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Obama against hiding behind Executive Privilege before he was for it

No sound for me ! The Annointed One's henchmen must have hacked the video, like they try to do with most negative issues, about their leader, on the net !
Oversight committee just voted 23-17 to bring the contempt citation to full House for a vote.
Going to be the first of many to fall, in this house of cards known as the Barrack Hussien Obama administration !
No sound for me ! The Annointed One's henchmen must have hacked the video, like they try to do with most negative issues, about their leader, on the net !

Here's a transcript:

LARRY KING: Do you favor executive privilege or should Karl Rove and others in that like position be forced to testify before the House or Senate?

OBAMA: Well, you know, I, I think we'll -- we'll determine uh over the next several weeks uh how this administration uh uh responds to the very appropriate call by uh Patrick Leahy, the the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to have uh these individuals come in and testify. Uh, there's been a tendency on the part of this administration to -- to try to hide behind executive privilege every time there's something uh a little shaky that's taking place. And I think, you know, the administration would be best served by coming clean on this. Uh, there doesn't seem to be any national security uh issues involved with the U.S. attorney uh uh question. Uh, There doesn't seem to be any justification for not offering up some clear, plausible uh rationale for why these -- these U.S. attorneys were targeted when, by all uh assessments, they were doing an outstanding job. I think the American people deserve to know what was going on there.
Well, you know, he wouldn't want them to come after HIM after he leaves office over issues that come to the surface. Politics still has an honor among thieves mentality.
Well, you know, he wouldn't want them to come after HIM after he leaves office over issues that come to the surface. Politics still has an honor among thieves mentality.

Since they are generally speaking Liars, Cheats & Thieves one would expect them to circle the wagons.

The cynic in me says they'll get away with this scot free. However this time I'm less sure of it. We have 3 major movements out there. OWS, TP and Liberty. These people are in a word PISSED and they are not going to be bought by cheap suited flaks from the major parties. Therefore the question is, "Has the Game changed enough to throw these B*stards out"?.
Help me to remember what was the situation that EL-CHIMPO/DIRTY "DICK" had going on, when the E-P trump card was played.

Was it the "SCOOTER" thing, or what was it ?
Help me to remember what was the situation that EL-CHIMPO/DIRTY "DICK" had going on, when the E-P trump card was played.

Was it the "SCOOTER" thing, or what was it ?

When you can form a lucid thought/Question I'll be happy to discuss Executive Priviledge with you!
I've never been a fan of EP. I think it is abused in the same manner the 'classified' label is abused. It's an election year so odds are that Issa is on a fishing expedition and Obama is covering his butt. the whole thing smells worse than my cats litter box. Bush started it in 2006 and Obama carried on. Seems like it may have been a good idea (at least on paper) but the execution of it definitely sucked monkey balls.

I do find it funny that the same people complaining about Obama invoking EP were quiet the six times that Bush did it. I guess it is another case of it being OK when my guy does it but not OK when your guy does it.
Thanx for that update 'Tree.

So in 4 years O B played the E-P card ONCE, while NUMB NUTS played it "6" times in EIGHT years !!

Interesting !!
whether it was 14, 6 or 1 time I still think it is a perversion of the power of EP. I do not recall an instance where it was a matter of national security which in my mind is the only legitimate use of the power. Most of the cases I have read seem to be about protection/covering something up and that is not what EP was intended for in my opinion. By the way, Reagan invoked EP 3 times. And that actually sounds better than reality in that Regan used some of the most draconian measures to ensure secrecy in his administration. One of his actions was Executive Order 12356. Seems by most accounts Reagan had one of the most secretive administrations. The notable exception was access granted to his diaries during the Iran Contra hearing.
Perhaps I spoke to soon. Here is Holders letter to Obama requesting that Obama exert EP. It seems to make sens from a legal stand point. I do not know enough about the internal workings of an administration to know if it would really have the effect that Holder is saying.

I still do not like it. How ever it does point more and more toward a fishing expedition by Issa during an election year. Politics as normal.

Document Cloud

Seems what Holder is arguing is that Issa is wanting documents not realated to Fast and Furious but rather the deliberations that took place in the administration after the fact. Holder is arguing that the deliberations fall under EP (seesm to be right about that) and nothing to do with the investigation of FF in which all the documents have been turned over.

It does not seem like the media is latching on to this. They seem to like Issa's version better as it presents more blood in the water.
Like Ms Tree, I think EP is at the top of a very slippery slope towards tyranny. Certain aspects of this smack of a political "Witch Hunt", while on the other hand we have a dead border patrol agent as a result of DOJ's actions. Additionally there is no question that Eric Holder has deeply politicized the DOJ, perhaps to the point that this type of retalliation was inevitable.

IMO the only reason the MSM would "come after" Holder/Obama is that they feel the chances of re-election are slim and none and slim left town. This way they could brag about brining down a President like they did 40 years ago. A desperate attempt by the MSM to restore their tarnished reputation.
Read the letter. Assuming what Holder is saying is true, Issa is requesting documents well out side the scope of the investigation and Issa knows it. It seems that he is playing this for political gain. If Holders letter gains traction, this could come back to bite Issa in the butt. I'm not a huge fan of Holder but Issa is barely above Gingrich on the respectability totem pole. Issa is one of those people who if he told me it was sunny out side, I'd get a second opinion.