Oh yea... Skin heads unite... LOL

You shroud do a better job proof reading then.

Of course I do. Unlike you I don't buy into every BS story that comes across my computer screen just because I like it.


If you read this which I doubt you will you will do two things. You will say I was mistaken my apologies. Or you will call me names and attack snopes.com. My money is on the latter.

Like you give a crap about vets. You gave a pass to a guy who said he preferred servicemen who were not captured. You gave another pass to a guy who belittled a gold star family. You gave yet another pass to a guy who said soldiers who handed out money in Iraq are living quite well now. In other words they were thief's . All this from a guy who had bone spurs and could not serve because of it.
It wasn't "proof reading" per se, I just recalled the year he retired was before 2010. I will try to be perfect like you are next time.

You certainly do buy into BS stories if you believe the Russians never gave the Clinton money machine massive donations for access. The traitor Julian Assange states Podesta emails prove that fact and apparently he was doing business deals with Russia and his board position with Jewel Unlimited, a Russian government company. Even your biased Snopes states this: "Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S." So there was a deal done.

I do care about vets, I am one and so are many of my family members. Did you serve? Probably not. The Gold Star family who happened to be muslim were used as Hildabeast political pawns to bash Trump. It didn't work very well because it was so easy to see. Khan is also a Muslim Brotherhood supporter and of Sharia law.

Trump has many flaws to be sure, but the fact is he is far and away better than the traitorous criminal liar Hildabeast who hopefully will finally be prosecuted and sent to prison, or her criminal serial rapist husband. Burny Sanders isn't much better, or is his wifey who has some legal troubles of her own.

You have to get over that Trump won and is now your president. The Antifa will not save you and neither will tearing down statues. You have to win at the ballot box, and so far, the Donkeys are not looking so good for 2018 and beyond.
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  • #35
It is funny, When I called out BJBIll, Hildabeast and Nobama for their indiscretions and lies, I was the sweetheart of the forums.

Now, I do the same thing with Trump and am labeled a liberal commie fag.

Oh well, That's what these rightists do, die hard Trumps supporters that will 'attempt' to justify the unjustifiable.

Why do your guys give a pass for Trump?
Just wondering as I thought that this was MY America as well as yours.

I voted for Trump for 3 reasons:
1: He was not Hillery.
2. He sees the Muslim threat.
3. He promised to unite the nation.

I don't know about you people, but he is a real disappointment to me.

Time after time, when Trump screws up, he gets a pass and compares his idiocy to NoBama or BJBILL.. He "NEVER" takes personal reliability on his actions and blames 'any one else'.

Personally, I do not think that 2 wrongs make a right, but somehow these, people do.

I just don't get it.

When I was in the Army, I spent most of my time in the South.
Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee.
On weekends, I made it a point to see the civil war memorials and battlefields.

I always wondered why people would erect statues and memorials to criminals of America.
Go to Germany and try to find a statue or memorial of Hitler.
Go to Iraq and try to find a statue or memorial of Saddam.

Now, in reflection, I know how bad the Blacks were treated and the 'rebel' mindset.
Does anyone believe that Blacks are inferior? (just give me a red and I know where you stand).

I find it quite disturbing that skinheads, alt-right, KKK and nazis (forced lower case for some ignorant reason) think they are superior to anyone and that this "America" is their homeland.

After our forefathers, raped and killed the indigenous people of North America and stole their land.
Somehow, it's your inherent right that this is yours.

I just don't get it.

Maybe, Just maybe, some folks should 'read a book'.:eek:

Well, my rant is over for now.
It is funny, When I called out BJBIll, Hildabeast and Nobama for their indiscretions and lies, I was the sweetheart of the forums.

Now, I do the same thing with Trump and am labeled a liberal commie fag.

Oh well, That's what these rightists do, die hard Trumps supporters that will 'attempt' to justify the unjustifiable.

Why do your guys give a pass for Trump?
Just wondering as I thought that this was MY America as well as yours.

I voted for Trump for 3 reasons:
1: He was not Hillery.
2. He sees the Muslim threat.
3. He promised to unite the nation.

I don't know about you people, but he is a real disappointment to me.

Time after time, when Trump screws up, he gets a pass and compares his idiocy to NoBama or BJBILL.. He "NEVER" takes personal reliability on his actions and blames 'any one else'.

Personally, I do not think that 2 wrongs make a right, but somehow these, people do.

I just don't get it.

When I was in the Army, I spent most of my time in the South.
Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee.
On weekends, I made it a point to see the civil war memorials and battlefields.

I always wondered why people would erect statues and memorials to criminals of America.
Go to Germany and try to find a statue or memorial of Hitler.
Go to Iraq and try to find a statue or memorial of Saddam.

Now, in reflection, I know how bad the Blacks were treated and the 'rebel' mindset.
Does anyone believe that Blacks are inferior? (just give me a red and I know where you stand).

I find it quite disturbing that skinheads, alt-right, KKK and nazis (forced lower case for some ignorant reason) think they are superior to anyone and that this "America" is their homeland.

After our forefathers, raped and killed the indigenous people of North America and stole their land.
Somehow, it's your inherent right that this is yours.

I just don't get it.

Maybe, Just maybe, some folks should 'read a book'.:eek:

Well, my rant is over for now.

Some of my best friends are liberal commie fags.
It is funny, When I called out BJBIll, Hildabeast and Nobama for their indiscretions and lies, I was the sweetheart of the forums. Hey hillbilly, I guess your a sweetheart in somebody's eyes. I've just seen you as rather confused, as your opinions flow with whatever the news cycle is. First Trump is a Russian pawn, his family and his cabinet are Russian agents. That hasn't stuck to the wall, as of yet. Now he's a racist, never was before, until he beat the Hildabeast in 2016. Even though Trump has denounced them over and over for years. Just not good enough for the libtard press jackals, or the Demoncrats, who had a COMFIRMED KKK Grand Master Exalted Cyclops named Robert Byrd in office of the Senate for 51 years! All good, he recanted his KKK service. Pass given.

As you so eloquently put it, I just don't get it.

Now, I do the same thing with Trump and am labeled a liberal commie fag.
A confused liberal maybe. A fag? If you say so, that's the trend I guess for some folks. Commie? You seem to back the Sal Alinsky playbook. Commies seem to be everywhere, a Russian takeover. The Russians are coming, they hacked the election to get Trump in office. Even though the Hildabeast and her boss Obammy were dominated by them during her failed term as Secretary of State and the laughable pathetic "Russian Reset" with the red button. Yeah, but Putin wanted Trump in office.
Oh well, That's what these rightists do, die hard Trumps supporters that will 'attempt' to justify the unjustifiable.

Why do your guys give a pass for Trump?
Just wondering as I thought that this was MY America as well as yours.
"Justify what"? A "pass" for what? Trump has only been in office for 7 months. Loser Hildabeast got a pass for all her crimes? All good right? How about Obammy? Race relations are the worst since his 8 years in office, everything was race related during his failed presidency. Pass. He had the radical Black Lives Matter to the White House? Pass. Race pimp Al Sharpton was a White House advisor for what, improved race relations? Pass. How about Eric Holder? Fast and Furious gun running? Pass. Lied to Congress? Pass.
Obammy had 4 major race F'ups like "the cops acted stupidly" but all is forgiven for him? Pass. Trump has only been in office for 211 days, but he has to fix all of it in 211 days? Fascinatingly stupid.

I voted for Trump for 3 reasons:
1: He was not Hillery. It's Hillary, hillbilly. I thought you had lots of book learnin? You would think you would know her name by now, as smart as you claim you are.

2. He sees the Muslim threat. There's no threat. Just give them a hug and a job. Ask Merkel, the libtard leaders in Europe are doing it right. All is well. Obammy claimed all through his 8 years they are peaceful and they should all be let in. Your not a racist are you? For shame.

3. He promised to unite the nation. Hard to do when it's been ripped apart for 8 years by the Manchurian Candidate. Not to mention being ripped apart by the libtard press at every turn, no matter what Trump does, it's wrong or racist. Demoncrats calling for impeachment, for what? When are the charges and high crimes and misdemeanors. The suspense is unbearable.

I don't know about you people, but he is a real disappointment to me. Disappointed he didn't bow to the Saudi King like Obammy? Disappointed Trump didn't do a world wide apology tour for the US being a super power? Disappointed in new jobs, booming stock market, and the VA mess being addressed? How about the build up of the military after Obammy and Hildabeast decimated it? All are no good?

Time after time, when Trump screws up, he gets a pass and compares his idiocy to NoBama or BJBILL.. He "NEVER" takes personal reliability on his actions and blames 'any one else'. "Personal reliability"? You meant responsibility I assume hillbilly? Never? Gee, you sound just like a Hildabeast or Burny supporter. Let me clue you in to something smart guy, it's a rare occasion when ANY elite in the wealthy or ruling class that admits fault. That's just a fact. Selective outrage is a leftist staple today, you fit right in.

Personally, I do not think that 2 wrongs make a right, but somehow these, people do.

I just don't get it.
You don't get it. When Trump finally does something that makes the 2 wrongs, besides making statements CNN, Pelosi or Chuck the Schmuck that aren't in step time to their tune, then you can *****. Again, he's only been office for 7 months after 8 years of the black race baiter and America hater.

When I was in the Army, I spent most of my time in the South.
Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee.
On weekends, I made it a point to see the civil war memorials and battlefields.
A good thing you got to see those memorials and battlefields before the radical leftists destroy them all. I was reading now the leftys are trying to dig up a KKK founders grave in Memphis, Nathan Bedford Forrest. They gave up with shovels, but promised to return with a backhoe to finish the job. Grave robbing nut jobs. Not racist for over a 100 years, but Trump is the president, now it is.
I always wondered why people would erect statues and memorials to criminals of America.
Go to Germany and try to find a statue or memorial of Hitler.
Go to Iraq and try to find a statue or memorial of Saddam.
Again, why is it a problem now? Why has Nancy Pelosi been walking by Confederate statues at the US Capitol for 30 years AND now she's SHOCKED and OUTRAGED? Suddenly they are "reprehensible" symbols of racism. "There is no room to celebrate they violent bigotry of the Confederacy in the hallowed halls of United States Capitol or in places of honor across the country," Mrs Pelosi said. Who was behind the "violent bigotry" of the civil war? Demoncrats. Pelosi forgets all that, Trump is in office.
Now, in reflection, I know how bad the Blacks were treated and the 'rebel' mindset.
Does anyone believe that Blacks are inferior? (just give me a red and I know where you stand).
Not only the "rebel mindset", the demoncratic one too. Dixiecrats. Locked down on government welfare and free stuff from the leftys in office. If blacks were treated so badly, how did the first black president get elected? Has to be that millions of white racists voted for Obammy right? The black population is only about 13% of the US population. Seems the new resurgence of racists is fiction. But it's not, because Trump is in office.
I find it quite disturbing that skinheads, alt-right, KKK and nazis (forced lower case for some ignorant reason) think they are superior to anyone and that this "America" is their homeland.
Your just now discovering this? Why is the now time for all this blow up? It seems obvious Trump is the main target. He can't disavow David Duke enough times to satisfy the libtard press or the lefty morons in the Senate. One can only imagine the libard riots and killings that would occur if Trump had a group like The White Nationalist organizers invited to the White House. Obammy did this with the BLM radicals, and that was just fine. DOUBLE STANDARD??? Nope, Obammy had a Pass.

After our forefathers, raped and killed the indigenous people of North America and stole their land.
Somehow, it's your inherent right that this is yours.
Another demoncratic talking point to show the injustices done by the racist white man in the age of Trump. No mention of the Inter Tribal warfare before the white man ever settled here. The Sioux, the Pawnee, and many others were violent before the Europeans ever arrived to "rape and kill".
I just don't get it.
Sure you do, Trump is a racist because the libtard press says so.

Maybe, Just maybe, some folks should 'read a book'.:eek:
Some people should read a book, like "Rules for Radicals" by Sal Alinsky. Or maybe a new one by the Hildabeast, "What Happened"...spoiler alert... it was not her fault....all over again.

I just don't get it.

Well, my rant is over for now. Thanks for the laughs, hillbilly.
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Let's steer the pot a little more! That's what happens when you play with an old I.A.M. Union man!

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