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Oklahoma Afl-cio And Labor Council

The point is simple. Same-sex marriages are not a worker issue, it is a human rights issue. It would be one thing to arbitrate any contractual violation of a gay or lesbian discrimination or other violation. But to come out promoting same-sex marriages is nothing more than a Democratic Party towing the line position.

Well, I'm at a lost here. On one hand you state that you want nothing to do with the AFL-CIO, then you state your disgust when they do not invite you to assist in their selected causes.

Why is that when we inform everyone, including you, what is taking place, they means we have taken a position for or against sexual preference?

Then what was your intended agenda,and who is "we". You selected this issue to make a point on something, what I'm not all together sure except to rile your followers of AMFA. Otherwise we would have you posting the AFL-CIO's daily news and activities, this we do not get from you. So your agenda is evident.
Nightwatch said:
So your agenda is evident.
Our agenda is to get rid of the afl-cio twu and replace them with AMFA, I would have thought you could have figured that out by now!!!

The problems is the afl-cio twu uses our monies for an agenda that is not in line with labor issues. They do not ask us for permission to use our monies for these causes and never will. To top that off they do not tell us why, when and where these monies have gone. This cannot be that hard to understand Seguro, it's actually very simple. Maybe you are concerned about the shock wave and are putting to much into it to understand.
I think that saying that this is not a workers issue but a human rights isuue says it all.

Perhaps if the unions were more focused on workers issues, for all workers be they straight, gay, bi or whatever working people would be better off.

The claim that AMFA is anti-gay is pure rubbish, perhaps you should ask the gay AMFA members that. We have a transgender and several gay mechanics who are AMFA supporters.

The TWU COPE, by Peggy Olstiens own admission,is prejudiced towards pro abortion candidates. She gave a story about how a Long Island transit local wanted COPE money sent to a Pro-Life candidate and her immediate reaction was "No way, he is anti choice". It was only after the Local showed that the candidate had been a supporter of funding for mass transit that she changed her mind. One has to wonder though if both candidates had similar records as far as mass transit where the money would have went, and if that is whatthe members would have wanted .
Perhaps if the unions were more focused on workers issues, for all workers be they straight, gay, bi or whatever working people would be better off.

I see now Mr. Owens, human rights have no business in the union workplace according to you, is that why AMFA allows NWA to go over the 38% cap of outsourcing, and then shows over 200,000 dollars on their income statement as monies made due to grievances, great money maker for Mr. McCormick I would assume, BTW, as an associate member to AMFA, did you,or the active members of AMFA, vote him into office?
Nightwatch said:
I see now Mr. Owens, human rights have no business in the union workplace according to you, is that why AMFA allows NWA to go over the 38% cap of outsourcing, and then shows over 200,000 dollars on their income statement as monies made due to grievances, great money maker for Mr. McCormick I would assume, BTW, as an associate member to AMFA, did you,or the active members of AMFA, vote him into office?
I must congratulate you Nightwatch, that is the most spin I have ever seen in one sentence. i know, I know, you would like to deter from the subject but try to stick in there no matter how rough it gets, K!!!
Nightwatch said:
I see now Mr. Owens, human rights have no business in the union workplace according to you, is that why AMFA allows NWA to go over the 38% cap of outsourcing, and then shows over 200,000 dollars on their income statement as monies made due to grievances, great money maker for Mr. McCormick I would assume, BTW, as an associate member to AMFA, did you,or the active members of AMFA, vote him into office?
Its a matter of priorities. At a time of declining living standards the unions need to focus on workers issues. No offense to my gay friends and coworkers but my guess is that gay marriage is not a priority for most workers, even some of the gay ones.

The unions complain of their limited resources then go on to committ funds and resources to a broad range of issues that are not inherantly "workers" issues. In the meantime our core issues are not given proper support.

Has AMFA allowed NWA to go over the 38%? Or do they have a grievance pending?Isnt it true that AA spends more on outsourcing than NWA? In fact isnt it true that AA spends more on outsourcing than ANY other airline?

As an associate member I do not vote for every employee or contractor that AMFA employs. Why would I want such micromanagement powers? Thats why we have leadres. Instead I get to vote for the guy who hires them. In other words I get to vote for the Boss. I can fire the boss. Isnt that better?

Now contrast that to the TWU where as a member I can only vote for Local leaders who have no power over the contract, who in turn can be removed by the International against my wishes. The International owns and controls my contract and I can not for for any of them. Jim Little, the man who signed our contract, and who has the power to modify it without my consent is appointed by Sonny Hall. As a member I can not remove either of them unless I remove the TWU.
Perhaps if the unions were more focused on workers issues, for all workers be they straight, gay, bi or whatever working people would be better off.

So human rights are backseat fodder then according to you Mr. Owens. Please take the time and effort to write what a union should and should not have on "it's plate" according to Mr. Owens. I will personally assure Jim Little gets a copy to make him a full person. We have missed so much since your departure from the TWU officer rankings. Our intelligence level plummetted upon your demise. You sell yourself cheap to stay a mechanic.
NW..didn't you read my PM. I told you by typing anything here, critical of AMFA, would get you the Bob Owen's blue ink award...He is our salvation and the sooner you realize that the better.*sticks finger down throat* wheeeeeeew.
Nightwatch said:
So human rights are backseat fodder then according to you Mr. Owens. Please take the time and effort to write what a union should and should not have on "it's plate" according to Mr. Owens. I will personally assure Jim Little gets a copy to make him a full person. We have missed so much since your departure from the TWU officer rankings. Our intelligence level plummetted upon your demise. You sell yourself cheap to stay a mechanic.
Back seat fodder? Is that why your cars smell funny?

The fact is that Union members have broad views on many non-labor issues. Gay marriage has nothing to do with the workplace. It is outside the realm like Gun Control and Abortion. Labor issues are issues in the workplace. Primarily concerning wages, benifits and workrules. Those issues should be the unions primary focus. With the piss poor job they have been doing in that area they, and the members they represent can not afford to have their limited resources spread thin over issues that are way outside of the unions primary purpose. Now if there was an issue where gay workers were being excluded or discriminated against in the workplace thats different.

My demise?

By the way thanks for the compliments.

You didnt answer any of my questions. You have the same M-O as CIO, TWUER, Steve Connel, Gless and Little. When it looks like the truth is coming bail out!
Steve Connell said:
NW..didn't you read my PM. I told you by typing anything here, critical of AMFA, would get you the Bob Owen's blue ink award...He is our salvation and the sooner you realize that the better.*sticks finger down throat* wheeeeeeew.
MORE of what we have come to expect from Steve Connell and the TWU! Keep up the good work! Your attempts to insult only show me that you have no counterpoint.