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One Point Five

The increase is effective May 1, not tomorrow. April 15 is when the letters describing the increase should start being received.

If you don't care for your 1.5%, you can give it to others that do. Perhaps contriubute it to a fund benefiting furloughed employees, or increase your 401k contribution percentage. QUIT GRIPEING!!
Congrats to everyone who's getting the chicken-feed increase tomorrow. 1.5%

Honestly, 1.5% isn't much, but it is something. I'd love to get a 1.5% pay hike. If it means that little to you, you're most likely either making so much it doesn't matter or you've overstretched your finances and it will take a very large pay increase to see a difference (one that isn't likely for anyone in the airline industry to see anytime soon.
If you don't work for the company, why keep up with all the pay raises or lacks of etc...? I don't get it, are you a furloughed or former emplyoyee? I am not getting a 1.5 tomorrow, wish I were. What exactly is your relationship with AA? Just wondering.......
WingNaPrayer said:
Congrats to everyone who's getting the chicken-feed increase tomorrow. 1.5%
Let's see, that brings a topped-out domestic FA to $43.34 per hour. Looks pretty good from where I stand, furloughed and working my butt off for $9.25. I'd make more flying a single San Juan turn per week from JFK than working a 40 hr week at my Home Depot.

Supposedly the company put out a Q&A that goes along with this pay "increase" (which amounts to about a buck and a half over a five year period!) has anyone seen it? I'd like to review it.
If you don't work for the company, why keep up with all the pay raises or lacks of etc...? I don't get it, are you a furloughed or former emplyoyee? I am not getting a 1.5 tomorrow, wish I were. What exactly is your relationship with AA? Just wondering.......

I can't quite bring myself to understand that either. It sounds like an unhealthy obsession to me.
Perhaps you just don't realize exactly how many customers and stock holders actually DO keep abreast of what is going on. I mean, someone has to watch over the labor fools because they are so busy eeeking out their conceeded paychecks that they aren't keeping an eye on what is going on.

Don't worry about it. So people who don't work for American Airlines have an interest in how the company is doing, you really shouldn't care. If it bothers you, the unhealthy obsession is your own. If you think those who don't work for the airline shouldn't care what happens, then that is nothing short of your telling someone who USED to be tomorrow's customer to take a hike.

An objective eye is one that isn't being poked by the ones you're being objective about!
WingNaPrayer said:
Perhaps you just don't realize exactly how many customers and stock holders actually DO keep abreast of what is going on. I mean, someone has to watch over the labor fools because they are so busy eeeking out their conceeded paychecks that they aren't keeping an eye on what is going on.

Don't worry about it. So people who don't work for American Airlines have an interest in how the company is doing, you really shouldn't care. If it bothers you, the unhealthy obsession is your own. If you think those who don't work for the airline shouldn't care what happens, then that is nothing short of your telling someone who USED to be tomorrow's customer to take a hike.

An objective eye is one that isn't being poked by the ones you're being objective about!
"Perhaps you just don't realize exactly how many customers and stock holders actually DO keep abreast of what is going on."

So you are still a stockholder even after continually posting how poorly run the company is and alleging that management is intentionally tanking the stock to screw the employees?

"I mean, someone has to watch over the labor fools because they are so busy eeeking out their conceeded paychecks that they aren't keeping an eye on what is going on."

Thank you for protecting me from my own apathy. I have a lot of respect for people that aren't in my position but think they know more about it than I do. :blink:

"Don't worry about it. So people who don't work for American Airlines have an interest in how the company is doing, you really shouldn't care. If it bothers you, the unhealthy obsession is your own."

Boy you sure do freak out when someone questions who you are or what your motives are. Strikes me as a little odd.......

"If you think those who don't work for the airline shouldn't care what happens, then that is nothing short of your telling someone who USED to be tomorrow's customer to take a hike."

If you USED to be an AMR customer and are now flying another carrier maybe you should spend some time on their board educating those employees on how they should act and feel.....you know, spread your wisdom.
Nah, I like this board better. You stick with where the idiocy needs the most help. 😉

Remember, all the employees here do is bittch about their working conditions and treatment. Do you realize that the stockholders can actually change that for you?

Perhaps not.
Some are getting close to ad hominem, here.

But, whether or not you are a company cheerleader, Wing brings up interesting and entertaining issues.
AAStew said:
If you don't work for the company, why keep up with all the pay raises or lacks of etc...? I don't get it, are you a furloughed or former emplyoyee? I am not getting a 1.5 tomorrow, wish I were. What exactly is your relationship with AA? Just wondering.......
Based upon his obsession with the scheduled 1.5% pay increases, as well as past unnatural concern and intimate knowledge of details of the prescription and health insurance plans, WNP must have a close friend or a significant other who is a present or former AA employee.
WingNaPrayer said:
Congrats to everyone who's getting the chicken-feed increase tomorrow. 1.5%
Hey Wing,
My chickens will be happy 😀

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