One Nation


Great post but I doubt the Fox news educated folks will figure it out here in Texas. Hard to believe that we have unionized working class stiffs preaching the corporate gods word. Just goes to show how well the corporate gods have succeeded in dumbing down the workerbees.

Well, for one my commie friend - those of us that don't see your arrogant point of view are not single issue voters like you. I will never see your point of view on wealth redistribution - even if I had to work two jobs. You get out of it what you put into it!

Talk about dumbing down the worker bees, all you can do is bring up Fox News and Rush. What about ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and left wing talk hosts like: John Stewart, Bill Mahr, Keith Olberman? You can't even compare the disparity it's so wide in favor of libs (commies).

So, why don't you godless, baby killing, anti American, Gun controlling, perpetual victims - take your limp wristed, diverse hind ends to Cuba. At least there you could get some good, free medical care ;) - better yet, some mental health care.
Mechanic lives in a dream world. In his dream world, Dick Chaney lets him in through the front door and not the service entrance; though Mechanic toils with his hands, Dick greets him warmly. In his world he brunches with Dick ; they discuss the evils of socialized health care, unionism and how we need to bomb some third world country which resists our imperialist aggressions. The dream continues as Mechanic goes on a hunting trip with the afore mentioned Dick and manages not to get his rump full of bird shot.
But alas, the alarm clock comes alive with the shrill voice of the conservative talk show host dujour ! Mechanic has to wake up to the fact that he is, well... a Mechanic, a working class stiff, a Joe Six Pack (as Rush likes to put it). Mechanic has to put aside the dreams of mint juleps with Dick and reach for a cup of Maxwell House premium blend. Mechanic reminds himself that he wont see his family today, nor the next day either. After all, Mechanic is not a child of priviledge and has to work doubles in order to have an extra day off and be able to run his pool business, dabble in home rehab or work his second job.
In Mechanics dream world, the U.S was not build on the backs of cheap labor in the form indentured servitude, chatel slavery and meager wage slavery, it " was born and grew over the years by ideas, action, innovation and hard work by the Mother called Capitalism.' Of course nothing has changed. Today we have an invasion of the invaded swarming through the southern U.S. border. They are welcomed with open arms by the capitalist, who is ever hungry for new humanity to exploit. The mother of innovation is nessecity, not capitalism. There were no capitaists when fire was discovered or the wheel invented. The innovations mechanic refers to are labor saving devices. These devices reduce the ammount of labor required for production thus incresing the profit margin of the capitalist. Profit is the sole reason for the exploitaion of labor. In Mechanics dream world, the capitalist hires workers out of the goodness of his heart and a feeling of social obligation to the community. All that was in the day of industrial capitaism. Today we have financial capitalism. Financial capitalism produces nothing. It puts value to worthless paper and trades it in the rigged stock market, where the true insiders make billions from the suckers who invest in this legalized con game.
Everywhere the "free market" has reared its ugly head, it has to be implemented by slight of hand or blatant use of force. Europe was rebuilt from the ashes of WW2 through the socialist/Kensian policies of the Marshall Plan, not the "free market." Today the EU wants to implement "free market" reforms and austerity programs and is met by resistance. Most people in the world knows that "free market" means the elimination of public pensions, the privatization of state owned utilities and natural resources. This "free market" only favors a select few. That is why China is the sweat shop to the world. Its "free market" is firmly in place and maintained by the power of the ....gasp!...the Communist Chinese Government!
In Mexico, this "free market" is embraced by the U.S. proppedd ruling oligarchy. Mexico also boast the richest man in the world while the majority live in abject poverty.Many displaced malcontents are forced flee to "el norte" where they can slave away in order to send money back to their families. Next to oil, remitances are the highest cash influx into the Mexican economy.
Karl Marx called for a revolution of the proletariat. The proletariat would control the means of production. A dictatorship of the proletariat (like Platos dictatorship of philosophers in "The Republic"), would ensue. Once disparity is eliminated, there will be no need for a central government. You want limited government? Well there it is. Contrast this with the current inhabitant of the White House who has bailed out the bankers with billions of public money. This is socialism for the capitalist. Privatized gains socialized losses. I laugh when he is called a Marxist by Beck, Hannity etal. When was the last time Obama called for the workers of the world to unite and to remind them that they have nothing to lose but their chains?

Hey Ed, why don't you remind us all how many million people your heros: Joe Stalin and Mao killed............. :ph34r:
Even harder to believe that you working class stiffs continue to be bamboozled and hoodwinked by the Democratic platform.

Unions overwhelmingly support Dems, yet Dems are on the forefront of preserving the current lack of border enforcement, demonizing the AZ stance on illegal immigration, and want to push for things like immunity and/or fast-tracking of citizenship for illegals.

I'm sure the Dems see it as increasing their voting base and power. Yet it's the illegals who are also driving down wages and setting up those non-union shops stealing all the union work. Just ask anyone in a trade who works in Arizona. I lived there. I saw it firsthand.

A choice between the lesser of two evils, the Democrats are less hostile. Republicans would legislate our ability to organize out of existance given the chance. To them Corporations are "persons" and unions are conspiracies to deprive corporations their ability to get labor at the cheapest possible rates.

While both parties are controlled by Capitalists and both facilitate the polarization of wealth the Democrats give working people the perception that there's a difference, its this false perception that prevents a political polarization along class lines. If that were to ever happen the Capitlists would of course be an extreme minority and their way of life would be put at risk.

We need a Labor Party.
Hey Ed, why don't you remind us all how many million people your heros: Joe Stalin and Mao killed............. :ph34r:
Blaming Marx for the attrocities commited by Mao and Stalin is like blaming Christ for the crimes committed in His name during the Spanish inquisition. Convert or die, remember? Do you blame the crusades on Christ too? What about the millions of native peoples murdered in the name of God since they were "discoverd" in 1492?
So, why don't you godless, baby killing, anti American, Gun controlling, perpetual victims - take your limp wristed, diverse hind ends to Cuba. At least there you could get some good, free medical care ;) - better yet, some mental health care.

And you can take your anti-worker facist hind end to management, your views and love of the corporate gods are clearly already there. :eek:
Well, for one my commie friend - those of us that don't see your arrogant point of view are not single issue voters like you. I will never see your point of view on wealth redistribution - even if I had to work two jobs. You get out of it what you put into it!

Talk about dumbing down the worker bees, all you can do is bring up Fox News and Rush. What about ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and left wing talk hosts like: John Stewart, Bill Mahr, Keith Olberman? You can't even compare the disparity it's so wide in favor of libs (commies).

So, why don't you godless, baby killing, anti American, Gun controlling, perpetual victims - take your limp wristed, diverse hind ends to Cuba. At least there you could get some good, free medical care ;) - better yet, some mental health care.
I have no use for the capitalist corporate controlled media and their shills. Stewart. Mahr, Oberman? I have no use for them. They are mere left wing gate keepers. Just like Rush, Hannity and Beck are right wing gate keepers. These individuals keep the phony left vs. right paradigm going. I know, this is too much for you handle because I've explained this to you in the past and you still don't follow.
Godless? I believe in God and that Jesus Christ is our savior. I believe he died for my sins. However, it was not his message of love ,that got him killed. It was not the rumors that he rose the dead, or healed the sick and fed multitudes with a loaf of bread that got him killed; the Romans could care less about some kook running around claiming to be the son of God. The straw that broke the camels's back was when he messed with the money changers and bankers of the day; condeming them and chasing them out of the temple. Then as today, the golden rule applied: He who has the gold rules. Marx put it in simple terms: Christ was a poor carpenter killed at the behest of wealthy men.
Baby killing? I believe lif begins at conception and abortion is murder.
Anti American? Anti fascist corporate controlled America? Guilty Anti- Imperialist America? Guilty!
Gun controlling? Well yes, I believe in gun control: Breathe,Relax , Aim, Squeeze and Fire! As you would expect, I am particular to the AK 47 and or the AK 74. My hand gun of choice is the Glock 30 which is a .45 cal.
Limp wristed and diverse? If by liimp wristed you mean gay or effeminate, I assure you I am not. I do enjoy the company of women..alot.
Diverse? Ok you got me. I do prefer Perrier over Dr. Pepper.
I would love to go to Cuba but its such a hassle. You need to go through Canada or Mexico because as you know Cuba is a bad communist country. How many U.S soldiers has Cuba killed in the past 60 years? I wonder.
Of course I can jump on a direct flight to China from any major U.S. city. While China is communist, these are good communist who supply most of the products we buy at Wal-Mart. I wonder how many U.S. service men were killed by the Chinese when the crossed the Yalu River and almost drove the U.S. out of the Korean peninsula? :eek:
Well, for one my commie friend - those of us that don't see your arrogant point of view are not single issue voters like you. I will never see your point of view on wealth redistribution - even if I had to work two jobs. You get out of it what you put into it!

Talk about dumbing down the worker bees, all you can do is bring up Fox News and Rush. What about ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and left wing talk hosts like: John Stewart, Bill Mahr, Keith Olberman? You can't even compare the disparity it's so wide in favor of libs (commies).

So, why don't you godless, baby killing, anti American, Gun controlling, perpetual victims - take your limp wristed, diverse hind ends to Cuba. At least there you could get some good, free medical care ;) - better yet, some mental health care.

I dont trust any of the corporate media, FOX is just pure unabashed right wing propaganda so it makes an easy target.

As far as the rest you make a lot of broad assumptions, not everyone who believes in social justice is an athiest, not everyone who is against War believes that abortion is just a form of birth control and not everyone who doesnt own a gun believes that no one else should. Like I said both parties are under the control of the Capitalists. They have divided the issues to divide the workers and those issues are perennial no matter which party is in power. If people are voting based on God, guns and gays then they are not hungry, so the attack upon workers will continue. So you can continue the false battle to end abortion and keep your guns as you vote away your ability to retire or send your kids to college, thats your choice, as an American and yes other Americans can feel differently and should not be told that they should leave it if they dont agree with you because THAT is Un-American.

The Tea baggers had their rally, I dont recall anyone saying they should leave the country if they dont like the job President Obama is doing.
I dont trust any of the corporate media, FOX is just pure unabashed right wing propaganda so it makes an easy target.

As far as the rest you make a lot of broad assumptions, not everyone who believes in social justice is an athiest, not everyone who is against War believes that abortion is just a form of birth control and not everyone who doesnt own a gun believes that no one else should. Like I said both parties are under the control of the Capitalists. They have divided the issues to divide the workers and those issues are perennial no matter which party is in power. If people are voting based on God, guns and gays then they are not hungry, so the attack upon workers will continue. So you can continue the false battle to end abortion and keep your guns as you vote away your ability to retire or send your kids to college, thats your choice, as an American and yes other Americans can feel differently and should not be told that they should leave it if they dont agree with you because THAT is Un-American.

The Tea baggers had their rally, I dont recall anyone saying they should leave the country if they dont like the job President Obama is doing.

Did you see the huge amount of trash and garbage that the One Nation liberal pseudo-environmentalist rally goers left behind on the grounds? Compare the strewn garbage piles that the relatively few people that attended the One Nation left behind, with clean and tidy place that MASSIVE attendance at Beck's rally left. The One Nation rally was a hypocritical farce.
How is this about AA or the Unions on the property?

How about the Watercooler?

Did you see the huge amount of trash and garbage that the One Nation liberal pseudo-environmentalist rally goers left behind on the grounds? Compare the strewn garbage piles that the relatively few people that attended the One Nation left behind, with clean and tidy place that MASSIVE attendance at Beck's rally left. The One Nation rally was a hypocritical farce.
No I didnt. Did you? Where you there?
Not sure how accurate this is:

NPS has supposedly rebutted and claimed neither rally was dirtier or cleaner than other rallys. But they're a government agency headed by an Obama appointee, so take that with a grain of salt, too.

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