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Oklahoma Afl-cio And Labor Council

Seguro said:
Anyone else notice that Dave did a "screen capture" to get the information? Dave, is there some hidden reason you search out gay sites? You can share here, we're all family.
Is that the best response you can generate Steve? Resorting to an old alias to post your response is typical of your cowardly ways.

BTW, that is NOT a screen capture, that is a scan of the actual Gayly Oklahoman Magazine, that indicates the gayFL-CIO is backing same-sex marriages. You are nothing more than a common liar, and wouldn't know a screen capture if you made it yourself.

Can someone explain the "WORKER ISSUES" related to this annoucement?[/b]


THE BELOW SCAN OF "NEWS CLIPS" COMES FROM PAGE 6 of "GO" MAGAZINE.(cover of magazine shown above) 🙁 :angry: :blink:

What is the gayFL-CIO Controversy?

They oppose this legislation...


2nd Session of the 49th Legislature (2004)



A Resolution condemning the same-sex marriage decision by the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; requesting the impeachment of the judges who decided this decision; providing for distribution.

WHEREAS, in the Bible, in western civilization and all recorded civilizations of the world, marriage has always been viewed as a union between a man and a woman, not between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman; and

WHEREAS, homosexuality is defined as a sin in the Bible and has been looked upon as that by Christendom and even non-Christian countries; and

WHEREAS, homosexuals and lesbians have not succeeded in achieving their goals in the legislative branches of government, but have sought to achieve their homosexual and sinful agenda through the courts by unelected judges; and

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, through its Supreme Court, in a
4-3 decision has declared that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right based upon a reading of the Massachusetts Constitution and has legalized same-sex marriage beginning on May 17, A.D. 2004, a day that will live in infamy in western civilization; and

WHEREAS, some members of the Massachusetts Legislature have attempted to pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but because of their law a vote cannot be achieved until 2005; and

WHEREAS, the decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court declaring that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right constituted a usurpation of legislative powers and the powers of the people and was an act of tyranny on the part of the said judges; and

WHEREAS, the judges of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts should be impeached and removed from office for these acts of tyranny and against Christian morality.


THAT the Oklahoma Legislature condemns the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for legalizing same-sex marriage and implores the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to impeach the Supreme Court judges who made this immoral and unconstitutional ruling and remove them from office.

THAT copies of this resolution be distributed to the Governor and the members of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Seguro said:

Can you read along with me....you Dave, are an uncommon liar....HAHAHA...what other gay items you wish to share?
I see you are also a computer illiterate?

Just because the directory tree structure on the server says the image is in a folder called "screencap" does not make the image a screen capture. If I make a directory called /TWUSUCKS/STEVE/CONNELL/IS/WORTHLESS does that also make that true in your /Superior/Computer/Genious/Mind?

Why provide more gay items? The Gayly Oklahoman exposing the truth about the gayFL-CIO is all one really needs to see. You have NO DEFENSE for the truth, so you want to debate computer skills? You will lose that arguement as badly as you do the personal attack warfare using the many alias' you hide behind.
Checking it Out said:
There will be a Cope convention next week; the delegates from Local 514 have been determined. If you are against or for any issue let your delegate know before he/she attends. There will be a shop steward meeting Monday. You are free to attend and ask what the agenda will be from our local.

Dave or Rusty or any one else? Have you discussed the issues with the delegates? Or is this typical rhetoric?

Get involved and you will be informed!!!!!!

Remember it's your dues and Cope is voluntary!
What else is the afl-cio supporting that we do not know about and why are members not informed??? Could it be they are not informed about special interest groups because they know the majority does not support their ideals??? That the afl-cio wants to collect dues from as many people as they can but, must not advertise these special interests or gamble on loosing more than they gain????
Decision 2004 said:
I see you are also a computer illiterate?

Just because the directory tree structure on the server says the image is in a folder called "screencap" does not make the image a screen capture. If I make a directory called /AMFASUCKS/DAVE/STEWART/LOVES/CONNELL does that also make that true in your /Superior/Computer/Genious/Mind?

Why provide more gay items? The Gayly Oklahoman exposing the truth about the gayFL-CIO is all one really needs to see. You have NO DEFENSE for the truth, so you want to debate computer skills? You will lose that arguement as badly as you do the personal attack warfare using the many alias' you hide behind.
Anyone ever point out to you that your feminine side really shows when you get upset, now go put some smell good and call other people names some more, it'll complete your day.
Seguro said:
Anyone ever point out to you that your feminine side really shows when you get upset, now go put some smell good and call other people names some more, it'll complete your day.
Rolling on the Floor, Laughing My Ass Off!

Decision 2004 said:
Rolling on the Floor, Laughing My Ass Off!

Still "skirting" around the question Dave, what other gay items are you up on?
So by your response I assume AMFA is against gays and lesbians. Any other minorities in that list?
Nightwatch said:
So by your response I assume AMFA is against gays and lesbians. Any other minorities in that list?
It is not really an overall position against gays. It is the fact that the AFL-CIO and the Labor Councils are taking positions without membership approval and using extorted dues money to promote positions that many disagree with.

The point is simple. Same-sex marriages are not a worker issue, it is a human rights issue. It would be one thing to arbitrate any contractual violation of a gay or lesbian discrimination or other violation. But to come out promoting same-sex marriages is nothing more than a Democratic Party towing the line position.

Why is that when we inform everyone, including you, what is taking place, they means we have taken a position for or against sexual preference?

Again, it is the point about spending union members dues money promoting such issues.

So, is it safe to assume that you and others like you, are in favor of promoting and being shown in puiblic to favor same-sex marriages? Labor Council and AFL-CIO positions reflect the will of their membership, and that is the TWU because AMFA is not affiliated with either, you are.
Decision 2004,

Have you researched how long the AFL-CIO and the state AFL-CIO has been using money provided by the TWU 514 membership to advance their pro-Homosexual agenda?

I think the membership should know what the're financially supporting and also how long we have been supporting this agenda without our knowledge or concent.
The membership should know a lot more.......
Seguro said:
Anyone else notice that Dave did a "screen capture" to get the information? Dave, is there some hidden reason you search out gay sites? You can share here, we're all family.
Is this where the personal attacks begin to deflect from the issue at hand?

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!