling and attempted character assignation. Oprah Winfrey said it best, "When people show you who they are Believe them". For me, the Progressive movement has shown me who they are and I do believe them.
Cry all you want but the quotes are posted in their entirety and with in context. If you don't like it look it up your self to prove otherwise.

People like her because the masses are idiots and will believe things when they are what they want to hear. Bachmann has never accused the people of signing loans they could not pay and neither has anyone else. She is a homophobic, narcissistic power hungry politician. A mirror image of her counterparts on the left.

No one is assassinating her character. It's not like they are saying she was not born in the US even though she has a BC to prove it. Its not like they are saying she is a Muslim (not that her religion has anything to do with her ability to server her nation). They are mocking her lack of intelligence just as they did Palin. The right does not like that and since they cannot defend her lack of intelligence they cry character assassination.

The sooner you and your right wing compatriots put Bachmann, Palin and Trump along with the other nut jobs to rest, the sooner you can find a candidate who has some intelligence and possibly come up with a solution to the mess we are in. The current crowd pretty much guarantees Obama a second term.

The TP's are popular to their base and them only. They are also showing who they are and they are crazy zealots.
Cry all you want but the quotes are posted in their entirety and with in context. If you don't like it look it up your self to prove otherwise.

People like her because the masses are idiots and will believe things when they are what they want to hear. Bachmann has never accused the people of signing loans they could not pay and neither has anyone else. She is a homophobic, narcissistic power hungry politician. A mirror image of her counterparts on the left.

Oh so here we go! We're Progressives and we know best. Tell me have you given all of the people in her district an IQ test? All of her supporters nationally have flunked IQ tests? well if they haven't then STFU! Also when was Homophobia outlawed? Mirror image? Nah she's way prettier than Nancy Pelosi :lol:

No one is assassinating her character. It's not like they are saying she was not born in the US even though she has a BC to prove it. Its not like they are saying she is a Muslim (not that her religion has anything to do with her ability to server her nation). They are mocking her lack of intelligence just as they did Palin. The right does not like that and since they cannot defend her lack of intelligence they cry character assassination.

OH? well so far she is in your words, "homophobic, narcissistic power hungry politician." Where is the hard evidence that any of the three you mention are not intelligent? OHHHH Wait you mean they don't adhere to the Progressive script? Funny those three don't pay much attention to the Conservative script either. That's why everybody has their knickers in a twist.There are people who question Obama's origin and religion, fortunately raising those questions is not illegal. I do not number myself among them. Again there is no IQ test to run for public office. So despite your Progressive air of intellectual & moral superiority you like Palin, Bachmann & Trump will find out that exactly the same 6 feet of dirt with be placed over your remains and both earth and worm will stake their claim.

The sooner you and your right wing compatriots put Bachmann, Palin and Trump along with the other nut jobs to rest, the sooner you can find a candidate who has some intelligence and possibly come up with a solution to the mess we are in. The current crowd pretty much guarantees Obama a second term.

That's why we have primaries and we don't appoint kings and queens. You can always tell when the Left is scared. It's when they ramp up the class warfare machine, resort to vilification and the politics of personal destruction. Judging from the venom spewed the left must be terrified of your personal gang of three.

The TP's are popular to their base and them only. They are also showing who they are and they are crazy zealots.
All Tea Party supporters are crazy? When were they evaluated and found insane? Remember one man's zealot is another man's evangelist. Who died and left you the arbiter of who's crazy or not? The way I look at it, I see a group of sovereign citizens of the United States joining together and creating a grass roots organization to promote it's agenda. That's America! If it's wrong for the Tea Party to exist then it's equally wrong for oh, ACORN to exist. The reason the Progressives speak of the Tea Party in such arrogant condescension is that they see an organization that threatens their orthodoxy and power with an idea so radical that 200+ years ago the King of England sent the most powerful Army the world had ever seen to squash it. Only to be sent home, tail between its legs. Individual Freedom & Liberty frightens the feces out of most Progressives as it means they have to also think for themselves and graduate from the George Orwell School of Government and formulate an actual opinion.

I yield back the rest of the server space to my esteemed colleague
BTW, I live in a district very close to Ms Bachmann and she's quite popular despite what others may think. Her star is rising and when that happens we see the Progressive approach to her success. Instead of mounting a debate based on differing points of view we see the attempted character assignation or as Vince Foster so eloquently put it the politics of personal destruction. In a way this is to be expected as when your positions have been shown to fiscally and morally bankrupt then the only this left is name calling and attempted character assignation. Oprah Winfrey said it best, "When people show you who they are Believe them". For me, the Progressive movement has shown me who they are and I do believe them.

Is it character assasination to point out the hypocrisy of Micele Bachman? She talks about how government handouts are nothing but socialism and how we need to ween people off of things like Social Security and Medicare. Yet when it's a program, i.e. a handout, that her family has benefited from she says nothing.
Is it character assasination to point out the hypocrisy of Micele Bachman? She talks about how government handouts are nothing but socialism and how we need to ween people off of things like Social Security and Medicare. Yet when it's a program, i.e. a handout, that her family has benefited from she says nothing.

Well if that's your beef with her then we'd all best hope they don't make that piece of hypocrisy illegal as 7/8ths of Washington would be incarcerated along with half the citizens who receive some type of aid.
Oh look, a page run by Andrew Breitbart. The same Breitbart that clearly showed "class" and "civility" in his speech in MSN yesterday. :rolleyes:

Yep pales in comparison to those who chose incivility whilst preaching civility. Except for knuckle dragging union goons and those that flip out and tell others to "go to hell". We all know what to expect from those types of people.
Well if that's your beef with her then we'd all best hope they don't make that piece of hypocrisy illegal as 7/8ths of Washington would be incarcerated along with half the citizens who receive some type of aid.

Are you telling me that you don't have a problem with it?
Are you telling me that you don't have a problem with it?

Yeah kinda! I mean should she be a bit more honest? YEAH she should.

Would it have been better for the USA had Clinton not had his now infamous tryst with Ms Lewinski? Yeah it would have been better.

However, in the grand scheme of things both are a nit, kinda like Obama's birther issue. yet another distraction to take the public's eye off how they are getting it up the Hershey Highway without the K-Y.

Hell if we impeached Presidents for their indiscretions we'd have a lot of impeached Presidents included the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

All of this is a distraction from the fact we're sinking like the Titanic financially and the Republicrats are rearranging the freaking deck chairs.
OH give me a break. If you call that character assassination then you are a grandmaster. Questioning a candidates general knowledge is character assassination? Should we just ask what color briefs she wears and call it a night?

No homophobia is not illegal, people are allowed to be as ignorant as they choose to be.

Never said Trump was not intelligent. Bachmann is an idiot IMO, Palin is very good at taking advantage of business opportunities. Smarted than Bachmann but tat is not saying much. Trump seems to be quite smart. Panders to the idiot but still smart.

Where do you right wingers get the idea that anyone is scared of these wing nuts? They are a train wreck and I love to look. I would bet that anyone who wants Obama to win a second term would love to see any of them run. Trump has filed bankruptcy 4 times and stiffed his creditors yet he remains a multi-millionaire. Palin skipped out 2 years early on her Governor term and could debate her way out of a bag. Bachmann is a none issue. Her lack of intelligence is painful to watch. The DNC would probably make a donation to their campaigns if they even had a remote possibility of winning a campaign.

Who said it was wrong for the TP to exist? They can do what they want. They will do to the RNC what Perot did to the DNC. The TP is viewed as the wing nut branch of the RNC. They will split the vote and loose the WH.
Yep pales in comparison to those who chose incivility whilst preaching civility. Except for knuckle dragging union goons and those that flip out and tell others to "go to hell". We all know what to expect from those types of people.

Yes we do. Logic and cogent arguments against the corporate state.
Yeah kinda! I mean should she be a bit more honest? YEAH she should.

She really losses any credibility when she talks about socialism, weening people off things like SSI and Medicare yet at the same time her family benefits from a govt handout.
I'm not a Karl Rove fan but I think said it best when he called Trump a "joke canidate".

Not a "Joke Candidate" IMO, more of a guy who will energize the primaries for the Republicans and whose sharp elbows will keep the Democrats hopping. Agitator come to mind as a descriptor
Not a "Joke Candidate" IMO, more of a guy who will energize the primaries for the Republicans and whose sharp elbows will keep the Democrats hopping. Agitator come to mind as a descriptor

Yep, nothing like a 4 time bankruptcy, 2 times divorced megalomaniac to stir the masses. The moron has failed at business 4 times, filed bankruptcy 4 times, stiffed his creditors 4 times (what idiots give this moron money?) and you want me to believe he can run the country? We know he can't. At least put up someone who we are at least not sure about. Then there is the birther BS that he is going off on. He is a has been before he even was.
Yep, nothing like a 4 time bankruptcy, 2 times divorced megalomaniac to stir the masses. The moron has failed at business 4 times, filed bankruptcy 4 times, stiffed his creditors 4 times (what idiots give this moron money?) and you want me to believe he can run the country? We know he can't. At least put up someone who we are at least not sure about. Then there is the birther BS that he is going off on. He is a has been before he even was.

Speaking for me you can look at 4BK's one of two ways. He built an empire 4 times or he failed 4 times. I'm a glass half full guy myself. So if he built Billion Dollar enterprises then clearly he isn't a moron as you state. Compare his wealth building to Obama's lifetime of wealth confiscation. Obama has NEVER had to struggle to make a payroll, never had a job that where his paycheck didn't come from suckling at the government tit.

For me I'll take a man who knows how to create wealth, flaws and all over anyone who has spent a lifetime at the Government feeding trough participating in the confiscation of wealth..

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