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Obama's Campaign Promises

With out a comparison it's hard to tell. I believe any POTUS held to such scrutiny will end up being a failure by these standards. I believe that would be an accurate representation. But by all means carry on. RP is a god, Obama is the devil .... blah blah blah.

I almost hope Paul wins so we an revisit this in 4 years. Now that would be entertaining.
But Obama held control over all three branches of the US government.

How do you address that?
It is congress that would have to act to make those plans happen. The previous democratic controlled congress was nearly as dysfunctional as what we have now.
But Obama held control over all three branches of the US government.

Since when does the executive branch "control" the other 2?

It is congress that would have to act to make those plans happen. The previous democratic controlled congress was nearly as dysfunctional as what we have now.

But Obama held control over all three branches of the US government.

How do you address that?

Easily, he did not have control over two of them. His party had control over the the legsilature, but he did not. As we have seen in the past just because your party has control over the legislature it does not mean you have a free hand to do what you want. The courts are independent from the other two branches, hardly what I would call control.
Easily, he did not have control over two of them. His party had control over the the legsilature, but he did not. As we have seen in the past just because your party has control over the legislature it does not mean you have a free hand to do what you want. The courts are independent from the other two branches, hardly what I would call control.

In general, your point is well made. However in this specific case when the Empty Suit arrived on January 20th, 2009 he had a veto proof majority in the Senate and damn close to one in the House.

He had a pretty free hand to implement his agenda and many bills were passed, most notably ObamaCare which 62% of the people opposed then. He got the so called stimulus package enacted and the result of that was as Gary Johnson said in the debate, “My next-door neighbor’s two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration.”!! The comment, while quite funny, sadly is far to accurate to be truly funny as Ronald Reagan so accurately said, "When your Brother in Law is out of work, it's a recession, when you're out of work it's a depression"

You can slice it, dice it, duck, dodge and deflect but Barack Obama's work speaks for itself. He did it, he owns it and no amount of blame shifting will change that. To me, he has had ample time to lead us out of 9% unemployment. Reagan did it, Clinton did it and this guy, like Carter hasn't and can't do it. So he must be fired.
Easily, he did not have control over two of them. His party had control over the the legsilature, but he did not. As we have seen in the past just because your party has control over the legislature it does not mean you have a free hand to do what you want. The courts are independent from the other two branches, hardly what I would call control.

Oh jeez...I just made a Schumer.......sorry.......

He is the head of his party.