Oh No, Mr. Trump

Nope...I bought the same amount. But I looked for bargains. If I wanted bacon, I bought whichever one was on sale since I'm not tied to any specific brand. If Jimmy Dean was cheaper than Farmland, I bought Jimmy Dean.

I'm sorry gas costs so much in New York, but that is sitll $4 less that what Trump was telling folks in Iowa (where it's closer to $2.75)

Prices do indeed vary. Here is the monthly numbers from 2019 to 2023. If you take the price the meme says he paid and divide it by the price per pound, he would be talking about a 60 pound case at the peak in 2021 or 107 pound case in 2023. Misleading. Accepted. Posted. Shared.
Prices do indeed vary? Except when it comes to chicken apparently. All chicken costs the same according to you. I'm sorry you cant accept the meme wasn't about chicken prices but what can I do? Please post more about chicken prices if it makes you happy though.
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For housing...it's less supply and demand than it is artificially low interest rates from 2009 until 2022. IT hurt int a couple of ways...drove up demand for houses, which caused the prices to shoot up.. While that's not Trumps fault, he kind of went against one of his bashing points against Hillary:

He was actually spot on. And he replaced the very Political Janet Yellen to allow the fed to "do it's job". But when they tried....his beloved stock market took a hit and he basically intimidated the fed to keep doing those very political things. Interest rates should have been raised around 2012. They never got them back to where they should have been.

What I like/d about Trump is he understood and spoke about how the American people are invested in the Market through all of our many retirement accounts. For Gods sake to hear from Biden and the Democrats Wall Street is our enemy and is the root cause of all evil. That’s a fact how they present it.

I’m personally not sure what the Democrats stand for any more? They aren’t the same Democrats I grew up with and that my Family was heavily rooted in. They seem to have went over a cliff once this guy Trump came along. They’re unrecognizable.

Woke agendas are ok and so are DEI initiatives but not when that’s all they’re focused on now as if there are no other people that deserve attention. And that’s why many of the former Kennedy Democrats and even the B Clinton Democrats have been swayed to join with Trump. They aren’t leaving us any other viable alternative candidates.
On wouldn’t have posted his bogus meme if he cared whether or not it was a real poster from a real business in a real town.

Shiny is good enough for him.
Prices do indeed vary? Except when it comes to chicken apparently. All chicken costs the same according to you. I'm sorry you cant accept the meme wasn't about chicken prices but what can I do? Please post more about chicken prices if it makes you happy though.
HOw many organic chicken wing restaurants are there? How much more that regular old chicken wings to they cost. IF regular chicken wings is $1.48 per pound, are organic wings $4 per pound.
Still...you are using a two year old meme about inflation taht doesn't reflect current day, at places other than Trump rallies. .
HOw many organic chicken wing restaurants are there? How much more that regular old chicken wings to they cost. IF regular chicken wings is $1.48 per pound, are organic wings $4 per pound.
Still...you are using a two year old meme about inflation taht doesn't reflect current day, at places other than Trump rallies. .

His original meme mentioned a “case” of Chicken Wings. There’s a few different prices I’ve seen but here’s for a case currently.
As usual you fixate on something and harp on it ad nauseum.
HOw many organic chicken wing restaurants are there? How much more that regular old chicken wings to they cost. IF regular chicken wings is $1.48 per pound, are organic wings $4 per pound.
Still...you are using a two year old meme about inflation taht doesn't reflect current day, at places other than Trump rallies. .
Thank you for illustrating my point.

ad nauseam​


ad nau·se·am ad-ˈnȯ-zē-əm
also -ˌam

: to a sickening or excessive degree
a topic that has been discussed and analyzed ad nauseam
5 Months ago. Now yes Chicken prices seem to be dropping overall but I’m not seeing much of a drop in Chicken Wing prices. And don’t get me started on Beef prices. Steaks are crazy expensive today.

What I like/d about Trump is he understood and spoke about how the American people are invested in the Market through all of our many retirement accounts. For Gods sake to hear from Biden and the Democrats Wall Street is our enemy and is the root cause of all evil. That’s a fact how they present it.

I’m personally not sure what the Democrats stand for any more? They aren’t the same Democrats I grew up with and that my Family was heavily rooted in. They seem to have went over a cliff once this guy Trump came along. They’re unrecognizable.

Woke agendas are ok and so are DEI initiatives but not when that’s all they’re focused on now as if there are no other people that deserve attention. And that’s why many of the former Kennedy Democrats and even the B Clinton Democrats have been swayed to join with Trump. They aren’t leaving us any other viable alternative candidates.
But on the campaign trail in 2016 he said that the fed was being political with artificially low interest rates. Then, after he was elected and the Fed started "doing it's job" (his words) it impacted his vaunted stock market (as he said it would in 2016) and bullied us back to artificially low rates. That drove housing prices higher. Heck...with those rates from 2010, the price of homes has "appreciated" at about twice the inflation rate.

The problem many democrats have with wall street is when they are given a massive tax cut, that will supposedly give them more money to create jobs and upgrade equipment, instead bought back their own stock - which created zero jobs and only enriched the execs, whose pay is tied to stock/
His original meme mentioned a “case” of Chicken Wings. There’s a few different prices I’ve seen but here’s for a case currently. View attachment 17510
not to be picky, but there is a difference between a case of WINGS and a case of BREASTS. This is from the same place you used.


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But on the campaign trail in 2016 he said that the fed was being political with artificially low interest rates. Then, after he was elected and the Fed started "doing it's job" (his words) it impacted his vaunted stock market (as he said it would in 2016) and bullied us back to artificially low rates. That drove housing prices higher. Heck...with those rates from 2010, the price of homes has "appreciated" at about twice the inflation rate.

The problem many democrats have with wall street is when they are given a massive tax cut, that will supposedly give them more money to create jobs and upgrade equipment, instead bought back their own stock - which created zero jobs and only enriched the execs, whose pay is tied to stock/

not to be picky, but there is a difference between a case of WINGS and a case of BREASTS

I don’t care personally because I bought my Condo in 2016 which has tripled in value and my mortgage rate is only 4.25%

When they buy back their own shares it’s supposed to raise the value of those outstanding shares. And as you can see by the chart below it did turbocharge the market. 2020 it shot down and then very quickly recovered from the Global Pandemic and then 2022 was the year of profit taking which we’ve now also recovered from.

Paying the execs is true but creating zero jobs is a Politicians talking point. Job creation because of the TCJA has been through the roof. Technology advances also created lots of jobs. I’m not sure if the Biden Administration policies has created any jobs or if he’s just riding the wave that was obviously sidelined for awhile during the Global shutdown?

Can you give me your opinions on what policies he’s passed that he could take credit for creating jobs? Infrastructure spending maybe? That will create jobs but I don’t think any of the build has started yet?

Wings are Bar popular. Thighs don’t quite cut it so they’re much cheaper.