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One person in the cockpit for extended periods?


Jun 28, 2003
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Dallas, TX
I don't really consider this to be Airline News, but couldn't think of any other forum in which to post it.

This is an idea that is actually being discussed at the "airline conference" level! As a flight attendant (now retired) I have many times gone to the cockpit to sit with the "working" pilot while the other took a bathroom break or just needed to stand and stretch for a short period. I get the idea from this article that they are talking about true occupancy of 1 in the cockpit--for instance, one pilot takes a nap break, no flight attendant goes to the cockpit during that period. Discuss. (Oh, and count me as one who takes a dim view of the idea--especially considering the advent of 20-hour SYD-NYC flights.)

I cant believe that there has been no comment at all about this topic. This is something the airlines are looking at seriously as a way to cut costs. Scares the heck out of me.
I don't see it happening until there's a way to take over flight controls from the ground, which when you consider where drone technology has gone, isn't out of the question.

Until then? There have been three pilot suicides while in control of commercial flights in the past 20 years, and five during my tenure. That should be enough for any government to use as justification to say no.
The idea is scarier than the 737MAX mess, and you spotlighted the primary reason for saying no--at least until there is a better alternative than "hoping everything is ok in the cockpit."