Operations Performance

eolesen said:
If you say "gate turn back" they're going to probably look at you sideways.
Thirty-five years here.  I always thought it was deginated an "RTG."   (Return to gate.)
Never heard of "ground interrupt," nor "gate turn back."  But that's probably because airlines have different terminology for the exact same thing.  Unfortunately for AA, they have not had the blessing of more than a tiny fraction of my thirty-five years experience, and sadly I have little time left to set them on the right path.
(For the inevitable dunderheads....my comments are tongue-in-cheek.  Look it up.)
bunt3dunk said:
I have worked airlines OCC for over 30 years and have never seen so much chaos as the last 2 weeks.US Air had our own way , but we were placed into a way using chaser FA"S that jumped from pairing to pairing,also crews are half east half west which makes it hard to reschedule them,We placed  a lot crews on deadheads and paid dearly for hotels.We are starting to see how an airline can lose 3 million dollars aday
The best story is the relocation of thesche duling from Pit to DFW .out of 178 schedulers 33 are movving to texas,.After the fiasco of tonight you aren;t gettingmuch support.It's time for Parker to pay out profit sharing
Somebody is having a bad day. Buck up big guy and put your big girl panties on. Sounds like it's almost over for you. Unless you are one of the 33, then yay for the rest of us. Sounds like another arrogant, I mean pleasant scheduler is on their way to hassle, I mean schedule us. I'm surprised 33 are moving. Unless you wanted to move to Dallas AND loved the job, why move for it? There must be many jobs in Pitsburgh that pay as much or more than a scheduler. I wouldn't be moving to Dallas to that kind of a job. Mostly it is the moving to Dallas for any type of job, but that's me.
bunt3dunk said:
I have worked airlines OCC for over 30 years and have never seen so much chaos as the last 2 weeks.US Air had our own way , but we were placed into a way using chaser FA"S that jumped from pairing to pairing,also crews are half east half west which makes it hard to reschedule them,We placed  a lot crews on deadheads and paid dearly for hotels.We are starting to see how an airline can lose 3 million dollars aday
The best story is the relocation of thesche duling from Pit to DFW .out of 178 schedulers 33 are movving to texas,.After the fiasco of tonight you aren;t gettingmuch support.It's time for Parker to pay out profit sharing
The problem began when OCC believed the weather service's data in the first place and pre-cancelled flights. 

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